Official Complaint on Auto Bavaria Glenmarie Incompetency - Warning! Long Post

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Club Guest
Dec 6, 2011
Dear All,Initially I did not want to resort to lodge and official complaint on this but after Friday, 2nd March 2012 when I collected my car from Auto Bavaria Glenmarie for the 2nd time in a month I am left with no other options. Allow me to give a brief chronology on the sequence of events since December 2011.December 2011 6th December 2011 - Received delivery of E90 325i Sports that was purchased through BMW Premium SelectionJanuary 201215th January 2012 - After driving the car for 4,000km sent in the car for :- 1.) Oil Change/Service 2.) Change ATF and all the necessary Adaptive Memory Reset (car jerks while coming to a full stop while braking) 3.) Wheel Bearing problem 4.) Vibration while braking (Control Arm) problem 5.) Check on all suspension 6.) Rattling sound from near the rear exhaust (problem was around since the day I test drove the car) 7.) Check on the Washer Fluid Reservoir (suspect it's leaking as it drains too fast) 8.) Headlamps Vibration issue 9.) Replace rear bumper (all done by insurance team, claim 3rd party)I left my car at Auto Bavaria for 3 weeks, told the Customer Service Advisor that I'll be collecting my car only on the 3rd of February 2012 as I will be away from the country until then and reminded him to get all this done.February 20124th February 2012 - Collected my car from Auto Bavaria and found the following upon collection of the vehicle. Customer Service Advisor was not around to attend to me. 1.) Was invoiced for Oil Change - Paid RM 700++ 2.) ATF - NOT CHANGED, jerking when coming to a full stop issue still around 3.) Rattling Sound - fixed 4.) Washer Fluid Reservoir issue - fixed 5.) Wheel Bearing problem - NOT FIXED 6.) Vibration while braking (Control Arm) problem - NOT FIXED 7.) Headlamps Vibration issue - NOT FIXED 8.) Rear Bumper - replaced 9.) Check on all suspension - no idea whether it's done, Customer Service Advisor was not around 10.) Mileage on my billing invoice indicates a different mileage on my car odometer - I disregarded this as a typo mistake at this stage 11.) Intermittent problem with wiper making noise while at the end of a downward sweep cycle - STILL PERSIST 12.) I brought in the car with 4 original steel tyre valve caps , when i collected the car there was only 1 steel cap left and 3 plastic caps8th February 2012 - Called Customer Service Advisor to complaint on all the problems that was not rectified as 6th & 7th February 2012 was a public Holiday. Told me to bring in my car as quick as early as possible to check on it. I was abroad again that week and only will be back on 12th February 2012. Told Customer Service Advisor I will bring in the car first thing in the morning on Monday 13th February 2012. Did so and Customer Service Advisor assigned me to another technician who went for a test drive on my car to confirm the issues. After testing it, technician reaffirms the issues I have been complaining about since I brought in the car on 15th January 2012. Customer Service Advisor mentioned to me that the previous technician tested the car and found no such issues - I really have no idea how they missed those glaring issues during the first time I've sent in the vehicle.Customer Service Advisor then told me that the technician has briefed him about the issues that he found with the car and will be ordering spare parts, namely wheel bearing and the control arm that would be needing an obvious replacement. I have also mentioned that I want the ATF to be changed this time and the adaptive memory to be resetted. I reiterated on the Headlamps Vibration Issue and to check the suspension and wiper issue too.Customer Service Advisor then told me I had to wait a further 2 weeks before I can send the car in on 29th February 2012 and when the time comes, the parts will be available to be replaced. Fair enough, I will wait till then and stated that I have a few long distance drives that I intend to do beginning 3rd of March 2012 and I'll be needing the car no later than on Friday, 2nd March 2012. I expressed my displeasure saying that the first time I left my car for 3 weeks, all this should have been dealt with in detail. Fair enough, I told him I'll wait till then and expects every problem to be rectified. I also told him to get those 3 plastic tyre valve caps to be replaced back with the original steel ones. 28th February 2012 - Brought my car in one day earlier as advised by Customer Service Advisor so there is more time for Auto Bavaria to get things done latest by Friday, 2nd March 2012. I reiterated everything I've said on 8th February 2012 to the Customer Service Advisor, he wrote it down and said it will be dealt with.March 20121st March 2012 - Called the Customer Service Advisor and he mentions that unfortunately the Wheel Bearing problem persist as they still need to order some other parts (Wheel Hub) and would require at least another 2 weeks to order the parts. I expressed