Short coming of the Grand TT

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Originally posted by 2cents@Mar 7 2005, 06:13 PM

Parking woes - Yes, ensuring enuff parking space is a challenge if orgynizing cummittee don't really kno who's really going 2 turn up.
Mebbe cummittee can look in2 overcumming dis challenge. I suggest time- reserved parking space mit every ticket sale. Ticket holders mus cum within stipulated "happy hours" to b assured of getting parking space. :)
2cents. point noted. Unfortunately, there were no ticket sales in this grand TT. Intitially, we started with 37 members who were interested to come. We end up with more than 86 people at the end of the registration and not to mention a lot of people who dropped by unexpectly at the last minutes. Planning is quite difficult when you really cannot guage the numbers of people who is going to turn up. It either too little or too much. Yes this is definately a challenge for anybody who undertake this arrangement.

However, having the ala-carte dinner was a good idea as it resolved the food problem. i only feel sorry for the staff who is serving us as they have to account for all the bills. :wink:
Originally posted by rajan@Mar 8 2005, 01:05 AM
Fomoca... Fomoca....

Kena own ubat! :rofl:

I didn't realize that was dvng beside us.... He also look so serious what :D
not that serious, lah, too many beauties around us, have to look serious rather than tongue hangin out with missus around............thousand apologies.......
Originally posted by mctnesh@Mar 7 2005, 04:37 AM
Uncle ang ang...
All the penang kias drive nice sweet monsters lar...... were u guys speeding on the way back too? :D
way back no lar ... as we r free fly different time take off, some when to watch Shah Alam drift event.
but on the way come, did test out my 4 potter+auto tranny top at 195km/h (with 2 ppls) ... s.crew the 3 UDMs 6 potters that stir the fire burning under the iceburgs ! :D
Originally posted by ALBundy@Mar 7 2005, 08:33 PM
Remember how you first ask a gal for a date?? :rofl: :rofl:
u could be totally wrong ! now days many guy r dated n s.crew by gal at 1st nite .... hehehe :D
if notice, gals r more active n socialable now days. why ? :blink:
This is a social club, everyone sure have opinion on this and that, this is how keep the club rolling. Not to pin point who is right and who is wrong.
Of course everyone here try to contribute what they can to make the best for the event but keep in mind If we just do the talking without action and initiative......then the next event still back to square. Just my 2cent.
Originally posted by E3six@Mar 8 2005, 11:17 AM
This is a social club, everyone sure have opinion on this and that, this is how keep the club rolling. Not to pin point who is right and who is wrong.
Of course everyone here try to contribute what they can to make the best for the event but keep in mind If we just do the talking without action and initiative......then the next event still back to square. Just my 2cent.
I know what you mean. One man meat is another man poison. Feedback whether good or bad is essential to improve a situation. All talk and no action is just one of the problem encountered when organising an event. I can see a lot of members contributing ideas but only a handful actually help out. Hopefully, we might garners more volunteers for future events in order to spread the workload. However, the members actually help out in a way by turning up early and on time. :p
Be careful wut u wish 4, Mr. J Singh & orgynizing cummittee members. It may not all b constructv critism u will get in this thread. The trick is to sort out which is a bitching complain which is genuine criticism.
C wut u got here oledi - ppl dun wan 2 register, cum earlier admitted to reserved parking area, so those registered but cum later cumplain no parking. Mebbe forum registration shud b 4 parking space also not jus 4 table. C y mebbe selling tickets will weed out dis problem, but mebbe no ROS approval yet-hah?
Getting everybody to mingle - as usual every member blames the other member for not introducing himself/ herself first. Joke is, many participants r already forum members mit nicks & name tags! Mebbe cummitte social director can think of ideas 2 ovrcum dis problem nex time? :)
An den of course there's der members who get hassled by der SO staff over table occupation - only way's 2 book out der joint if we haff der numbers.
2 cents from 2cents. :D
Actually this farking mentality - I am a pan of Benny Hill, always mixed up between my "f"s and "p"s..... so my apologies.

Maraaysian like to fark their cars near the table they sat - watch next time when you sit at mamak stall, ip at all fossible they want to take their cars to fark in the bedroom.

