What would it take for you to be a member of this club?

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BLaCkHoWLiNG;755870 said:
Maintaining a website, a forum and paying for hosting ain't that expensive. Come on.. if that's an issue, i can give you all for free. It's about paying to be part of a BMW community that is for the marques that we appreciate and love. I know some are so passionate that they dont mind paying the 300 bucks while some, well, eventhough they drive a BMW, they struggle financially. However, there are majority of which do not think it's worth paying.

It's good to segregate the privileges - between OM and CG, afterall, it's we live in a world of 'you pay for what you get'.. all BMW owners understands this, that's why we pay more for our BMW.. or in some cases, BMW"s"...

I do not know why this topic was created in d first place, perhaps Alvin wants a new recruitment drive for the club.. perhaps the 'membership' fees aint meeting the targeted margin... or he sensed that there rift between the CGs and the OMs are beginning to grow wider but whatever it is, I believe it's of very high significance for him to invest his time to post it up... but if u ask me... what does it take? Well, if it helps me in anyway to contact the OM who is not responding my sms and taking my calls after the recent purchase, i dont mind paying the 300 bucks... though it aint exactly fair for me as it will be eating into my margin of sales.. (not like i'm doing business or somesort.. ).

As for CGs, I am a fellow CG too.. just dont take it too personally when things like this happen. It's d same as when u go shopping for parts. Willing seller - willing buyer. U don't like the rules - be a phantom.. read silently and reap the knowledge from the OM.. if u think u know better - contribute .. contribute as much as u've reaped. Show and share. Can't post anything in the classifieds? go mudah or lelong... or u can sell them in Facebook as well. Cheaper? maybe...

If it's about EGO.. dont worry.. don't think all OMs are all great and mighty (no puns intended to OMs.. please.. don't take this statement personally as well k?)... some shows up all fancy and hoo haa business man... wins your confidence.. and the moment u sell things to them on an agreed term.. they start paying u peanuts... (some la.. or one la.. i am not saying all. ... or will be specific) My apologies that I have to use this as an example but .. it's relevant.

But if you decide to stay as CGs, i urge you to do your bid. There are always charity drives organized by OMs and the Committee members.. do take part in it. It's always good and alim to give back to the society.

So should u pay to be an OM?...or should u remain as a phantom... it's in your own hands.

P.S. When the time comes for me to pay my dues to join the club - If I am asked for a copy of my BMWs registration cards... well.. what can I say? If you don't know me by now.. and my significance has to be shown via a photostated document, u ain't worth my time... u have yr rules.. i have my own principles...

Wah! 1300+ post but still haven't sign up ah?...now where is that AK47 when u need one...:eek: sorry but I have to make u a scapegoat...anyway my point is Statements such as freeloader, got BMW but...are just statement made by some during some frustrated situations and it's not meant to be across the board...as everybody is welcome ...but like I said to Andrew earlier if that is how he thinks abt not joining and his conscience is clear, so be it...nobodies got an AK47 up ur ass to say u must join...but at least we try to sell the idea...and thus the reason for this thread...to get some reasoning and at the same time to get some points across as to why one should join the club...not MUST!..but also as in any establishment trying to sell something certain terms and conditions are implemented so as its generosity is not abused..eg: Free samples are limited to one per customer and so on...A case in point was a situation in subway the otherday where there was a buy one free one offer...the terms was only 1 free for every single receipt if I'm not mistaken, so that means even if u order 10 u will still get only 1free...and if u still want another free u have to go join the que again ...And that's where the idea of after X amount of post is reached u need to register again.
So after reading through all 5 pages, I am still in the grey zone as to what would it take for CGs to be members...

There are one or two suggestions, but lack any definitive value. Only subjective values like 'more activities'.


Drives? TTs and other meet-ups? Visits to places of interest? [the papaya farm comes to mind!] Track-day? Family drive/day? WHAT???!!!

Most postings are just on 'why I do not want to'... This, to me already means a lot as it clearly reflect a 'sate of mind'...

