New E90 Engine Malfunction

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From AB? Great!

Question: Why some brand new 320i are required to be service by SC at 10k km while some of us is 25k km?
astroboy;348818 said:
From AB? Great!

Question: Why some brand new 320i are required to be service by SC at 10k km while some of us is 25k km?

i think the software was updated at March 2008, all 320i required to service at 10k Km, even mine was a 2007 pre register was updated before delivery at April 2008.
Wow, thats great, finally AB put someone to take care of the forummers problems... Yeah, i guess Mr. Aussie is doing what he said in the papers, if this is true....

good good...hoping for the best!!

yellowmanta;350432 said:
But that PWM dude isn't even responding after his hello all's fine.

Maybe he bought an Audi and settle in Audi Club Malaysia :)
I heard from a superbike enthusiast the crankshaft sensor failure is more and more common on new BMW bikes.If its true, then its only logical that the problem will creep its way into their cars, too.

Whether CKD or CBU, a failure is a failure. It simply should not happen on a brand new car with only 60kms on it.

My opinion is, BMWs are not what they used to be. I remember my father's '89 525i(E34) auto which he owned for 10 years and ran 306,000kms with original engine and gearbox.The car was rock solid reliable and the only major failure was a leaking air con hose(just his luck that it happened in a traffic jam).

As for me, I'll stick to old BMW's.Better made, and easy to fix should something breaks.
IMO, BMWs have never had a reputation for reliability, whether previously or now. Neither do they age well: an older BM doesn't have a classic aura.

It's Merc for reliability and agelessness...and boredom ;)
Merc is so not me.... BMW is more me... :p always break down.. :D

Boss: Why late?
Me: Car broke down.. :(
BMW is not so bad la, astro! Just more sensitive and need more care that's all. Merc is more robust but like everything that's reliable, oh so BORING! I'll pick 'exciting and great' over 'reliable and good' anyday too. That's us right? :D
JLC, shock to know what happen; but not shock to the kind of respond you get from AB, especially JB!!! HaHa...

Frankly speaking, if those people at AB JB is not selling BMW but selling some others, I won't buy anything from them. Their attitude is down to the moonson drain man!!!

Everytime I fill up the form about their service attitude, I wonder if it is being read and review.

Anyhow, just enjoy our ride for the moment and hope the next gen bimmer out will be strong enough to push us to get it from those bunch of rude people once again lo. LoL!

Enjoy peps!
Dear TomJB..

It is easy for you to say and comment when you are not working for ABJB.. Try working here for a week and try to see if you can "tahan" with the problem and condition that we are having.. The bloody technical, electrical and electronic "shits" that we have to settle.. The inpatienceness of you guys and the constant breathing down our necks are driving us to the limit.. If you think that we are rude and bad at doing our jobs, by all means, you are welcome to go somewhere else.. It may be the best for you.. Maybe those "outside" people can do a better job at spoiling your car warranty.. Good luck...
:( It's the other way around pwm. We're paying for your salary so if you can't take the heat, you're welcome to work somewhere else. Maybe you'll get better conditions and pay in the "outside" shops.

BTW, are you confirming for us that BMWs have bloody technical, electrical and electronic problems?
I am simply amazed with pwm's response. Schwepps spot on (as usual) with your response.

pwm, not sure if you heard of this concept but "The customer is always right" if you cannot 'tahan' the pressure, maybe this is not your forte. Without customers like us AB or any dealer for that matter will NOT exist. In fact with pwm's response, if you are really from AB, now I know why customers are starting to move away from AB. Keep up this attitude and I am sure you will be driving all AB's business to the other dealers.

This is the typical take it or leave it attitude that I just cannot tahan.
pwm;350758 said:
Dear TomJB..

It is easy for you to say and comment when you are not working for ABJB.. Try working here for a week and try to see if you can "tahan" with the problem and condition that we are having.. The bloody technical, electrical and electronic "shits" that we have to settle.. The inpatienceness of you guys and the constant breathing down our necks are driving us to the limit.. If you think that we are rude and bad at doing our jobs, by all means, you are welcome to go somewhere else.. It may be the best for you.. Maybe those "outside" people can do a better job at spoiling your car warranty.. Good luck...

I think this fella is risking losing his job la.. how can he say words like that? If AB keen to retain this staff, AB should sign him up for an "anger management" course or remove him from the customer service side which interacts directly with the customer before he breaks all AB's rice bowl.

I do admit the fact that there are many unreasonable customers but not all are unreasonable la.. people pay cash to buy a Kancil oso have the right to be demanding u know.

I wonder how many AB staff is with this kind of attitude? Damnnnnn jia lat attitude.. an attitude that definitely not healthy for AB, an attitude that says AB is lousy as an employer, an attitude that says AB service center in very run down, an attitude that says BMWs are problematic, an attitude that says AB customers are lousy!

If I am AB head, this fella is history!
danc;350763 said:
I am simply amazed with pwm's response. Schwepps spot on (as usual) with your response.

pwm, not sure if you heard of this concept but "The customer is always right" if you cannot 'tahan' the pressure, maybe this is not your forte. Without customers like us AB or any dealer for that matter will NOT exist. In fact with pwm's response, if you are really from AB, now I know why customers are starting to move away from AB. Keep up this attitude and I am sure you will be driving all AB's business to the other dealers.

This is the typical take it or leave it attitude that I just cannot tahan.

Spot on, Danc! My sentiments exactly.
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