my displeasure and he said to me that when I bring in my car again he will arrange a spare car for me to use for the inconvenience. Fair enough, I accept that offer but I asked him if all the other issues was rectified. He said he will call and check. I called him a few hours later and he mentioned that the rest of the issues are fixed. He mentioned :-1.) ATF is changed2.) Headlamps vibration issue fixed3.) Control Arm issue fixed/replacedThose above was what I was more concerned about and he mentioned it was done. Later he also told me I can collect my car 11am on 2nd March 2012. Everything sounds fine by me except that Customer Service Advisor told me that he is not around till next week as he is on leave. Mmmhh, 2nd time I'm collecting my car and he is not around again. Fine.2nd March 2012 - Called the technician that was referred to me by Customer Service Advisor, he told me he isn't sure about the other issues (as the other problems are handled by the other division) but he rest assure me that the ATF is changed and adaptive memory was resetted . I told him I am coming to collect my car and he told me that he cannot reach the Customer Service Advisor and says that there should be no issue for me to collect my car.When I collected my car and asked for the invoice, I was surprised to see that there was only the ATF change and diagnostics listed on the items being done. I asked the receptionist to call the technician to verify what have been done. When the technician came out and see me, he went to check on my car while I waited. When he got back with my car this is what I found :- 1.) ATF - Changed and paid RM 847, though the jerking problem when braking to a full stop still exists 2.) Wheel Bearing/Wheel Hub - NOT CHANGED DUE TO NO STOCK ISSUE 3.) Control Arm Replacement - NOT DONE!! 4.) Headlamp Vibration Issue - NOT DONE!! 5.) Check on suspensions - NOT SURE IF ANYTHING WAS CHECKED, TECHNICIAN TOLD ME IT SHOULD BE INSPECTED WHEN I BRING IN MY CAR AGAIN 6.) I was left with 1 Steel Tyre valve Cap, 2 plastic ones and 1 tyre had no valve cap at all. Technician assist me to get one steel on to cap the empty one. 7.) On the invoice it again shows that my car's mileage is different from my odometer - it's getting a little suspicious now, how can they get the mileage wrong again 8.) Later as it rained, I found that my wiper's intermittent problem still persist - Again I have no idea if this problem was inspected at all 9.) Petrol cover screw cap connector is brokenAt this point I was really pissed off with what is happening. There was absolutely no forms of communication with me on the other issues not being rectified and I had to find out on my own there and then and decided to lodge this complaint as there is far too many actions that I am not satisfied with and not to mention the discrepancies in the car's mileage. I honestly don't mind paying for the consumables such as the ATF and Oil Change (which when I collected the car it was already showing 10k service interval). However all the rest of the other issues should have been dealt with in the highly marketed 72 POINT CHECK, therefore now I am really suspicious about the authenticity of this so called 72 POINT CHECK. All in all I have drove the car for 4,000km when I lodged my first complaint to check and replace all those troublesome items and I am forced to drive the car a further 2,000km with a defective vehicle due to various different issues such as technician's did not detect the problem and no parts available therefore the Wheel Bearing and Control Arm are not replaced. To summarize it, I drove the car for approximately 6,000km up to date since December 2011 and my car has been sent into Auto Bavaria for a total of 24 Days in a space of 2 months and half the issues I have highlighted has yet to be rectified. Now I have to send in my car again for the 3rd time in the space of 2 months and this is just unacceptable. Not to forget such small issues such as the tyre valve caps, how can I have lost 3 of my original steel caps and this time around when I collected my car, 1 tyre valve has got no cap on it all. As I mentioned earlier I am heading for a few long distance drives this month and I would like my car to be in tip top condition for it. Now I'm faced with a situation whereby nobody can tell me when all this problems will be rectified or when the stocks will be arriving. Furthermore it seems that the technicians are doing a half baked job at very regular intervals, even layman like us could tell there is an issue from the get go. Instead of relieving me off the issues, it is giving me more stress every time I send my car in to Auto Bavaria it seems. I am just totally confounded and lost as I am beginning to lose comprehension on what must I do to get this rectified, how can I get this problems rectified and when I can get this rectified as this is certainly robbing me off the Sheer Driving Pleasure. Anyone that has a solution, please do extend your help.Regards,
Err by the way how much you bought the BMW premium selection E90?

