e36 328 ownership experience

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Tom328;837200 said:
What's the latest Lee??? Can't wait to see the finished product :top:

Thanks for the patience. I too had to be very patient, it has been months literally, and I can hardly wait. But am careful not to rush the masters at work, meticulously applying their skills one layer at a time, letting it dry and set before the next layer, with patience and attention to a fine level of detail.

Chrix;838014 said:
Looks like an actual pearl in the shape of an E36.

Wow, what a nice compliment. Thank you bro.

Some more update pics below. Thank you guys for viewing it patiently.
Some additional goodies being prepped.

It's amazing what careful workmanship can achieve.

Here's what the bodykit parts looked like in the raw, before prepping.



Rough indeed, and with all sorts of unidentified organic smears.
After some loving attention, here's what it looked like prepped. Sooo smooth and lovely to the touch. Night and day compared to the condition it came in.

What will it look like when it's finally installed?

Hmmm, lets see...

Maybe something like this?


Oooh... I can hardly wait...
Maybe going head-to-head against some italian paintwork? You've come a long way, baby.

Keep 'em coming!!! BTW, don't want to spray the front bumper lining black??? It'd compliment the side door lining and continue to the rear bumper lining. Just my 2 cents :top:
Tom328;839026 said:
Keep 'em coming!!! BTW, don't want to spray the front bumper lining black??? It'd compliment the side door lining and continue to the rear bumper lining. Just my 2 cents :top:

Nice to be able to share my obsession with others who share the passion.

Yes, initially that's what I was thinking, black lining in the traditional way. But after careful study of the pics of the different styles, thought I would give this new look a try. As a fallback, I could always have the paint removed if I changed my mind.

So far I must say though, it appears to be turning out nicely.

What remains to be done, swap back to my refurbished rims and tyres (currently on temporary wheels), alignment, some remaining bit parts, and pretty much it's done.

The new paint feels so smooth. I am getting tips on how to preserve it. Am told to wash with only water, no shampoo, and to wax once every 2 weeks. No shampoo?! Seems no need, because the paint is new and the coating is easy to wash clean.

BTW, paint is Glasurit.

Also ordering a canvas car cover tailor-made to prevent the neighbourhood cats from scratching the paint. They love to sleep on warm bonnets.

The paint is to protect the car body. The lacquer/clear coat is to protect the paint. But now, the owner (and wallet) is protecting the sealant and the paint. Sigh!
Thank you brothers for all your nice compliments.

It's beginning to dawn on me, I think in the beginning I underestimated the complexity of this project, what was involved. Had I known, had sanity prevailed, I may not have embarked on it.

But with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, new life is found in this broken, old, rusty, dented car. One could say the car is reborn in new glory.

It was not easy, but I must admit the result exceeded my expectations.

Final touches being done now... I must be patient...
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