Elections 2008: What's your wishlist?

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My wishlist:

1) The installation of a committee that understands the function of this club.

2) The installation of a committee that will represent the interests of the club's members.

3) The installation of a committee that understands, practices and upholds the clubs constitution.

As many of you know, although I am one of the founding members, I have not paid up as a member as I have been severely dissapointed with the state of dissarray that the club has been in over the past 24 months. All queries, suggestions and consult have been swept under the carpet due to simple and basic negligence.

I am glad that we are finally upon our next elections. I would like to offer some guidelines to all when considering candidates.

1) President - the candidate is the prime ambassaduer for the brand and the club. This should be an individual of high integrity with premuim PR skills. Leadership is also very much a prerequisite as well as sesitivities towards social events and their decorum.

2) Vice president - this candidate should share the same prerequisites and skill set as the President. This individual will be required to fill in the president's shoes in the unforseen event of absentee.

3) Secretary - this candidate is responsible for all official paperwork governing and representing the club and it's members. This individual is also responsible for the archiving of all club events and activities.

3) Treasurer - this candidate must possess an infallible character and have a good head for numbers. Also responsible for auditing and updating the club's cashflow.

4) Committee members - these candidates are to passionate and dedicated to the club and it's members needs. They need to be proactive and be the preffered bridge between the committee and the members.

Please cast you vote based on merit and not on popularity. This club has a primary responsibility to uphold the BMW brand and its values. This is our priority as laid forth by the International Council of BMW Clubs.

It is time to bring this club to greater heights. As paying members, the future lies upon your nominated candidates and votes.

In our current general elections, it has been glaringly illustrated that Malaysia and her people are growing up, it is my earnest hope that the same spirit will perpetuate amongst us here.

Pending the outcome and the residual effects, I may then, and only then, consider paying up as a member.
Wah !!! Kevster has spoken.... In all honesty.. I would have to agree with him. Its about time this club lived up to its name. Kudos Kev thats was a good one.Hope toseeyou as a member soon.

BMW | Club Malaysia

Salam Guys!!!
We may get by in BMWCM without a Definite Major Purpose of The Club, but we will never get ahead. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. BMWCM goals in particular should be specific, definite, and measurable. BMWCM should know what we plan to earn and benefit all member’s, by when, and how committee’s plan to do so. The greatest advantage of BMWCM security is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, whatever future challenges brings, New Committee Member’s are equipped to deal with them. BMWCM will be better at whatever committee choose to do because Committee Member’s can focus on opportunities and the benefit to BMWCM instead of struggling to eke out a living.

It is well known among those who make it a practice to help others that doing a service for another benefits the giver as much as-if not more than-the receiver member’s. When we do a good deed for someone else, we become a better person. The positive effect that our good deed has upon us will endure long after it is forgotten by the recipient member’s. Good deeds need not be large or costly. The greatest gifts are gifts of our time and ourselves first before we do for others. A kind word or small courtesy will be remembered and appreciated by all members in The Club.


Azam :75: Zack

True Story of My Life In Pursuit of Happiness

AzamDatoMohd;304863 said:
Salam Guys!!!
We may get by in BMWCM without a Definite Major Purpose of The Club, but we will never get ahead. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. BMWCM goals in particular should be specific, definite, and measurable. BMWCM should know what we plan to earn and benefit all member’s, by when, and how committee’s plan to do so. The greatest advantage of BMWCM security is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, whatever future challenges brings, New Committee Member’s are equipped to deal with them. BMWCM will be better at whatever committee choose to do because Committee Member’s can focus on opportunities and the benefit to BMWCM instead of struggling to eke out a living.

It is well known among those who make it a practice to help others that doing a service for another benefits the giver as much as-if not more than-the receiver member’s. When we do a good deed for someone else, we become a better person. The positive effect that our good deed has upon us will endure long after it is forgotten by the recipient member’s. Good deeds need not be large or costly. The greatest gifts are gifts of our time and ourselves first before we do for others. A kind word or small courtesy will be remembered and appreciated by all members in The Club.


Azam :75: Zack

True Story of My Life In Pursuit of Happiness


Salam Bro Azam,

I tried with all might but still couldn't catch your drift! What were you really trying to put across? Perhaps you would want to elaborate the message in simpler English? Pardon me, for the power of my language is not up to mark!

Hahahaha.... raz.. u should just say.. "Huh?! :106: "

Sounds like a Lingam case to me because of this:

"...whatever future challenges brings, New Committee Member’s are equipped to deal with them."

... as if Azam already know who will win the coming election.. :p :eek:

Oh! I think we are suppose to clap and cheer.. where's the "Applause" sign? :D
sithwarrior;304703 said:
Wah !!! Kevster has spoken.... In all honesty.. I would have to agree with him. Its about time this club lived up to its name. Kudos Kev thats was a good one.Hope toseeyou as a member soon.


Halooo kawan .... lu ada faham tak ...... itu worang hantam kuat-kuat sama lu .... :top: .... lu boleh agree sama dia lagi ke ? haiyaaaa .... banyak kesian ....
raz451;304903 said:
Salam Bro Azam,

I tried with all might but still couldn't catch your drift! What were you really trying to put across? Perhaps you would want to elaborate the message in simpler English? Pardon me, for the power of my language is not up to mark!