Sorry on your problem. Do intro at newbie section and welcome to BMWCM forum.
Heck ... mine is brand new and its a piece of shit from the moment I took delivery of it. Had the following problems from the moment I picked the car up from AB Glenmarie:

- creaking doors (inexcusable)
- creaking interior, might be the seats (excusable)
- misaligned boot and trunk lids (totally inexcusable)
- scratched bumper that was touched up like using Tippex (bloody inexcusable)
- howling from front windscreen (excusable)
- scratch on dash trim (inexcusable)

Sent my car in on 01 March 2012, called me on 02nd March 2012 afternoon to tell me they can only work on the car coming Mon/Tue. Will get my car back prob on Wed. This piece of shit for a car that is valued at 310K? I asked the SA to assist me with a courtesy car, her immediate reply ... I will check on Monday. I told her I need to go for meetings over the weekend, she says she is already off work. Nice curt reply. It was only 3:30 pm. So I got cheesed off and told her does she want me to sue for loss of use? She tells me she is already being nice to be by helping me sort the car out. Wow ... I owe her a living ya for delivering to me a crap car? All I can say is my Perodua and Mitsubishi does not give me such problems.

This is BMW for you. It's a real piece of shit to be honest. They want you to buy it then hand you a car with defects that are clearly known on the internet. Rectification of the creaks is easy but they just have no care to sort it out since you can always come back and leave the car for a few days. Joy of driving? Crap is more like it.

You think they truly care? You have to be kidding me.

If you want help ... find some time and just take them to the Consumer Claims Tribunal ... they cannot use lawyers. It's a lot of fun ... just face facts, BMW sucks in many ways. They boast about the car but its fraught with problems. Check the international forums. You will find tons of issues with new cars, not the old ones that have 1,000,000 kms on the clock.
Yeah I cant afford new car but I always go for CBU BMW for quality reason.
I oso never leave my car unattended in workshop. thanks to our 3 world country mind set.
Malaysia Boleh.
initialM ... after I got the car I sat with some friends who said DO NOT PURCHASE BMW CKD. These are people who owned a few beemers. Wow ... looks like I need to trade in for the 335 then. LOL!

The fact is that AB is a real piece of shit in the way the manage the brand/customer/product. They know the problems. The 5 series has an advisory about door creaks but who gives a *TOOT*? Just hand the car to the customer and let them come back. I cannot imagine how the factory can just touch up the scratch like using Tippex. At least use a brush, we will not notice it. Tipu a bit la. Hence, I always say, Malaysia Boleh. Bloody 3rd world mentality. Wanna boast its a great car. You have to be kidding me.
In my humble opinion, it's all about how lucky or misfortunate you are, whether getting a new car, premium selection used car, 2nd hand car dealer used car, CBU grey import used/new car.

New things come out of factory, with minimal line testing. We as user continue with 'burn in testing' on the roads with hundreds/thousands of km's.

My mentor once told me, if you buy a new equipment that has electronics in it, 80% of any probable problem should surface during the first 3 months of usage, the remaining 20% the rest of 9 months (1 year warranty mah). So if I purchase a anything with all fixable problem within the first 6 months of usage, I'm OK with it.

