A matter for the committee to take up!

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Expression in the form of writing always create mis-undertanding and mis-communication.
yes I truly agree as there is no expression but I suppose one just need some common sense to see whats one trying to say...
I can see Anxious' point actually and am glad he and his friend have sorted out the problem on their own. I think what Anxious is trying to say that if there is some level of prevalence among SCs not honoring or being a stickler to the policies at the detriment of BMW owners including members of the Club, then we as the Official BMW Club should intervene and advocate their interest. HOWEVER, my earlier stance was the matter brought up doesn't appear to be a prevalent problem. Although I'm open to correction, my regular contacts with the E90 community here as well as my own experience seems to indicate the Service Inclusive Plan is being honored substantively. If it turns out that this has changed, I would certainly INSIST on this Club making formal representation. So, has anyone endured the same treatment? If this is an isolated case, thanks for bringing it up, really! and making us aware but if it's an isolated case, then we, as a Club should hold our horses.

I feel that sometimes we tend to overthink and get OVER aggressive in our postings. Why is there a need to be so abrasive lah?
it depends on who shoots first, juan. most replies were cordial until:

anxious;254731 said:
If you read my post carefully...

Doesnt the club feel it has a greater obligation than just organising TTs and HHHs?
Juan Powerblow;254875 said:
I can see Anxious' point actually and am glad he and his friend have sorted out the problem on their own. I think what Anxious is trying to say that if there is some level of prevalence among SCs not honoring or being a stickler to the policies at the detriment of BMW owners including members of the Club, then we as the Official BMW Club should intervene and advocate their interest. HOWEVER, my earlier stance was the matter brought up doesn't appear to be a prevalent problem. Although I'm open to correction, my regular contacts with the E90 community here as well as my own experience seems to indicate the Service Inclusive Plan is being honored substantively. If it turns out that this has changed, I would certainly INSIST on this Club making formal representation. So, has anyone endured the same treatment? If this is an isolated case, thanks for bringing it up, really! and making us aware but if it's an isolated case, then we, as a Club should hold our horses.

I feel that sometimes we tend to overthink and get OVER aggressive in our postings. Why is there a need to be so abrasive lah?


I totally agree with you here bro. You have pointed out the points very accurately. As a matter of fact, Anxious was only doing a favour to all relevant BMW owners here of a potential problem that they might or might not face. I must point out that his intention was actually good, and can only hope that more members would take the trouble to bring up matters like this to the attention of other members, however it was only the way in which the problem was presented and discuss here that strung a wrong note.

While I also share the same sentiment that this is a problem that probably does not warrant the force of the club to intervene at this juncture, without collective information and efforts in defining the problem well - I am equally concerned in the way and manner such grievances of members (official and/or regular members) are handled and managed by the powers of the club.:boxing: We are an enthusiasts club and just maybe we have to start exercising a great deal of consideration, patience and understanding in handling even the smallest of issues through discussions - after all aren't we all here for that? This is a fun and friendly club of BMW enthusiasts - lets all try to live up to that and provide a platform for BMW enthusiasts to experience the joys of being part of the only official BMW Club in this country… indeed, this club do have alot to offer :beer: :top:

and once again I agree with you JPB - we tend to over think and get OVER aggressive in our postings....:questionmark:

change we must! :top:
it would have been nice if he had started his post with: Has anyone else encountered this...

... and he would have been heard.
another question:

is anyone else like him?

i agree with the earlier post that he should be a member as well as a committee member to take up all these issues on behalf of members.

"Stand up and be counted!"
Wow, some knee-jerk reactions here.

But some cool-headed observations too.

The substances that gives chili peppers their intensity when ingested or applied topically are capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) and several related chemicals, collectively called capsaicinoids. Capsaicin is the primary ingredient in pepper spray.

When consumed, capsaicinoids bind with pain receptors in the mouth and throat that are normally responsible for sensing heat. Once activated by the capsaicinoids, these receptors send a message to the brain that the person has consumed something hot. The brain responds to the burning sensation by raising the heart rate, increasing perspiration and releasing the body's natural painkilling chemical, endorphin.

There is a simpler Malay saying, "Siapa makan 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide, dia rasa endorphin..." :wink:
ah lian;254799 said:
if you have gone out to represent that the club is able to secure any form of action, then you have:
1. misrepresented the club
2. acted in a capasity which the club has not authorised
3. caused an action which may have resulted in harm to the good name of the club

in your shoes, i would be wary of insisting further what the club should or should not do. particularly in your current non-member status.

**need another cup of kopi**

Now this is what irked. A reading of my intial post clearly shows that I made no such representation whatsover. Were those comments necessary?

I have nothing to gain from bringing up this matter. I just felt it is a worthy cause for the club to take up. Instead of thanking me for bringing it up and asking other E90/E60 owners if the have experienced the same problem, the answers I got were mostly negative.