Kalau nak seribu daya, kalau tak nak seribu daleh...
BlackCat ... a club is about a sense of belonging. That can be translated into many forms. Some do it because its exclusive (show off la). Some because they need the services to enjoy their passion (golf club). Some enjoy it for the fellowship and booze (HHH). Some just enjoy the common interest (stamp collectors club, train spotters). It is for the CM/OM to find out what this club wants to offer to potential members. In a way, you need to show the benefits of being a member of the club. That does not mean only monetary, such as free car, free petrol etc. Such freebies are merely temporal. For a club to grow it needs members who are committed to the cause. What is the SWOT on the club? Basically, its about marketing.

As for those who are stating why they are not joining, well, perhaps they feel that the forum is making a big fuss over nothing? Also, they truly failed to see the essence of this thread. Its about WHAT WOULD IT TAKE FOR YOU TO JOIN. They then read it as ... I NEED TO STATE WHY I DON'T WANNA JOIN.
ayoyoyoyo......i never thot this kinda topic is getting....hotter n hotter.......come on. kita semua org dewasa maa.
XXX;755856 said:
Pussy, seriously are u sure ur a member of this club?...here I am trying to rationalize on why join the club but it seems like ur against it...whts the point of bringing this old story up and the need to emphasize that the club is the club and the forum is the forum to contradict me...this is really the saddest moment for me...to be screwed by ur own kind. Sometimes I wonder if all this is really worth it.

still a member, just like the old days...

rationalizing to join the club, does not mean putting up a thread to gain millage, but there are many ways to entice CG's to join as official members, labeling CG's as freeloaders, over 1000posts haven't joined as official members is the Not the right way of a Official Member of this Club. OM's must lead a good example or conduct and not to being arrogant in postings to CG's. Remember, We are ambassadors to the Roundel.

Remember, we were once Club Guest's before joining as official.

I m not against your reasons to gain or recruit new members, but the facts that you answer to the CG's is Not accurate. This is where i have to correct your statements, as to Andrewk's question to you. As seniors to the Club since 2002, as long we are here, some history will still remain. If you do paint a wrong picture, forever it will be there. There is nothing to hide of the Club's up or downs or mistakes the Club has traveled. It makes the Club more stronger to stand up.

I m sorry, if you are sad, i m also sad/screwed also as a Official Member as what 'my' other counter parts as official members have been saying to the CG's to keep out of this forum. The forum usage is free as free as your 'Facebook Account' of your 'Gmail' email accounts. I wonder what would happen if Facebook decides to charge for it.

sorry too, if you take it personal. i m not, i have nothing to loose here.

btw, the pussy needs some tlc....
@papa Ramsing

..whats 'ghee' :) seriously :)
ghee is the most effective friction reducing agent known to man.. teflon oso nowhere close :biggrin:
BlackHowling ... What is this? Call people to fill up but you don't! LOL .. Eh can follow you to those hot girls event ar?
My car not for girls one la. Its my toy! Shedden lousy man. Always so busy. Maybe should borrow his cars to go meet women! LOL. Anyways, when you going to sign up? Faster, faster.
I remember one time when a CG was asked why he joined as OM. His reply was quite simple.

I joined as an Official Member because it was the Right thing to do.
..i demand to be revealed meaning of the word 'ghee'..i see it often used here, and I do not know what is it..sooo :)
Black howling, that charity drive was at Good Samaritan home and you were also the OP:)
// OOT Open

Ecco for your sake, I hope I don't get smacked for entertaining an OOT question but...
ghee is actually something like butter .. commanly used by South Asians countries and we have it here in Malaysia as well. You can sometimes hear things like Ghee Rice (almost like Butter rice), Ghee Thosai / Chapati (Thosai/Chapati with a spread of Ghee on it).