Free tip for all: When making purchases, ALWAYS ask for possible extended warranty. I'm using an obsolete printer that still has another 2 years+ warranty. I'm also driving an 8-year-old E39 that has 10 more months warranty on engine parts :4:
seewai ... the essence of the rant and rave is not about mechanical/electronical products. Its about attitudes. Jonz is upset with how issues are resolved or rather, unresolved. Same for me. It's not about luck in purchase or the lack of it. In my line, I would never ever dream of giving my client/customer such service standards. In BMW/AB's case, such lack of standards.

Legally, customers are not guinea pigs, we have laws such as the Sales of Goods Act etc. Sometimes in life we need to face reality and call it as it is. Many will not.
Wow! First posting already complain.. this is not a proper complain platform la.. AB Glenmarie memang terrible ma.. tell us something we dun know.... :4:

By the way.. the tyre valve cap not necessary use metal cap la.. because it's heavier than the plastic cap, hence will upset your wheel balance unless you already using it during your wheel balancing job. I prefer mine plastic so it doesn't mess up my wheel balance and nobody curi.. The ori metal valve cap still in my store.. tak mao pakai.. :4:
I would agree with tianci, Jonz as a first time BMW owner expects far more from a "premium marquee". Heck, he even pay for the services and work done. I believe he just wanted to get his car fixed-up and he is a happy man. Imagine the time given to AB, if any other workshops outside is giving the same service, would you kept quiet? Come on AB, if you can't perform, just give up. Our time is precious, too.
takwee ... if we buy an El Cheapo Perodua Viva, we can tolerate the rattles. Even then, how bad is it? True? Like I said, my Lancer GT is now 1.5 years old, no rattling issues since day 1. I got an Alza last year, no terror creaking issues, there were some but not that many. After a couple of months, the car settles down and some of the creaks disappear. Even then its a cheap car so cannot expect to be like a Rolls la.

Does anyone dare to even check on all the issues that are happening, issues which are unfair to the consumer? Or do we just keep on singing its praises and make excuses for lousy service/products? Look at the, they set up a thread on BMW car issues. There are tons of postings. Does AB even care? No la ... take the money then screw the customer off. If you are RICH like mad, they will lick your gonads.
Honestly bro, wht you have posted here is definitly needs the proper interference from the relevant parties. It is totally unacceptable and of all the outlet concern, it has to be Auto Bavaria. Darn!
My advise is, Sent your complaint to BMW Germany direct and cc to BMW Malaysia. At the same time, file your complaint immediately to our Tribunal. You will be surprise how fast your problems will be resolved.


nb: by the way, do make yourself to the Newbie Section and do a self intro as per forum rules :top:

tIANcI;720594 said:
Heck ... mine is brand new and its a piece of shit from the moment I took delivery of it. Had the following problems from the moment I picked the car up from AB Glenmarie:

- creaking doors (inexcusable)
- creaking interior, might be the seats (excusable)
- misaligned boot and trunk lids (totally inexcusable)
- scratched bumper that was touched up like using Tippex (bloody inexcusable)
- howling from front windscreen (excusable)
- scratch on dash trim (inexcusable)

Sent my car in on 01 March 2012, called me on 02nd March 2012 afternoon to tell me

If you want help ... find some time and just take them to the Consumer Claims Tribunal ... they cannot use lawyers. It's a lot of fun ... just face facts, BMW sucks in many ways. They boast about the car but its fraught with problems. Check the international forums. You will find tons of issues with new cars, not the old ones that have 1,000,000 kms on the clock.

Jonz;720591 said:
Dear All,

Initially I did not want to resort to lodge and official complaint on this but after Friday, 2nd March 2012 when I collected my car from Auto Bavaria Glenmarie for the 2nd time in a month I am left with no other options. Allow me to give a brief chronology on the sequence of events since December 2011.

December 2011
6th December 2011 - Received delivery of E90 325i Sports that was purchased through BMW Premium Selection

January 2012
15th January 2012 - After driving the car for 4,000km sent in the car for :-
1.) Oil Change/Service
2.) Change ATF and all the necessary Adaptive Memory Reset (car jerks while cominq
I am just totally confounded and lost as I am beginning to lose comprehension on what must I do to get this rectified, how can I get this problems rectified and when I can get this rectified as this is certainly robbing me off the Sheer Driving Pleasure.

