My 2012 F13 640i M sport - the journey starts

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That's exactly the one I'm talking about... my evil masterplan is to be super duper nice to wife - even nicer than my usual already super duper nice self - from now till time to trade the 7'er in, then in one fell swoop, get the X4 & an M3... but, knowing her, she'll still say no. This after having extracted extra super duper niceness from me for all this time... hahahahahahaha. Aaah, the joys of a happy marriage :)
u must be patient lot. Mine not that magnanimous, lol. Hence, stuck with what I have and..... have to promise house.....sigh...
Hahah, but bro DJH, you'll have this expansive, super beautiful driveway & porch to park ALL your cars :)
wobbles;697367 said:
Hahah, but bro DJH, you'll have this expansive, super beautiful driveway & porch to park ALL your cars :)

this is very important! make sure enough provision is made for your current and future collections. i made mistake of not paying enough attention on car porch and now.....
yes, i did. Covered porch easily park at least 4. Partially covered another similar amount. Won't be buying so many cars la. A few will do.
wobbles;697367 said:
Hahah, but bro DJH, you'll have this expansive, super beautiful driveway & porch to park ALL your cars :)

No pt having expansive porch when no money left to buy cars :20:
Bro DJH, you're too humble lah... hearsay you already have a fleet of Mercs at home, the 2 Bimmers just your foray into the UDM world :)
DJH;697403 said:
yes, i did. Covered porch easily park at least 4. Partially covered another similar amount. Won't be buying so many cars la. A few will do.

your house must be at least 10k sq feet with 20k sq ft land i supposed. Nice!
Ok, we digress wayyyy off.

So, bro wobbles, still no reputable workshops providing quad pipe for 640i?
Hahah... humble man here, our bro DJH. When the bungalow is ready, please take pictures with your fleet of cars for all of us to DROOL over :) GOod things must share mah ... so we can aspire to be like Bro DJH hehehe :)
not yet, but I reckon Eisenmann WILL have the quad pipes soon, because the website says "available for pre-order" but no pictures yet though
DJH;697474 said:
book only la, it is a trustable brand anyway

Yeah, I most likely will but there's a local distributor so I'll likely go thru them for LTA compliance...
Just watched Mission Impossible yesterday, fully supported by BMW. 6 series crashed in it too and Ethan survived to show how good the car is. Hehehe, nice show. Even got i8 and 100ft free fall in 1 series. Go check it out
PML actually offered my wife and I two free tickets to MI4 for the premiere, but stupid premiere, only on a Wednesday - how to go? I shot SMS back to my Sales Exec and said: how to go? I'm busy working to pay off the loan on my new car & your commission, hehehe :)
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