How is your f10's internet experience?

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Make sure Internet sharing is on first and enable sharing via bluetooth. I think the latest OS version it's called Personal Hotspot. Make sure u allow personal hotspot Bluetooth. Then under BMW services choose update services.
To use the net you have to update the service while connecting your phone.serf the net in the car for an extended period of time today,not bad.i am impressed..was checking cnn...
There were minute changes i notice for services available.there is one "battery guard"that i have not notice before.I have no idea what is the service.there is also something about teleservices report,if i not mistaken was not available before.not to sure though.Got to reset my radio setting.
paultantk;627710 said:
The things I have to do to get the browser working I might as well use the browser on my iPhone. Keying in addresses not so easy with the rotating knob also. But it's a cool novelty feature.

Very true. But I am also hoping that google maps works with the GPS - am I asking for too much? Maps that get piped in while you drive is super cool.
Oh yes, something else to update. Used iTunes to insert album art into all my files in USB, and with the Entertainment Info turned on, the album art appears large beside the normal entertainment screen. You can insert different album art for different songs, how great is that?
Bluetooth audio connection is good, but connection can be choppy, takes some time to start up and connect.
Oh, and yes, use Handbrake (free to download and use) to rip DVD movies, connect iPAD to F10 via bluetooth audio, and you get a larger 9.7" display which doesn't turn off when you drive. Children can carry the iPAD with full surround sound anywhere within or near the car, how about that? Try ripping and watching 2012, it is just awesome! However, somehow there is audio time lag (pic and audio cannot sync perfectly) - anyone knows if this can be adjusted? No problems syncing if using AUX.

I also use my iPAD 3G to connect to Bloomberg and other digital satelite stations via TuneIn Radio - fantastic! Online real time streaming of worldwide stations, right into the car! I wish I could enable personal hotspot with the iPAD, this is not currently possible, unfortunately.
Tried anything with Apple Apps? If it's possible then it gets even more limitless. You can imagine all the Apps developers working on on cool stuff for BMWs!
Waiting for more interesting apps, at the moment, bluetooth audio streaming is pretty cool especially when my children play certain games. Car racing games can be quite nice sitting in a real car, holding an iPAD with accelerometer, and with full surround sound!
I'm so jealous. And I like the way you put that glint in your avatar. :wink:
Must try the ipad things..have been listening to gold oldies using RadioBox with the earphone at the office.its great be able to listen in the car.
If you can do it with the iPad, you can do it with the iPhone. I play internet radio while I work, and its mostly electro dance and techno to keep me energized. :1: I'm soooooo jealous!
Actually avatar is just a copy of cropped photo taken off a scanned image of the brochure.
Yes, Schwepps, it was by the same converse analogy that I thought - told the salesman that if you can do it with the iPhone, you should be able to do it with the iPAD too. It was quite surprising that the sales ppl didn't know that it was possible to do greater things with the iPAD since it is a bigger screen. They learnt a new thing from little nobody me, that was quite a joke!
Huhh. Mine is an actual photo of my ride. Genuine. :1:

iPad = iPhone = iPod, just each with different sizes and features available. Can't expect ppl who aren't on the Apple platform to know this. Glad BMW didn't choose Android as their development platform because I went Apple and not Android myself. This is not so good for those on Symbian, BB and Android. :1:
Schwepps;629151 said:
Huhh. Mine is an actual photo of my ride. Genuine. :1:

Had the the same e90 before the upgrade. Brings back sweet sweet memories, I had a great time taking care of her. Served me well for quite a few years, and great great driving. Loved the lack of gizmos then, just plain jane simplicity - fantastic! But started giving problems and big headaches so had to dispose of it - traded it in and took a further hit from Quill as they had to rectify air-con problems. Cost me more that 4k, brake pads were nearing end of life, tyres also, etc etc. Keeping it for another 1 year would have cost me another 20k, so decided to take the plunge - so that's it until the same fate inevitably befalls my current beloved F10.
ashman55;629208 said:
My ipad can detect the car but do not paired.still trying..

Try harder ashman55, make sure you have your iPAD bluetooth on first, then go to bluetooth menu in F10. When u see BMWxxxxx on your iPAD, touch that icon a number of times until the F10 sees it and asks u to enter a pairing code. Enter pairing code with F10, then click OK, then match by entering pairing code with iPAD. Then turn on bluetooth audio and select iPAD. Hope that works, I think that was the procedure I took when I paired them both. Now my iPAD and F10 are married.
A note of thanks to you all, esp paultantk, your instructions worked like magic. It was quite exciting to see that Google screen come up (as in the brochures) for the first time after connection! Setting my bookmarks, and maybe will create a new homescreen which I can upload to my website - that would be customising the welcome screen?
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