alantiong said:there you go.. a reasonable comment.
at the amount of pollutant of a 320d emits is so little compare to the nox my V12 emits .. in any magnitute , degree and any planet..
we must take into consideration that the emission and efficiency of diesel/petrol engines is always in a flip flop balance. considering the real improvement of diesel CDI is just within the pass decade while the petrol technology is much developed for decades.. there will be always be two camps saying who is better.. but come on.. if we are serious about environment.. dun drive..
so i reckon .. maintain you rides as well as you can.. and drive as reasonable as we can..
Less CO2 yes, but the dangerous gasses are higher. Please read the article i shared to understand more.
The measurement of CO2 is archaic at best. CO2 doesnt cause cancer or asthma, but diesel exhaust does.
Petrol car affects the greenhouse by emitted CO2 but car's CO2 is small compared to other sources for CO2 (like energy, industy and others)