Anyone that has a solution, please do extend your help.

dzul ... me brought up all this with SA, now my car is taken in for 6 days. Sent in last Thu and will be back prob this Wed. Asked for courtesy car also upset me. Car sent in Thu, mechanic calls me Fri, says only can start work on Monday. LOL!!!! Not his fault but still ...
Dunno how loud is the creaks la. So unfair for us to comment or condemn.

Sport suspension is stiffer than standard shocks by comparison, hence the ride will be slightly noisier. Part of trade-off for the ultimate handling. Unfair to compare sport suspension fitted car with standard rides. Also car with leather seat will produce more noise than fabric seat car because chassis for all cars flexes and rubbing of leather with metal will be noisy. The chassis flex is more evidence with vehicle with sport suspension.

Our Xenon headlights has an automatic leveling mechanism. Meaning it's not a fixed mounted lens. The mechanism wobbles a bit when going through bumpy roads. Again we do not know how serious is yours. Again, sport suspension here is not helping.

Most people if asked will prefer sports car but little do they understand the trade-off and often it's something they find unacceptable. Ya.. I'm being stereotyped.. :4:
I am aware how much a car like a Lotus creaks. That is normal. Owners really could not care less about it. The creaks are an issue with BMW as they themselves have issued an advisory on the solution. Hence, its not about over expectations. The whole car creaks when driving over a rough surface at a mere 10 km/h. My Lancer has harder suspension than the 325i M Sport, it has leather seats too. No issues. I find the 325 suspension to be more comfortable than the Lancer's.

Best part is people who owned many expensive BMWs are telling me to stay away from CKD ones. Guess, its about facing reality. Customer satisfaction seems to be something that is lacking in Malaysia. If one were trying to be nitpicking then fine. It's called being unreasonable.

Legally, there are tons of cases that shows if you pay for something of a luxury item, it's expected to be of much better quality. There is expectation in the equation. Hence, my Alza creaks, no problems. Cheap la ... I accept that fact.
dzuljazz2001;720699 said:
Honestly bro, wht you have posted here is definitly needs the proper interference from the relevant parties. It is totally unacceptable and of all the outlet concern, it has to be Auto Bavaria. Darn!
My advise is, Sent your complaint to BMW Germany direct and cc to BMW Malaysia. At the same time, file your complaint immediately to our Tribunal. You will be surprise how fast your problems will be resolved.


nb: by the way, do make yourself to the Newbie Section and do a self intro as per forum rules :top:

Apologize on skipping the introduction. Just did that post to add myself to the list.

I was actually drafting the post and email since Friday and only got time to get it done last night. As I mentioned, I really do not want to complaint but was left with no choice as I am just thinking to myself what else can I do, I just wanna get it fixed.

I have written to the below :-

Auto Bavaria Glenmarie
Dealer Principal : En. Nordin Saad
Email :

Head of Aftersales: Mr. Lee Chee Khoon
Email :

No news from them yet, no calls even. Could you provide me with the contact email of BMW Malaysia, I was trying to find it online but to no avail.

Here not many ppl is surprised or got panic with this type of complain coz its a well known fact that AB Glenmarie after sales service sucks big time...many complains, tribunals, escalation to BMW AG was made by many owners but nothing seems to work and the below par service is still ppl are tired of complaining after a while and just avoid this place like a plague...
hehe.. one of AB Glenmarie's victim has just spoken.. :4:

I have many more to share, very horrifying experiences but since all remain hear-say.. I rather keep it to myself.
Okay la ... I know now. Time to go to Ingress at Penchala! Hahahaahahahaaa ...
Jonz;720766 said:
If the warranty is not frm there I'll avoid it like a plague. Jeez

I thought warranty can claim from any authorized dealers regardless of where you bought your car.
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