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It's a nice sensation in your bum, rising up to the hairs on your neck :D

I know...I'm nuts!
best n safest way eve to learn driting... play the new "need for speed:carbon" in the drift mode... u'll sure going to learn something....

sorry offtopic:D
fuad4 said:
2nd question: Driving a manual car, is it correct that people say do not change the gears (pressing the clutch) while going through water, air masuk dlm clutch?

And MODERATORS: Are we discussing this topic in the right thread?


ps: Gary, coming to out e36 TT convoy? Check the thread.

These 2 questions are a little off topic.

Anyhow, i'll answer your 2nd question. From what I heard, the reason for not changing gear while driving thru the flood is to prevent flood water from being sucked back thru the exhaust (if the water level is higher enough). However, it's a hearsay from mechanics and I didn't plan to do a real-life test on this theory..
actually if ur exaust is under water line, u shouldn't release gas pedal 100% fast because it will cause back fire because of difference presure inside combustion chamber n atmosphere presure... my experience, changing gear in flood is not recomended but if it needed to be done, dont release the gas pedal fully.. just keep the exaust flowing outside... once released the pedal, then backfire will occur and flodd the engine.. most of broken during flood case happen like this...

soory for the offtopic answer n please correct me if im wrong..

p/s : normally when i'm driving and saw water running or flood around 1-3".. i'll drop down my gear and attack it with full trottel and drift it OUT!!!!!... nice rush of adrenellin.... better if on highway because broader road decrease the chance of hitiing something but make sure no trafficla.. best place, plus highway from ipoh to kuala kangsar, or vice versa... if from kuala kangsar, after the tunnel, thats feels like akina hill road beacause of the close cornering and it will end 500m from the jelapang tol... if from ipoh, after the tunnel also but more dangerous because the road have some degree in the corner, right is more taller than the left... the car tend to going down the hill...

anyway, in term of going trough running water on the road, stay alert and be aware of the car orientation, sometimes if the car heading to left dont mean that the car will go left, straight out the steering wheel first to know where the car actually going and if ure near to divider or something as example ure drifting right and the divider is around 1 meter or something, flick out the steering to left to point the the rear wheel to left and counter steer to right hard and sunk ur gas pedal to the floor and wish ur swimming for some traction but control the steering so the car wont turn to right... sometimes playing with the gas pedal, varying the presure will somehow get the enuff traction to puul it out..

and there u go.. ure first drift 101 in the rain:D:D:D

mentally, u got to "feel" ur car, be as one... n u'll be fine... react as needed and think time slow in other word think fast....:D:D

my 2 cents of words, and please correct me im wrong:D:D
You're both absolutely right. Cars die in the middle of a flooded section because the drivers hesitated and lifted off the gas. If you've decided to go through, choose a line, say a prayer, stick it in first gear and barrel it through. No hesitating, no slowing.
Lucky it's a BMW and she's in one piece. It's raining crazily again where I work and I've been on the roads quite a bit. Good to be wary and not take any silly chances.
dthug said:
actually if ur exaust is under water line, u shouldn't release gas pedal 100% fast because it will cause back fire because of difference presure inside combustion chamber n atmosphere presure... my experience, changing gear in flood is not recomended but if it needed to be done, dont release the gas pedal fully.. just keep the exaust flowing outside... once released the pedal, then backfire will occur and flodd the engine.. most of broken during flood case happen like this...

soory for the offtopic answer n please correct me if im wrong..

p/s : normally when i'm driving and saw water running or flood around 1-3".. i'll drop down my gear and attack it with full trottel and drift it OUT!!!!!... nice rush of adrenellin.... better if on highway because broader road decrease the chance of hitiing something but make sure no trafficla.. best place, plus highway from ipoh to kuala kangsar, or vice versa... if from kuala kangsar, after the tunnel, thats feels like akina hill road beacause of the close cornering and it will end 500m from the jelapang tol... if from ipoh, after the tunnel also but more dangerous because the road have some degree in the corner, right is more taller than the left... the car tend to going down the hill...

I think the throttle technique is correct. Was in Bangkok once and got in a taxi when it started to pour. The taxi tried to take some short cut in some alleys to beat the jam and had to go through this flooded road. I didn't know how he did it when even Mit Storm gave up and stop by the side. Flood level was definitely higher than exhaust level, since its around the door panel. Imagine water was actually coming into the passenger cabin and my shoes, socks, pants were getting wet. I was just praying that the taxi don't died in the middle, of which I would have to swim out. The taxi just went through the flood slowly but steadily. It's a Sentra by the way. *Respect*
Rainracer said:
I think the throttle technique is correct. Was in Bangkok once and got in a taxi when it started to pour. The taxi tried to take some short cut in some alleys to beat the jam and had to go through this flooded road. I didn't know how he did it when even Mit Storm gave up and stop by the side. Flood level was definitely higher than exhaust level, since its around the door panel. Imagine water was actually coming into the passenger cabin and my shoes, socks, pants were getting wet. I was just praying that the taxi don't died in the middle, of which I would have to swim out. The taxi just went through the flood slowly but steadily. It's a Sentra by the way. *Respect*

but make sure that ur intake is above the water level then it will be the same case, engiine sucks water:D... the storm driver is one chicken or fool because the mid chamber in the standart exaust is filtered, presure before mid camber and after it is different so the water wont easily gets into engine but its not 100% reliable.... the storm can even stop inside the flood and turn of the engine, and starts back the engine and go ahead with his route... no hasle... i've seen my fren did it with hilux..... :)D if the storm built same as hilux.. i dont kno how storms were built:D)
guys. you are seriously off topic. go create another topic if you wanna talk about hydrplaning and stuff.

don't intend to post any pics of the car. too sad.
sis is now focusing on painting the car with a new color. I sugested alpina white.. but hey... it's her choice... this is my plan to distract her from the pain. in a few weeks, she'll see a brand new car...
affan66 said:
guys. you are seriously off topic. go create another topic if you wanna talk about hydrplaning and stuff.

don't intend to post any pics of the car. too sad.
sis is now focusing on painting the car with a new color. I sugested alpina white.. but hey... it's her choice... this is my plan to distract her from the pain. in a few weeks, she'll see a brand new car...

Is the car at Danny's? Was just driving through (settle something at you know where, yes, SLOTH just made my pocket lighter again) and saw the car in his shop. Did not stop to check out the car because I had to rush home.

Hmmm, alpina white, might be a good idea. Say, is it not the same colour as someone's car?:rolleyes:
nikazwaa said:
affan... silver grey laaaa.....

Imagine the impact at any TT, both 325i and 318iS in Alpina White driving up.... fuyooo.:eek:
affan.. How's your sister's recovery? Hope all is good.

Pssttt... now's a good time to get rid of those Z3 gillss... :)
nikazwaa said:
affan.. How's your sister's recovery? Hope all is good.

Pssttt... now's a good time to get rid of those Z3 gillss... :)

But, but, isn't that what makes the car different????:eek:
dthug was involved in a road accident last night while on his was to attend my open house. His was unconcious initially. Later, I heard from Yeop that he could already walk and speak normally.
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