I also came in "late", and even then do find ample farking along the "Frojet" road... in pact where I fark are legitimate farking bays... There are flenty of vaccant lots farking lots - when I arrive to fark, and when I lept.

The froblem is... got to walk abit lah... and kenot show car.

But thats OK... my car is cheap and have not wash for quite sometime. I think ip wash, can gain 10 hosrepower.
Originally posted by 2cents@Mar 8 2005, 11:50 AM
Be careful wut u wish 4, Mr. J Singh & orgynizing cummittee members. It may not all b constructv critism u will get in this thread. The trick is to sort out which is a bitching complain which is genuine criticism.
C wut u got here oledi - ppl dun wan 2 register, cum earlier admitted to reserved parking area, so those registered but cum later cumplain no parking. Mebbe forum registration shud b 4 parking space also not jus 4 table. C y mebbe selling tickets will weed out dis problem, but mebbe no ROS approval yet-hah?
Getting everybody to mingle - as usual every member blames the other member for not introducing himself/ herself first. Joke is, many participants r already forum members mit nicks & name tags! Mebbe cummitte social director can think of ideas 2 ovrcum dis problem nex time? :)
An den of course there's der members who get hassled by der SO staff over table occupation - only way's 2 book out der joint if we haff der numbers.
2 cents from 2cents. :D
2 cents, appreaciate your 2cents comments. :yes:
Originally posted by 2cents@Mar 8 2005, 11:50 AM
C y mebbe selling tickets will weed out dis problem, but mebbe no ROS approval yet-hah?
Selling tickets will only create another problem - COLLECTION! As it is, the committee already experienced excruciating pain trying to get some people to pay for their merchandise. But all reminders seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.

Let me make one point clear for the benefit of all in the future. Whether we have ROS or not has got nothing to do with selling tickets. ROS is only a formality for this club to have an official bank account under BMWCLUB Malaysia and start collecting membership fees. Without ROS, events can still go on. We are doing well to now, aren't we? I think the Certificate of Endorsement from International Club Council of BMW and some lettters from BMW Malaysia is solid justification that we ARE the only official BMW Club in Malaysia. B) I said before this is just a tt event, so lets not get too critical about it. In fact this was the BEST TT I ever attended, or the best gathering ever! :D
No way this is not the best TT I ever attended - I was at 2 TT events graced by air stewardesses :p

Just kidding - Albundy, Alvin, Jarance and everyone else did a great job. It's just an informal gathering which turned out to be grander than ever imagined. Thumbs up to everyone!
I am really trying ma...have also tried korean tire such as CUMHOR before, now rear using HanCock Ventus :D But I never used Yoko-hama before like you and anthony. :rofl: :rofl:
I suppose that this thread hv turned from a grievences thread to a complaints thread. And i assure u, Maraysians have tonnes to complain to, yet no one have the galls to make the change.

I came at arnd 5ish. Go a parking just at the turn of the road towards SO, so i parked there. Later, i got perli for not parking in the designated zone la, u were late la... etc etc. So what, i got my parking, and no one blocked me when i wanted to leave.

I went away at 530 for a boutique launch with my dates, and missed the photo shoot, kena perli for not joining in.

I went arnd mingling, introducing myself. Kena perli for self promoting.

Sigh.... Anyway, the main idea of a TT is to mingle and know other ppl. SO if u dont mingle and make attempts to know the guys or gals, then too bad. The next Grand TT wont make any diff if u still remain as yrself were in the past TT.

I dont mean to flame anyone here, most of the "perli" i got was playful banter, but just to point that u cant please everyone.

So, let not fall into our usual Malaysian mentality. Help out and contribute selfishly at the next Grand TT and make it even more greater.

Just my 2 cents.

Dont point to blame. Remember when u point, only two fingers point outwards whereas three points to yrself.[/I]
Originally posted by OSFlanker@Mar 8 2005, 12:30 PM
No way this is not the best TT I ever attended - I was at 2 TT events graced by air stewardesses :p

osf, yes i remember that TT where there are air stewardess who graced the TT. :yes!:
Pity they never come again because your hands was everywhere. :cry:
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