Read ALL the postings carefully, then ask yourself who is the flamethrower?
anxious;254731 said:
When I first heard my friend's story I proudly told her that I would bring her experience to the attention of BMWCLUBMALAYSIA to ensure such an incident doesnt reoccur.

I am now embarrassed even to point her to this website after reading your comments.

As a representative of BMW owners in Malaysia you may which to seek clarification on this matter so other BMW owners arent taken advantage of.

Anxious, we can't be championing every problem your fren may faced, more so if he/she is not a member of the club. However, we have every right to represent the club members to assist in solving their problems but we don't represent all the BMW owners in Malaysia. We have responsibility to safeguard the interest of the club members and at the same time to safeguard the reputation of the club.

btw, looks like no other members are facing this problem. If you have similar problems, please feel free to highlight your problems to us.
anxious;254945 said:
Now this is what irked. A reading of my intial post clearly shows that I made no such representation whatsover. Were those comments necessary?

I have nothing to gain from bringing up this matter. I just felt it is a worthy cause for the club to take up. Instead of thanking me for bringing it up and asking other E90/E60 owners if the have experienced the same problem, the answers I got were mostly negative.

Read ALL the postings carefully, then ask yourself who is the flamethrower?

Incidentally, I should clarify that the 2nd para in my earlier post wasn't directed at Anxious now that I've a better picture of what's going on. So....
Silver well said but I think to summarise what is happening here, anxious is assuming that the club/committee represents or should represent all BMW owners when it does not, it represents only the members of this club..which was what albundy was trying to say but like aramis wrote writing got no expression and it is tend to be taken out of context..we the committee are put into office to take care of the welfare of the club and its members not to go around championing the cause of all BMW owners , yes we can help wherever we can but there is so much we can do...
what is so hard to understand here.

it's not about anyone in here but the fact that BMW Penang has got an extremely crap service centre. there is nothing else to add or discuss or inteprete.
Daniel;255434 said:
what is so hard to understand here.

it's not about anyone in here but the fact that BMW Penang has got an extremely crap service centre. there is nothing else to add or discuss or inteprete.

Dear daniel,

yes..we've been hearing alot about the crap service rendered about Penang SC, KL SC...blah blah! We will adress this matter to BMW M'sia on this matter in the next meeting with BMW M'sia. We the club cannot force the changes but merely inform them on the issues, owners been facing with the respectful authorised SC.

hope your understand.

You may wish to seek confirmation whether there is such a policy to stricly adhere to the OBC when it comes to servicing the new models eg E60,e90 etc.

Apparently it is called Condtion Based Service.

see http://bmw.com.au/scripts/main.asp?PageID=11997&PID=31

Under this policy the SCs have apparently have been directed to stricly follow the OBC when it comes to servicing.

However in my friend's case they(AB Pg) must have misinterpreted this policy as it would not apply to a car which has reached its first year. where the manual says it needs to be serviced nothwithstanding the mileage.

You see when I first put up this post, I had expected some sort of positive response like yours Jeff but instead we have all read the "bashing" I got.

You see I dont expect the club to work miracles and change the way AB or BMW do business but as the "ONLY" official BMW club in Malaysia, I hoped that the club could at least have a more effective channel to communicate such concerns to BMW/AB/Sapura.

Thanks anyway Jeff for your efforts. I look forward to hearing from you as to BMW's response at your next meeting.
anxious, thanks for informing the club of this predicament. I assumed that you have at least, pm one of the committee members with exact details like "my friend" name & Mr XXXXX SC's name. This at least protects the people involved until the matter is cleared up. Not to mention the vehicle registration number.

I personally think the club can't do a thing as it may be a slap on the face as heresay or gossip. The club should not do a thing at all unless the person involved is a member of the club. The committee of this club is here to look after the interest of the club and its official members first. They are not paid, but sit on the committee because of their love for BMWs and to see that this club succeeds.

It only costs RM300 in the first year to be an official member and thereafter RM150 per year. I am sure someone who owns an E90 can afford this. I am not trying to belittle your friend or anyone here, neither am I trying to protect AB, Sapura or BMW. I am just quite tired of reading about BMWs not being able to go up Genting Highlands, the service of C&C and their sales advisors are so much better, blah blah blah.

In the case of C&C in the other thread comparing great service; I specifically asked in very straightforward English, for the person who spoke so highly of his sales rep from C&C to call me as I am possibly in the market for a new car.

He comes out with a statement that C&C sales people are very good at seizing up genuine interested buyers. I have owned 3 new BMWs. Does this not make me a genuine prospective buyer for a Merc?

What you could do is you can PM me all the details your E90 friend had with AB, including the information I mentioned above that is needed. Some of the directors of Sime Darby, Tractors and AB are friends of mine. I will take this issue up to them on behalf of your friend.

