New Audi A4 2.0T

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Originally posted by thinice@Jun 20 2005, 06:05 PM
Its great value compared to the E90, but I doubt many serious BMW enthusiasts would be swayed by this "new" A4. Turbo or not, its still FWD

I don't think the FWD is such a handicap if you compare it to 320. For the 325, you have to compare to the quattro. Wonder what the price is.

And yeah, love the face. Was hoping the E90 has anything like this - but that is history now.
thinice, i test drove the A4 2.0t quattro a day before the launch, its superb.....dont think can even compare with 325....way to far...infact the price tag only RM 292k ++...much cheaper as compared to just that after sales service & resale value will be the setback.....if in europe, Audi just like can see everywhere on the road...

Personally, Audi still ahead in terms of car tech....correct me if i'm wrong...
i test drove the A4 2.0t quattro a day before the launch, its superb

Seems that I really need a test drive.

Not really looking for a new car right now but if I can pick up a second hand quattro for less than 200k in a year's time (factoring in the depreciation), than that would be heaven.

Don't really care about brand image and if you buy second hand, the depreciation takes care of itself but really have to watch out for the maintenance part.
Yeap, its a good idea....the 2nd hand quattro price might crush down after a year.....hopefully.... :rolleyes:

But if you're going to test-drive the A4 quattro, you'll realise that the engine quite noisy, as the sales person answered me, the car need to be tune....

is it true...?
:D the 2.0 FSI turbo will be oh so tuneable..wud prefer the manual 6speed though.its a pity that the brand has such a poor following here.if u look at the tuning scene for audi in germany,it wud do wonders for the image of the cars.
as it is now,bmw still rules in malaysia....

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