Unpleasant Experience with Forumer (Danpromote)

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keith;229450 said:
DD i feel alot of anamosity in your writing. It could be that you are frustrated and in need to vent some anger somewhere. Look for Dan.

As for your comment on "If you claimed that you're the one who is responsible for the delay, is it fair for us to hold you accountable for the transaction? If so, we would like a full refund by 11 July 2007."

Keith. Trust me, I'm not even close to the point of frustration yet. You'll know when I'm really frustrated. Anyway, sorry if I've misunderstood any statements you've made. So I take it you're just another victim like us. Only difference is Danpromote picks up your calls.:rolleyes:
I was informed of this post by Keith and said asked me to log in urgently to reply this message. Sorry for the long absence as I have been bogged by work, travel and personal agendas.
First of all let me post my side of the facts. All this started due to a request by jeff and dd that they wanted to order the side mirror for their cars. Since I can get them at resellers price I said no problem I'lll get it for them. In fact all this is done as a favour without any profit. Their min order is 3 units and at that time, only 2 was gotten. Since we have to wait for 3 to get the order in, I asked dd to pay some sort of deposit so that there are no last minute cancellations that will further delay the order. Unfortunately, due to the long wait for the 3rd unit and also some request for other parts the order was further delayed.

I smsed DD to inform him of the delay and asked if he wanted a refund of his deposit at that time but he still wanted to proceed with the order. In the meantime life for all of us continued. The past few months for me have also been extremely hectic as I am managing 3 companies and often been travelling and making datelines. When I am involved in important meetings or travelling I make it a point to cut of any incoming calls. I am sure those of you who hold meetings know the point in this. Also I make it a point not to talk while driving as I have been in some minor accidents due to this. Nevertheless I have always made it a point to return calls when I am free or when I am back.

Anyway, my solution to the problem is that the best I can do is to check on the orders and if there is no news before end of this month I shall ask Taiwan for a cancellation and refund. Since this is a personal favour for Jeff and DD I am dissapointed that DD has resorted to posting defamatory remarks on his own forum. Is this how you treat your friends and members? If you ask someone to do a favour for you, you have to wait until he or she is free to do you that favour. Not only that, by right full payment should be forwarded since this is a favour and not a business transaction.

If this is a personal vandetta against me then I too have the right to make this personal. I too would like to have a refund for the damages and loss of reputation for the defamatory remarks by July 11th! However if you can be civilised about this and not involve other people in the forum then so can I. The ball is in your court.

As a president of a club your word carries a lot of weight but also a lot of damage. Eg. if you call a person a rapist eventhough he is not, the whole world will think that he his. I hope that you will not misuse your power like this on helpless individuals in the future. If this is how you treat people you know, I dare not think how you treat people you don't!
Danny, to be fair, if your supplier stopped answering your phone and didn't even reply to SMS for 1 month, what would you do? Where and who would u turn to?

Eventhough it started as a favour, but you had already collected deposit and u failed to update the transaction progress to your 'clients'. Your 'clients' have every right to seek a clarification.

Anyway, like I said before this, things can be resolved. But u could have avoided all these if you have the courtesy to update them on the progress after their countless missed calls.

I think the parties concerned is no longer interested in the purchase and have request for a full refund. (pls refer to first posting).

Try to put yourself in our shoes, never once have I doubted your sincerity but what do you expect us to think when we get repeated unaswered call and smses for ANY updates. Last i remembered, you promised to give us an update two weeks ago as you were on the way to SG and promised so the following monday.

If memory serves me right, till now i/we haven't had any updates from you and with repeated failed calls. Besides in this forum and thread, this is the ONLY time you actually logged on to defend yourself but that was not till Keith called and informed you about what has been transpired here.

Nomatter how busy a person is, even with juggling 10 companies...a simple call or even an sms would have solved alot of hassle, right? This is in no mean to defame you of your credibility but what else do you want us to think when we were unable to reach you..... AT ALL!

Let bygones be bygones and forget about this experience, please inform the taiwan counterparts of the delay and intentions.

ps: gimme a call when you're not busy or driving or in a meeting...lar
Time was invented by human not god so there is no reason for a person not to have time. We can make time if we want to. It all depends what/when we choose, to make time or not to.
DanPromote;230251 said:
If you ask someone to do a favour for you, you have to wait until he or she is free to do you that favour. Not only that, by right full payment should be forwarded since this is a favour and not a business transaction.

I'm glad you decided to reappear again. Firstly, I do not know you. Neither have I met you personally. All I know is that you've been a pretty active forumer and one who has been pretty active in trading your wares via this forum. I've got no problems with that. I decided to proceed with the order of the side mirrors only because of Jeff's testimony towards your credibility and also his years of friendship with you. Hence, to me, I've never treated it as a personal favour. As far as I'm concerned, a monetary transaction has been involved. Therefore, it's a business transaction to me. I do not know you well enough to be asking for a favour. Honestly, I don't even know you...Period! Therefore, I don't ask for favours from strangers.