Since this forum was used to show AB's bad service; then, whatever transpires from AB will be published in this forum - just to be fair to AB. Your friend's name could come out also. Once again, we don't want to undermine anyone here, but at the same time we don't want the club to be made to look like fools because it formed an opinion by listening to just one side of the store.

In the meantime, have fun!
Thanks for your concern Innovator.

As I've said earlier, my posting is not about my friend or her problem which she had solved before she even told me of her experience.

My concern is how Service Centers treat this service interval issue particularly when you have a low mileage car (like my friend's case...12000km in the 1st year). Do you still follow the OBC or are you entitled to the 1st year service free under the 3yr/60000km service+repair package currently being offered free with the new BMWs.

I had refered my friend to my post in this website and frankly she was quite disgusted with the type of responses she read.

After what she read , I dont even think she would want to be part of this club even it were free.

As for PMing the Committee, no one showed any interest looking into my posting but rather chose to " shoot the messenger", for reasons best known to them.

I have since decided to conduct my own survey and I may take up this issue myself with AB or BMW Malaysia.

As for the committee, I hope that in future when forumers bring up such matters, the committee would see it fit to use the platform that they have as the official BMW club and take up the matter instead of taking the narrow view that the club only represents official members. Is it 50 or so official members now?

Such a stand would ensure that your numbers stay pretty much stagnant, notwithstanding the club being "the Official" BMW club in Malaysia.

When the club decided to reopen most of the forum to non official members, I was seriously thinking of actually joining the club as I felt that there had been some change of heart. You see being in Pg I am not invovled in any of your KL club politics and neither do I have any interest in it.

But this whole episode has left a very sour taste in my mouth.

I for one will NOT join the club and would not recommend any of my friends to join the club until I see some improvement in the level of maturity in its members.

Please do not take it personally and mount an attack on me for saying what I feel but honestly do you really think you can attract and maintain members to the club if the members behave the way they have towards me in this post?

For the sake of all BMW fans, I really hope that the club changes its approach.

One only needs to visit, http://www.bmw-sg.com/forums/ to see how our neighbours across the causeway conduct themselves.

For example dont you think that Danpromote thing got out of control and was bit of an overkill....289 posts and 16778 hits?

I personally feel that there should be one strong BMWCLUB in Malaysia representing all enthusiast.

I do hope that as the only "official" BMW club in Malaysia, the club would overcome whatever "problems" it may have and represent all BMW owners in Malaysia.
veli interesting topic.....ergh, non member speaking here.

Aiyah chill lar all of u. Club is for friends lar. Friends dun flame each other one....afterall its abt cars that we all like. This blardy PC makes us a faceless, humourless, tactless ( and toothless too ) on such forums, which is furthest from reality....

Let's be nice, ask around, share notes and the result will be better! I always remember my father's advice - better to have more friends than enemies-lor!

Solly, if out of context......but let's smoke the peace pipe. Solly for meddling too but I got my UNCLE cap on tonite.

Meet for TT or use PM for better, off the forum chats lar.
Quote anxious
"I personally feel that there should be one strong BMWCLUB in Malaysia representing all enthusiast.

I do hope that as the only "official" BMW club in Malaysia, the club would overcome whatever "problems" it may have and represent all BMW owners in Malaysia."

Yes if everybody starts paying and joining the club officially and play a bigger role it is not impossible, dont forget the club does not belong to the current committee you all are allowed to choose who or what runs the club...you can be president and make the club what you want it to be...but with the mentality of why pay got no benefit at all ...how la?...FYI we currently have abt 130 members and most of them you would be supprise hardly even log on but see the big picture of being an official member. Dont forget all those not paying are not officially members, so how does the club represent all BMW owners when the BMW owners themselves dont even want to support the club by joining it?
Dont ask what the club can do for you but what you can do for the club.
We need the numbers if we want to be heard without the numbers even as a BMW Club what voice have we got?

By participating in this forum doesnt make one a member, one is just a participant of BMW Club Malaysia's Forum which it so kindly open up to all BMW enthusiast to participate in and hoping one will join the club officially later.
Quote anxious

"So committee, I think this is a cause worth taking up!
As a representative of BMW owners in Malaysia you may which to seek clarification on this matter so other BMW owners arent taken advantage of."

above in red and the title I presume is the root of all this, we are a club for BMW enthusiast we do not represent all BMW owners, we represent members of this club. That is what some of the members were trying to explain bcos they paid to be members and if the committee/club were to represent all BMW owners who are not members why should they be paying to be members...and here comes a non member trying to dictate what the committee/club should do...so you see where the problem started.

Its not wanting to help its how you put it that irked some members...if you were to have done it like your other post regarding the survey I suppose the situation would differ...

Just put it this way,

If you are not a member of AAM do you think they will come and help?
If they do Im going to make helluva lot of noise as a member...you see the situation.
AAM = AutoMobile Association of Malaysia, does that mean they represent all automobiles in the country.....NO, only those who pay the membership fees.
Get the picture?
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