Who gives the best deal in your experience ...?

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Club Guest
Oct 2, 2009
I have been to all three dealers, Auto Bavaria, Sapura Auto and Ingress Auto. Who gives the best deal among these three? I never knew purchasing a BMW is so price-competitive. This is of cause referring to the pre-registered 0 mileage stock. Been getting between 4% to 8%. View please. Thanks.
This is like a choice between Kuda, Magnum and Toto. End of the day you are still screwed if unlucky.

Take the 8% la! bear in mind that there's always another cheaper unit around if you wait. I bought mine at 5%, because I didn't wait.. no regrets!

2012 is near, u have been warned.. :p
The sale is a total package which includes the aftersales service and the sales service treatment. I'm a sucker for pampering. After all you are spending a quarter million with them. So they better treat you good.
The servicing element is taken out of the equation these days because you might buy a unit from A, but B & C will also honour the BMW BSRI and warranty. It's more a question of how hungry the individual SAs are for the sale (they have to meet monthly quotas) so getting quotes from SAs of all 3 dealers is a good idea. Watch out that they may offer you the discount but not be able to give you the model and colour you want at the time you want to sign. ;)
Since i am in the mood to go bargain hunting, was just wondering if anyone has gotten a better discount than 8% for a 325 sports for a pre-registered 0 mileage unit.
Don't be too concerned with getting the same or better than the best discount Gaszer. If you want the car, just get it. As Astro said, there's always something cheaper around the corner with more goodies. If you wait until the last year of this model, ie 2011, you'll get the deepest discounts and the most goodies. Drawback - 1 generation behind by the following year.
gaszer;459933 said:
Since i am in the mood to go bargain hunting, was just wondering if anyone has gotten a better discount than 8% for a 325 sports for a pre-registered 0 mileage unit.

The going rate of the 325i sports pre-reg 0 mileage is RM272-276k depending on SA and goodies thrown in. A buddy just booked his at Rm274k space grey with black interior, and IA is throwing in Vkool tint for him which is worth a couple of grand.

Apparently stocks are running thin, with limited color choices, so SA's are now less likely to budge on price vs. a month or so ago. Perhaps towards the end of year where no one wants an 09 car and is waiting for an 10 car, you'll get the best deals on the 09 car. Happy shopping!
E46Fanatic;459981 said:
The going rate of the 325i sports pre-reg 0 mileage is RM272-276k depending on SA and goodies thrown in. A buddy just booked his at Rm274k space grey with black interior, and IA is throwing in Vkool tint for him which is worth a couple of grand.

Apparently stocks are running thin, with limited color choices, so SA's are now less likely to budge on price vs. a month or so ago. Perhaps towards the end of year where no one wants an 09 car and is waiting for an 10 car, you'll get the best deals on the 09 car. Happy shopping!

wow so good! why didnt i wait in 2006 and buy in 2009..damn it!
We normally consider everything that favor to our advantages, in ideal circumstances lar.... However, that's not always the case. The best time to buy for the best deal is always now. Sometimes, the price is right but not the interest rate, not the color of your liking etc. The wise option, do enjoy the car once you signed the dotted line.....
Seriously? humm ... interesting. The best i could mustered out from them was 8%k + V Kool tint. And that was already like pulling out their teeth. A lot of my friends who bought one recently said 6% was the best they was offered. So i thought getting 8% was rather good. Now that i find out can get it for RM270++K hummm ....

Sure or not?! Just double checking. Thanks.
do you know what kink of promo the having over the weekend. I happen to travelling. so cannot go check it out. pray tell.
Showroom pricing is not a static thing like buying a commodity from a hypermarket Gaszer. As E46F and Lefthanded said, it all depends on various factors at the time you ask: stock position, time of year, SAs sales quotas, colours available, interest rates. The important thing is to find the unit you want, and buy it if the deal sounds good enough to you. Don't worry whether someone else can get a better deal than you.

When I bought my present unit last year, the 325i Sports had been discontinued and it was 50-50 that they were going to revive it in 2009. There were a handful of units left, all not in the colour I wanted. Then someone who had booked an SG unit let it go, and I was alerted. Did I want to wait until 2009? Nooooo. Did I bargain? Nooooo. Signed at full whack 309k right away. Any regrets? NOOOOO!

If you're getting an E90, let passion, not calculator rule. ;)
they launched the 320 diesel...

for my experience, i went for the best deal in town. wanted a 320 but ended 325...way beyond budget but the deal is too good to resist...
racheltoh;460171 said:
they launched the 320 diesel...

for my experience, i went for the best deal in town. wanted a 320 but ended 325...way beyond budget but the deal is too good to resist...

I went for the test drive of 320D Sports. Feels like normal petrol car. Pick-up is good too. Based on specs it is more powerful than 320i in terms of HP & torque. But pay more la.Long run, if drive a lot, can save on fuel
gaszer;460019 said:
Seriously? humm ... interesting. The best i could mustered out from them was 8%k + V Kool tint. And that was already like pulling out their teeth. A lot of my friends who bought one recently said 6% was the best they was offered. So i thought getting 8% was rather good. Now that i find out can get it for RM270++K hummm ....

Sure or not?! Just double checking. Thanks.

Check-out the financing package as well. They play with interest rates too. If you buy CASH, of course no issues on this.
etquah;460184 said:
I went for the test drive of 320D Sports. Feels like normal petrol car. Pick-up is good too. Based on specs it is more powerful than 320i in terms of HP & torque. But pay more la.Long run, if drive a lot, can save on fuel

Torque is the key to pick-up in a diesel. BMW diesels are probably the best in the market for driveablility and non-sensitivity to poor quality diesel. Do you remember what were the torque and HP figs, ET?
etquah;460187 said:
Check-out the financing package as well. They play with interest rates too. If you buy CASH, of course no issues on this.

They are now offering 3% for 5 years, 3.1% for 7 years and 3.25% for 9 years. Under BMW Credit :top: And you can get 8% discount by pre-reg the car.
Schwepps;460192 said:
Torque is the key to pick-up in a diesel. BMW diesels are probably the best in the market for driveablility and non-sensitivity to poor quality diesel. Do you remember what were the torque and HP figs, ET?

320d, N47B20, 177bhp@4,000rpm, 350Nm@1,750rpm.

Btw, on cold start, need to heat up the diesel first ka? :D :D

Oooh... no spark plug le, so cheaper maintenance loo.. :eek: :D

.. and yes, I saw the particulate filter in the 320d.. Wikipedia says higher sulphur content diesel will interfere with the operation of the DPF.. I wonder how this 320d DPF will cope with our 500ppm sulphur diesel..
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