Like butter, it is also a good form of lubrication as it is oily. You can let your mind wonder a bit more why a oily food substance is introduce in a car forum. Don't worry, it is probably what you think it is for. :)
Not sure how Mizhan knows it is way better than teflon and the most effective friction reducer known to manthough. You might want to ask him about his experince separately in a PM. :D

//OOT Close
XXX;755899 said:
Wah! 1300+ post but still haven't sign up ah?...now where is that AK47 when u need one...:eek: sorry but I have to make u a scapegoat...anyway my point is Statements such as freeloader, got BMW but...are just statement made by some during some frustrated situations and it's not meant to be across the board...as everybody is welcome ...but like I said to Andrew earlier if that is how he thinks abt not joining and his conscience is clear, so be it...nobodies got an AK47 up ur ass to say u must join...but at least we try to sell the idea...and thus the reason for this thread...to get some reasoning and at the same time to get some points across as to why one should join the club...not MUST!..but also as in any establishment trying to sell something certain terms and conditions are implemented so as its generosity is not abused..eg: Free samples are limited to one per customer and so on...A case in point was a situation in subway the otherday where there was a buy one free one offer...the terms was only 1 free for every single receipt if I'm not mistaken, so that means even if u order 10 u will still get only 1free...and if u still want another free u have to go join the que again ...And that's where the idea of after X amount of post is reached u need to register again.

what happens if we lose official tie-up with BMW? what would be the consequence? there would not be a bmw club malaysia anymore. while some of us might cry ourselves to sleep at night hugging our bmw car grants tight, the rest would prob say, 'Oh really ar, nav mind la, still can meet up tcss, look at men and their bmw cars'. we dont need official recognition from bmw to sit down and talk bmw.

the forum would become bimmerclubmalaysia, and ppl would still post, fight, post dirty hamsap pics of cars in various stages of undress. life still goes on with no changes.

but the club and forum is unfortunately, to most ppl, not the same thing. putting bmw tie-up to a forum means squat if the user is squatting in miri somehwere with no access to club activities. his 'Joy' is just to logon and see what mischief ppl like ramsing is instigating. asking him to pay rm300 to support something he doesn't ever see or use, might not be his cup of tea. but if he loves the idea of the club, and wants to support, then we'll see him in the blue on his own accord.

the point i'm trying to say is that with/without bmw tie-up, does not make a difference right now. that's why trying to argue on why ppl are not joining is a moot point. if its happening with weekly sponsored events for OMs like gymkhana, sepang track drives, club homo...i mean promo events, ktv parties to celebrate OM betiks...i mean birthdays, then its a different story. as someone pointed out earlier, our numbers are small, so dont expect much sponsorship/tie-ups unless there's something in return for the sponsors.

as BC mentioned, events are needed. the events to attract new members to be OM rests primarily, but not totally on the wings of the CM. although they all have their day jobs, but bearing office also has responsibilites, and i might be wrong, but woudl also include planning for membership drives thru events etc. i'm sure the CMs are doing best they can, on the little time they have, when not asking for car grants and locking threads :p, so as much as we want, we cant have everything. i'm pretty have that we have the club and website, improvements there always is, but then again we have to be realistic as its not a full time job. :)

Ecc0;755932 said:
@papa Ramsing

..whats 'ghee' :) seriously :)

hehehe....are u sure u want to find out? might involve some grunts and moan...hahahah.
Aiseh .. i oso terasa when people accuse CG like me as freeloaders but as what mentioned by blackhowling i paid my dues and my conscience is clear. Always when i do post i try to make my post worthwhile for everyone to benefit be it technical, price watch, knowledge sharing or try to make the post usable for reference. Contribute where i can to the best of my abilities as a CG.

I've been to few official and unofficial TT's and i really enjoy the company of fellow enthusiast regardless whether OM or non-OM and also to the many drives organise by BMWCM (which is an open event and i pay like everyone else so i don't see how i freeload!?) Why i don't join till now is due to several reasons but mainly financial and timing. InsyaAllah when the monies permit and the timing is right i will turn blue when i submit my application and if accepted by the CM.

