My 2012 F13 640i M sport - the journey starts

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wobbles;696091 said:
Crikey, I read and re-read bro morrogan's post again - it's just so damn good! Bro, YOU ARE THE MAN! I'm still picking my jaw off the floor in awe. The simplicity of the explanation, the beauty of your diagrams - wow, even a non-engineer guy like me can understand it fully. :top:

It's just amazing what the Forums can show up - we certainly have some gems in here!

Bro morrogan, from my heart again - thank you for the effort and for your kind kind help!

Part of my job is to simplify all those complicated stuff and explain in a layman term to all my big bosses, so that they could fully understand the whole picture.
My combined 11 years stay and working experience in Singapore also helps a bit on in depth understanding on the situation there.
Thanks again for the praising remarks. Now feeling light and reaching the cloud soon....
DJH;696107 said:
aiyo, i still have one more odd year to touch the big 40 in 2013. Need to have all the fun i need.

Bro wobbles, let us know how it feels when u touch the big four O then ya.

Bro DJH, let 'er rip, baby! Once 40 smacks, it'll all go downhill from there... like my waistline.

Wahliao, now, when I take a shower in the toilet, I can't see my toes anymore. Don't even get me started on whether I can see that love torpedo nestled menacingly between my thighs without the need of a mirror... hehehe.
wobbles;696125 said:
Bro DJH, let 'er rip, baby! Once 40 smacks, it'll all go downhill from there... like my waistline.

Wahliao, now, when I take a shower in the toilet, I can't see my toes anymore. Don't even get me started on whether I can see that love torpedo nestled menacingly between my thighs without the need of a mirror... hehehe.

Have to blame the lack of work out la. You must have a hard time going thru the NS re-service call.....btw, I just realise that I am same age as bro DJH. 2 more years to reach the 40's barrier.
Bro wobbles, i think u r being humble again. With mojo like yours, u can do pole vault with it hands free over selat terbrau (i think i spelt it all wrong). I think that's how Selamat escape S'pore. Share with us how to grow so long soooooo effortlessly

Bro morrogan, ya.... reaching the 40 soon. We need to enjoy all we can. When i was nearing 30, i enjoy....then in early 30s slow down a bit. Now worry about missing 30s, enjoy wll start soon. Aiyo....... life is so short la.
morrogan;696128 said:
Have to blame the lack of work out la. You must have a hard time going thru the NS re-service call.....btw, I just realise that I am same age as bro DJH. 2 more years to reach the 40's barrier.

Enjoy your YOUTH bro! Hehehe... For us, once we hit 40, ROD liao - no more NS (unless you occifer, then you LL have to serve additional 10 years). So, I celebrate by gaining a lot of weight & expanded my waistline. Hehehe.
DJH;696134 said:
Bro wobbles, i think u r being humble again. With mojo like yours, u can do pole vault with it hands free over selat terbrau (i think i spelt it all wrong). I think that's how Selamat escape S'pore. Share with us how to grow so long soooooo effortlessly

Bro morrogan, ya.... reaching the 40 soon. We need to enjoy all we can. When i was nearing 30, i enjoy....then in early 30s slow down a bit. Now worry about missing 30s, enjoy wll start soon. Aiyo....... life is so short la.

HAH! Selamat Datang - the clues were ALL there. That huge banner adorning the Sultan Abu Bakar Customs Complex: SELAMAT DATANG. It was there. Yet, we wasted so much money, effort & time to hunt all around the merry go round, while it was clearly told to us so long ago: SELAMAT sudah DATANG ke Johor lah, BODOH!

We damn malu, ok... hehehehe
I still can't comprehend how can a disable prisoner escape captivity and able to reach M'sia. Any of you know how he did it? Maybe bro wobbles was involved.
HAH! No sir, I dun dare. As with many Singaporeans, we are kia su, kia si, kia zhenghu - Scared to lose, scared to die & damn super ultra scared of our garhmen (government)! So, NO WAY, not me, no sir! I don't even chew gum, for goodness' sake!
Beats me bro... does ANY government ever tell its long suffering citizen ANYTHING truthful?
wobbles;696161 said:
Beats me bro... does ANY government ever tell its long suffering citizen ANYTHING truthful?

Most Govt, (if not all) would like its citizen as naive as possible (at least towards political issues) so that they can easily control and brain wash them and draw all their votes.

But luckily the real world is people are getting more educated and realise their rights. donkey govt cannot hold on to their old world thinking that his citizen would be pleased with a small flavour from the Govt.

When we saw the popularity of one of the best govt in the world - Singapore, also dropping by the years, we know the end of dictatorship or authoritarian style is not too far in sight.
OK, coming back on track - I've been busy reading all the reviews (both good, bad & ugly) about the new 640i. I have to say, the following review by MOTOR TREND really made my day:

the Motor Trend article said:
Consider also that during our drive event on the Autobahn outside Munich, I was unable to pull away from the 640i from a 70 mph start until over 110 mph, and I was driving an M3. The 640i is no slouch.

Me likes, me likes... and with the Juicebox/Powerbox & hopefully additional 80hp @ the crank (more, if I mod like siao)... the possibilities are endless...
SapphireBlack;696029 said:
Why not... Smoke or Smokey! :-D

Heheh.. Bro, that will remind me that my car sounds/smells like a BBQ hehehehe. By the way, I just noted your nickname - Sapphire Black: same color as my F02 :top: good taste , good taste!
Hi Bro DJH,

Thanks for the links. Looks like I'll have to go down this route now... as evidence by yesterday's abysmal failure of my absolutely final, last ditch attempt at getting my order changed... I just received her SMS this morning. No more hope liao...

Well, when the 7 goes, I'll probably be looking at a SUV then. Won't be happening for a few more years though, I love my F02 way too much for now.
by then facelift or new model for F02 will come out. U will be poison then.
I'm kinda leaning towards a smaller car as I grow older... The X4 SUV looks kinda nice... Who know, by then, huh?
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