I'm having a hard time myself also really. Phew! Read twice. Looks like a political speech. Now i know why i'm not into politics. :rock:
JYazid;304929 said:
Halooo kawan .... lu ada faham tak ...... itu worang hantam kuat-kuat sama lu .... :top: .... lu boleh agree sama dia lagi ke ? haiyaaaa .... banyak kesian ....

Dugong si Dugong.. You ngan dia sama jugak... :thefinger: Kutuk sama gua, lu orang enjoy macam monyet !!!! :stupid: :D
Alvin;304958 said:
I'm having a hard time myself also really. Phew! Read twice. Looks like a political speech. Now i know why i'm not into politics. :rock:

Ahaks! And I thought plagiarism is so unethical.
Phew! Tired reading all 9pages especially when i hv tried to stay away for quite some time now.
Firstly my wish list:

1. I 2nd Raz451
All non citizens that live in M'sia with ownership should be allowed to be a member.

2. Club house (Same as Albundy). difficult but possible in the future.

3. Tat when we hv events, those that goes/attend act like they are from a club of quality(irregardless of income, we can all act professionals) as we are ambassadors of the brand.
Let me elaborate further. We all want sponsors right? but when we go functions there is no discipline. What would those establishments think of us. Would you sponsor these people to carry your brand? Small things like keeping quiet while speeches and class rooms is a standard practice for example.

4. A direction! reason why i didnt jin or post is because of this. Some may shoot me that i'm a founding member. True, my reply is one can only advise.
Calendar of events, who we are speaking to for sponsorship, little information that members know what the club is doing. Now all we can do is complain actually about the most trivial things.

5. Mtg minutes and quarterly updates from the management team. A simple newsletter should suffice.

6. PLS FOR Goodness sake update the freeking constitution! My name is still in there! Geeezz!

Enuf of always asking benefits or other things. Time to elect, those who thk they can bring the club forward in a positive way, please stand forward. Its always easy to talk n complain from the sidelines.
I agree completely with Kevster on the criteria's for the president and so forth. We would need someone who will be able to lead (Not just talking) and be able to represent himself and the club at the highest levels possible. Then only can the club reap benefits from sponsors.
kevster30;304698 said:

3) Treasurer - this candidate must possess an infallible character and have a good head for numbers. Also responsible for auditing and updating the club's cashflow.


Same person to prepare the figures and to audit them? Not the best practice in my opinion.

The constitution does not prohibit non-Malaysian citizens to be members of the club, only they can't be office bearers. This is probably a ROS requirement coz they don't want non-Malaysians to take control of NGO's.

Hope the new office bearers can bring the club to the next level.
wish the BMW Club Malaysia can be close as BMW Club GB whereby to gather all members are passion with their cars (regardless of age, make and type) and to raise the bar of a car club definition in Malaysia or in the region. BMW Club Thailand can be a close one to follow.
OSFlanker;304991 said:
The constitution does not prohibit non-Malaysian citizens to be members of the club, only they can't be office bearers. This is probably a ROS requirement coz they don't want non-Malaysians to take control of NGO's.

The BMW Club By-Laws Constitution, Article 6; Clause 6.1

“Membership of the Club shall be open to Malaysian citizens who are above 18
years of age, regardless of race, sex, religion and occupation, who own or whose
household own or have access or is assigned by the company a BMW vehicle.”


As I understand it, the above Clause, which is self-explanatory, embraces all classifications of membership of the Club.
raz451;305010 said:
The BMW Club By-Laws Constitution, Article 6; Clause 6.1

“Membership of the Club shall be open to Malaysian citizens who are above 18
years of age, regardless of race, sex, religion and occupation, who own or whose
household own or have access or is assigned by the company a BMW vehicle.”


As I understand it, the above Clause, which is self-explanatory, embraces all classifications of membership of the Club.

Oops, sorry me bad. Didn't read the whole document thoroughly.
Alvin;304985 said:
I agree completely with Kevster on the criteria's for the president and so forth. We would need someone who will be able to lead (Not just talking) and be able to represent himself and the club at the highest levels possible. Then only can the club reap benefits from sponsors.

Besides agreeing with Kevster's and Alvin J's postings, i would also like to chip in with my own 2 cents. i strongly believe that the management/moderation of the forum should only be limited to impartial and neutral moderators and web admin. Club committees should concentrate on the management/running of the club and bringing to greater heights.

From the way i see it, Betty Boop and Tom are good examples. Hats off to them in doing what they do. Besides, this will also avoid conflict of interests.
Big Wish list:

Better members who yearn to do more for fellow members and the Club in general, without looking for rewards/gains and indirect returns...

"Those who ask by the YARD and give by the INCH should be kicked by the FOOT" :thefinger:
...but seriously why discriminate we should let all walks of life to be able to join the club afterall its about meeting and getting to know people no matter where they come from as long as they meet the criteria of having keys to a bimmer.

Maybe only the office bearer part since there is a reason by the ROS for it.

So raz I hope your wish comes true...
Alamak..al bundy beat me to it..

I too wish for a club house with pool and extra chill beers....hehehehe

and I wish that cheapskates( RM300/ Expensive???!!! ) are prevented from joining as members!!!

BMWCM ROCKS!!!!:rock:
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