May i humbly suggest that for future drives and events (not all but some) to be exclusively for OM's like BMWCM go-kart competition, family day, driving defence class (few OM's are driving instructors what!), mini gymkhana (of course need to find suitable venue), exclusive test drives of new bmw models, joint track day with other car clubs like IA, mybenz and etc, BMWCM approved workshop's e.g. discounts on all parts and services for OM's plus few others idea that i have yet to think of :4: lol
BLaCkHoWLiNG;755970 said:
A very good contribution from CG.. to OM... see? a perfect co-existance symbiotic relationship.. CG gets technical advises from OM.. and OM gets explained wat is Ghee...

weii...ur rims money paid yet or not?? then u can belanja me ghee and go ktv!!! faster la collect the money...
pussy;755930 said:
still a member, just like the old days...

rationalizing to join the club, does not mean putting up a thread to gain millage, but there are many ways to entice CG's to join as official members, labeling CG's as freeloaders, over 1000posts haven't joined as official members is the Not the right way of a Official Member of this Club. OM's must lead a good example or conduct and not to being arrogant in postings to CG's. Remember, We are ambassadors to the Roundel.

Remember, we were once Club Guest's before joining as official.

I m not against your reasons to gain or recruit new members, but the facts that you answer to the CG's is Not accurate. This is where i have to correct your statements, as to Andrewk's question to you. As seniors to the Club since 2002, as long we are here, some history will still remain. If you do paint a wrong picture, forever it will be there. There is nothing to hide of the Club's up or downs or mistakes the Club has traveled. It makes the Club more stronger to stand up.

I m sorry, if you are sad, i m also sad/screwed also as a Official Member as what 'my' other counter parts as official members have been saying to the CG's to keep out of this forum. The forum usage is free as free as your 'Facebook Account' of your 'Gmail' email accounts. I wonder what would happen if Facebook decides to charge for it.

sorry too, if you take it personal. i m not, i have nothing to loose here.

btw, the pussy needs some tlc....

Bro I seriously dunno what ur blabbing abt but to my understanding its when Im selling something, lets say my car, i need to tell the truth nothing but the truth even to the extend of tellin the buyer how many girls Ive screwd in it b4 and theres a few sperm stains here and there, serious ah?? And when I call u an a$$hole u actually turn into an a$$hole...bro, as posted earlier all the name callings and what not are just talk for some but that doesnt make the person they are talking about one...as you say its a FREE country and talk is free...but if that person actually feels it, then I suppose he is probably one since he himself knows it...but at the end of the day I think you should have read the title of the thread b4 u actually came barging in...as ur posting was totally irrelevant.
You like to tell the truth right? why dont u also tell about why up till now the club is the club and the forum is the forum...pls enlighten us.
Manyak aggro la ... Time for some ghee thosai and teh Madras for there to be more love ... :0)
B33mEr;755975 said:
Aiseh .. i oso terasa when people accuse CG like me as freeloaders but as what mentioned by blackhowling i paid my dues and my conscience is clear. Always when i do post i try to make my post worthwhile for everyone to benefit be it technical, price watch, knowledge sharing or try to make the post usable for reference. Contribute where i can to the best of my abilities as a CG.

I've been to few official and unofficial TT's and i really enjoy the company of fellow enthusiast regardless whether OM or non-OM and also to the many drives organise by BMWCM (which is an open event and i pay like everyone else so i don't see how i freeload!?) Why i don't join till now is due to several reasons but mainly financial and timing. InsyaAllah when the monies permit and the timing is right i will turn blue when i submit my application and if accepted by the CM.

May i humbly suggest that for future drives and events (not all but some) to be exclusively for OM's like BMWCM go-kart competition, family day, driving defence class (few OM's are driving instructors what!), mini gymkhana (of course need to find suitable venue), exclusive test drives of new bmw models, joint track day with other car clubs like IA, mybenz and etc, BMWCM approved workshop's e.g. discounts on all parts and services for OM's plus few others idea that i have yet to think of :4: lol

I like that bro beemer...keep the ideas coming and cant wait to see u join officially...
tIANcI;755990 said:
Manyak aggro la ... Time for some ghee thosai and teh Madras for there to be more love ... :0)

hehe...its getting bad to worse la. eveyr drama there will be a few casualities one......in the end, i think only the CGs will be left la...all the OMs will end up hating each other. lol
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