If this is a personal vandetta against me then I too have the right to make this personal. I too would like to have a refund for the damages and loss of reputation for the defamatory remarks by July 11th! However if you can be civilised about this and not involve other people in the forum then so can I. The ball is in your court.
As for time management, I find it not an excuse. I am also a business man but I make it a point to fulfill my client's deliverables without fail. I am not discounting the fact that unforeseen complications do arise in any given business transaction. The least you could do is not take things forgranted and provide an update on the status of things.

Mind you, this has got nothing to do with any personal vendettas and you'll notice that no misuse of authority and power is involved here. When I posted this unpleasant personal experience in this forum, I'm wearing the hat of a normal innocent forumer. I have ample witnesses (in B&W) to the fact that I sent you a private message seeking for an explanation within 48 hours before the decision to make this a public posting. You simply choose to ignore this 'off the record' plea leaving me no choice.

As a president of a club your word carries a lot of weight but also a lot of damage. Eg. if you call a person a rapist eventhough he is not, the whole world will think that he his. I hope that you will not misuse your power like this on helpless individuals in the future. If this is how you treat people you know, I dare not think how you treat people you don't!
I am truly disappointed with your offensive ways of attempting to diffuse such a situation. You are not making the situation better. You are adding fuel to fire. Scroll back and re-read my postings and you'll realise that not only have I not defame you but I've decided to give you benefit of the doubt. All you needed to do was to step forward, give Jeff and myself a good explanation, provide a full refund and case close.

Please think carefully before you reply my postings to inflict anymore unnecessary damage to your already 'not so credible' good standing and reputation in this forum.
I have to agree with DD on this and this has nothing to do with being his friend. He has parted with cold hard cash for a specified purpose and the recipient must surely be accountable. There can be no excuse or the mitigating factors presented are somewhat lame. Dan, I also dunno you but I suggest you just return the money and call it a day! I know a lot of ppl who've gotten worse and DD, Jeff etc has been quite fair in giving you a chance to redress what seems to me like an obvious wrong on your part.
Dan Promote, just get your act together and sort this out amicably, no one is interested in your life story. It's way to late for explanations, it is time for resolution so that everyone involved can get on with life.
When I can't deliver due to lack of time, resources etc, I tell my customers upfront, and early and apologize for the loss opportunity of working together. However once $$$ is received (although partial), it becomes an obligation which I have to commit to. If I stuff up, by not meeting my customer's expectation after collecting the $$$ its no one's fault but my own, and I'll just have to bear the consequences of my reputation in the industry, and marketplace.

Best at this point to just say sorry for the missed expectations, and fix it as best as you can. People make mistakes... we are entitled to as part of our learning, but make sure you can recover well from such mistakes. It'll bring you a loooong way in business :)
I must add that no matter how busy a person is..... it just take less than 5 minutes to give a call or even send a sms. No such thing as too busy.
So danpromote, have you decided on your next course of action? Jeff is still waiting for your call...:rolleyes:
It's 17 July 2007 today. Still no sound no picture from Danpromote.:smokin:
Hello again,

Will mention to him again to appear in this forum. Do not know what he is deciding and also do not want to involve myself into his sales affairs as said before it has nothing to do with me. But will let him know and remind him he should be here dealing with this.

Just a quick question did he print any invoices for you guy? when he collected the deposit did he print any receipt? If the 'yes ' what company does it state on top. Could you pm me the info DD?

Thanks mate
keith;232233 said:
Hello again,

Just a quick question did he print any invoices for you guy? when he collected the deposit did he print any receipt? If the 'yes ' what company does it state on top. Could you pm me the info DD?

Thanks mate

keith, I thought you also order a set from danpromote. didn't he give you any receipt when you make your downpayment??
no mate just pass him 4 thousand to buy some stuff for me no receipt this was as a friend to a friend transaction.

AS said before we are in partnership in anather line of business doing carbon fibre for export. We did talk on a posibility of opening and retailing car parts for local malaysia but nothing concreate just talk. So if there are any invoices related to our company i would facilitate the refund immediately but if there isnt one or isnt related to the company Danny and i Formed then there isnt much i can do.

Im just trying to help out. I can understand the frustration you all are feeling.

Please Pm me the info on your invoices if there are any. Tried calling him i also cannot get him.
Keith, there was no invoice of any sort as the transaction was done via maybank2u transfer. So if proof needs to be provided, I can always call the bank and they will have the records to show that RM700.00 was indeed transferred into danpromote's account.
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