e36 328 ownership experience

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there is someone out here whom is organizing an e36 meet up sometime next week in aman suria kayu nasi kandar ... not mistaken casper ka ...

but would be glad if you could make it there Lee ..

KC and SEECH ...you guys ahhh more like an auntie's make up artist larrr :)
ICEMAN 68;842636 said:
there is someone out here whom is organizing an e36 meet up sometime next week in aman suria kayu nasi kandar ... not mistaken casper ka ...

but would be glad if you could make it there Lee ..

KC and SEECH ...you guys ahhh more like an auntie's make up artist larrr :)

OK, done. Would be good to catch up over teh tarik. Been a while since I did something like this. Years in fact.
Yeah bro, been a while. Good to see your posts here again. And boy... Drooling here seeing your "new" ride... My ride? Haha scratches here and there, minor oil leak too. Old car already. But then again, same age as yours... 16 is the number ;)
That's cool bro Russie. Keep it running.

Window washer tank sprung a leak for quite some time. After patching it up a few times for a while, decided after refurbishment that a leaky tank just doesn't go with the born-again car.

So, when I found out I can fit a larger tank, 5 liter instead of 2.5 liter, might as well.


New, larger tank sits snugly in the bay.

The exhaust felt rough and a bit noisy.

Despite no sign of any leak, decided it might be time to change the exhaust gasket.

Pulled it out and true enough, it looked all worn out.


A closer look.


After replacing the gasket, noise seems reduced and torque improved a touch.

I am beginning to realize, many of the wear and tear are not major issues, each item affects the car just a little bit. But add up the few percent here and there, and total sum becomes significant.

The search continues, what other wear and tear items I can replace/rebuild...
Bro the 5 liter is from which model? can direct fit the sensors as well?

Lee36328;844020 said:
That's cool bro Russie. Keep it running.

Window washer tank sprung a leak for quite some time. After patching it up a few times for a while, decided after refurbishment that a leaky tank just doesn't go with the born-again car.

So, when I found out I can fit a larger tank, 5 liter instead of 2.5 liter, might as well.


New, larger tank sits snugly in the bay.

My front lower arm bracket bush was worn and needed replacement.

Was told about the M3 bush, which is firmer and has an offset. The one on the left is the M3 bush.


Looking at it, at first I thought it would change the caster, making it more aggressive, because the offset would push out the lower arm.


But, when I positioned it by hand, with and without the offset, and compared the photographs, it was not what I expected.

From the two photos below, one of them is with the offset, the other without. Can hardly tell a difference in the camber.


Instead, what really changed, because of the geometry of the arm, was the caster.

Check it out.

Normal bush on top, M3 bush below.



With this more aggressive caster, the steering feels firmer, more eager to snap back to straight if you turn the steering and release. At speed, the car feels more steady. When braking, the car remains true to its line.

Because the M3 bushing is harder, the ride will feel firmer over bumps.
Silly fault

Car felt rough. Wondering what was wrong.

Stopped to top up fuel and discovered fuel cap was not screwed on properly.

Car felt better after correcting that simple error.

I think the fuel pump requires the fuel tank to be sealed in order for the pressure to work correctly, somehow. Hmm... continuing to learn about this car after all these years.
Silver lining

Gave the car to someone to "try it out, but gently please..."

The friend, God bless his young heart, stepped on the accelerator for all its worth. My heart nearly stopped. I guess "gently" has a different meaning with the younger generation.

I figured I could look at it positively and appreciate the fact that it was a good way to stress test the car.

True enough, things started breaking. Over the next few days, I discovered:
- lights not working
- idle rough
- gear change erratic
- etc

Yes, it was a really effective stress test.

Just brought it to the workshop this morning and this is what they discovered so far...

- idle regulating valve hose cracked (BMW calls it idle regulating valve, whereas a more common term is idle control valve - took a bit of Googling to resolve this)
- throttle cable bush cracked
- light wiring contact faulty
- fuel supply hose bent
- etc

And you know what? When I found out, I felt thankful. All items are subject to wear and tear, and in a car this age, anything could fail over time. I would rather have these things break now, rather than when I'm driving long distance and I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Interestingly, I learnt what a throttle cable bush was, and what happens when it breaks. It seems that there is a bush holding the cable in place. When we step of the accelerator, if the bush is cracked, the cable will flex. We will not get a progressive feel when we step on the accelerator pedal. Ah, the journey of discovery continues...

Anything made of rubber, especially in the heat of the engine bay, would be near the end of its working lifespan by now if not already. Somewhere down the line, I will need to decide whether or not to replace all the bushes at one go.
Time for new lights, trying out a new look. Before on the left, After on the right.

lee ...indeed your car is stunning and the sound from the exhaust note ...virgin as hell upon stepping on the pedal... lets see the next phase of engine works ...

note : as for the hoses ..etc etc ..usually upon a spray job this tends to happen ...happen to mine too after 2 months left at the spray shop
Raja_Mongkut;844967 said:
Am digging the crystal headlamps over their blacked out counterparts!

did you change new headlights or did you paint it over? both look good nevertheless
Changed the lights.

They are the same model, except for the highlight instead of black.
Hi..morning dear sifus, last night after a long ride frm PD as I came to tbe toll booth..suddenly the engine rattle and came to a halt...I crank the ignition it started aand continue my ride but as I slowed down at a traffic light the prob happen again...luckily I reached home safely. ..hit the bunk..wake up this morning send my kid to school and the engine run smoothly like nothing is wrong...really need some help...this is not the first it happen..really appreciate your feedback. ..thanks....
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