GRAND TT-comments and feedbacks

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Apoo, we better get back on topic be fore we get deleted.

My feedback: Events must have an objective that is clearly stated and understood by all.

An event cannot succeed without proper proctocol.
Kevster, you took the words right out of my keyboard.

Everyone kindly stick to topic, thank you.

Anyone with another topic, please start another thread.

Much appreciated.
Think Value Add.....what has the club done to add value to its members? so far all it does is just to facilitate pasar malams for bmw owners to meet and trade their wares. (many forumners got conned by one another along the way). The club must establish some kind of....err.......protocols and support system to the members. In organising events, there must be measurable objectives which the club should try to acheive via the participation of it members. There must be a theme for example to promote the use of rear seat belts, to promote awareness of road rage, misuse of hazard lights, blood donation, raising funds for the yogjakarta victims....etc etc something that will be beneficial not just to the club members but the community as a whole. The club should capitalise on it's members ownership of BMW ( a brand name) to generat interest and to promote their events. These are the thing the club can be proud about and garner press coverage.......As it is the Grand TT is just about a group bmw owners turning up and drinking TT/toddys (not to sa y there is anything wrong with that) at a communal venue.
Just as a reminder to everyone......please provide constructive criticism on this topic.

Thank You

-The Moderator's the good part of grand TT. from my point of view.

Finally, the guys are coming to play football at PNDC.
Originally posted by king eric@Jun 26 2006, 04:58 PM
look for the good sight
Looking for a good sight, i can see a lot of things...

Looking at the bright side, I can see tons of "The Ultimate Driving Machine" parked close to each other regardless of type and who's the owner...and I finally got a club shirt...yipee :yahoo:
the organizin committee may not hv enough help n resources in organizing the event. mayb at the spur of the xcitement a lot of protocol was neglected.

a suggestion would b to engage outside help in organizin the event eg event management co to help organize n run it. this would free the committee and they could concentrate on other important things on tht day....

just my 2cents
Originally posted by karate70@Jun 26 2006, 05:17 AM
the organizin committee may not hv enough help n resources in organizing the event. mayb at the spur of the xcitement a lot of protocol was neglected.

Malay proverb says ' Malas Bertanya Sesat Jalan '
RM 3500 divide by 20bucks = 175 free t shirts for those who went for the Grand TT!!!

3500 divide by 10bucks = 350 free fruit juice...more than enough for everyone...

this money, maybe sourced by the committee so guess its only right for them to decide how it should be spent...

but if its up to me to decide, hehehe free char kuat for me & my buddies...

yeah this Grand TT sucks!! but i'll go to the next one nevertheless....
for my opinion if there any "GRAND" event why should not to create "ad-hoc commitee" since we have too many members(car) that came from everywhere.
just my small 2 cent
Originally posted by karate70@Jun 26 2006, 06:17 PM
the organizin committee may not hv enough help n resources in organizing the event. mayb at the spur of the xcitement a lot of protocol was neglected.

a suggestion would b to engage outside help in organizin the event eg event management co to help organize n run it. this would free the committee and they could concentrate on other important things on tht day....

just my 2cents
i second bro karate70 opinions....

i could hv done it @ cost!....coz it's my car club too and sure my family would'nt mind it at all.

just to see it a successful event! maybe....

next round though..
I have to admit that this year's Grand TT paled in comparison to last year's. Those who know me may recall I'm usually quite the protagonist and purveyor of criticisms and comments but I rather not wag the dead donkey here, mainly cos a lot of you guys have provided good, constructive criticisms. Nothing personal, but I spoke to some new forummers who felt very left out and bored. They didn't see the solidarity and camaradrie which even an old-timer like me noticed just wasn't there. It used to be far more prevalent in last few year's events but everyone just got so clique-ish this time. I find it funny cos there's been such a protracted lull in organising events before this. Despite the huge sense of anticipation, this event turned out to be such a disappointment.

Zoggee and I tried to share with some newbies the fun we used to have, even during some "unofficial" events but some newbies found it hard to believe when an event like this which was meant to bring everyone together landed up showing a great and grave divide. I was thrilled to meet 535i (Izam) though, a person I learnt to respect tremendously for how he gelled a bunch of misfits into an ad-hoc committee that organised the fantastic Annual Dinner 2005 and that event taught us how important it was to have a comprehensive and well-executed programme which was simply absent during this Grand TT.

I think we must heed what other old-timers like pussy, okow, kevster, etc have said here cos they have seen what our events were like before and the deterioration in standard must have been very glaring. It was for me.

Just a friendly reminder to the organisers, it's not just about "us" having a good time, it's about ensuring "everyone ELSE" does and "we" having a great time when that happens. Further, it's not only about the organisers doing all the organising but about everyone chipping in to make it fun. I remember one event I volunteered to do the registration and next thing I knew, I had jasmine and vivian on my flanks helping me out. They made the work fun!! hahaha!!! This time round, it could be the case of the burden of organising this event resting on too few shoulders while others who could've helped out even just to create a ruckus were more contented with their prawn sandwiches and kilkenny and private pasar malam. To those who had to bear the greater burden, you should've have asked others for some help. Getting people involved is the best way to make people feel welcomed. (p.s... we never needed external event management intervention, we certainly don't need it now! We needed an emcee though and there's so many talents in our midst for that role, what happened?!!)

P.S. I tak dapat mineral water pun?!!!!!

Grand TT BMW = G.T.T BMW = Gathering To Tunjuk/Tayang BMW

Who agree with me??...raise your hand!!

peace :D
Originally posted by acs@Jun 26 2006, 10:34 PM

Grand TT BMW = G.T.T BMW = Gathering To Tunjuk/Tayang BMW

Who agree with me??...raise your hand!!

peace :D

Ayoh.... of course-lah it'll turn into a Bimmerfest! So many UDM's in one place.... proud owners re-buffing their cars after parking them....modded cars everywhere, restored cars too.... and of nearly every make and model....sweeeeeeeeeeeet! :eek:k:
If for that purpose, then mission accomplished lor..... I must join one of 'em E46 meet-ups one of these days! You guys quite happening lah! and certainly made this Grand TT special.
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