Jpj - hid

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huskar3399;760092 said:
I heard stories that jpj sometimes will tear off part of the tint. So the owner has to retint and do inspection.

JPJ cannot do tht bro .... they can be sued! .. Usual case, they will ask car owner to tear it off :frown: ...
dzuljazz2001;760201 said:
JPJ cannot do tht bro .... they can be sued! .. Usual case, they will ask car owner to tear it off :frown: ...

My experience, puspakom officers asked me to tear off my tint film because it was too dark. No experience with jpj so far.
dato prez...any proposed solutions for me tak? 1.5 weeks before the deadline now..

any bros here with somebody that can help would appreciate if you could PM me thanks..
managed to contact a runner..he said can be done without going to will be reset in the system..but he will charge rm700 for his "services"..what do you think?
SilverBullet;760920 said:
managed to contact a runner..he said can be done without going to will be reset in their system..but he will charge rm700 for his "services"..what do you think?

if you want an easy way out then go for it ... charges seems alright as thinking how much would you need to spend if your tint has to be re-done again ...
SilverBullet;760340 said:
dato prez...any proposed solutions for me tak? 1.5 weeks before the deadline now..
any bros here with somebody that can help would appreciate if you could PM me thanks..
SilverBullet;760920 said:
managed to contact a runner..he said can be done without going to will be reset in the system..but he will charge rm700 for his "services"..what do you think?

My apologies for the late response Wan. Sibuk sgt2 sampai terlepas pandang your posting :4: ....

My take is, just change the plate number to the approved one and go for the inspection as required. If you have done so, usually they will "let you go" with a warning. The only thing I am sceptical is the summons for you to go to court. Why the need to do that? If need to do that also, just go and face the judge if they do want to fine you, dont forget to appeal (being a first offender) and give a good reason to lower the fine.

Never pay any runner any "service fee" coz you will never know for sure if they can do wht they say ... anyway its wrong ... Frankly I want to see the summons they issue you to really know what the summon is for ...

dzuljazz2001;760925 said:
My apologies for the late response Wan. Sibuk sgt2 sampai terlepas pandang your posting :4: ....

My take is, just change the plate number to the approved one and go for the inspection as required. If you have done so, usually they will "let you go" with a warning. The only thing I am sceptical is the summons for you to go to court. Why the need to do that? If need to do that also, just go and face the judge if they do want to fine you, dont forget to appeal (being a first offender) and give a good reason to lower the fine.

Never pay any runner any "service fee" coz you will never know for sure if they can do wht they say ... anyway its wrong ... Frankly I want to see the summons they issue you to really know what the summon is for ...


Thanks bro for your advise..i have sent to your email the saman slip for your the bottom it was written "Saman ini boleh dikompaun sebelum 22.09.12", which is before the magistrate date..i believe if dont bayar this saman, then need to go to court?

from zth forum, some ppl shared their experience, "having to go to jpj inspection because of dark tinted..the jpj only check for tinted not other part coz on the letter stated inspection for tinted only...i using spoon trompet muffler..can consider quite noisy....huhu..gud luck bro.."
I got one JPJ inspection summon for HID, went for inspection after revert back to stock light, they just inspect what state in the paper then gave me the inspection pass ticket in case my car got black list.

The same thing can do with tint window, see if you can rent stock window then pasang for inspection purpose.

As far as i know, this method only applicable for inspection summon.
Hope Police or JPJ officer won't read this post. LOL!:burnout: otherwise kantoi!!

v3nu5_xx;761257 said:
I got one JPJ inspection summon for HID, went for inspection after revert back to stock light, they just inspect what state in the paper then gave me the inspection pass ticket in case my car got black list.

The same thing can do with tint window, see if you can rent stock window then pasang for inspection purpose.

As far as i know, this method only applicable for inspection summon.
You won't because it for inspection, you only got actual summon if you send your car with the said infraction, hehe

You can say it like a second chance.
v3nu5_xx;761257 said:
I got one JPJ inspection summon for HID, went for inspection after revert back to stock light, they just inspect what state in the paper then gave me the inspection pass ticket in case my car got black list.

The same thing can do with tint window, see if you can rent stock window then pasang for inspection purpose.

As far as i know, this method only applicable for inspection summon.

thanks bro, that sounds more my case, it is stated have to go inspection for number plate only...but worry they might issue another summon during that inspection for my tinted..just curious, mind sharing (or PM) which JPJ branch did u went to?

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