The main advantage of diesel engine is the inexpensive fuel. Then the cost difference between diesel fuel and AI-98 petrol reaches the 20% level even the owners of expensive cars start to save. The fuel efficiency of diesel engines is 36% and higher. The efficiency of petrol-powered engine is only 25% that means that the diesel engine wastes less fuel than the petrol-powered engine.
The diesel engine as compared to the petrol-powered engine of the equal volume of combustion chamber has advantage of higher torque. It is critically important for minivans and station wagons. No alternative engines are mounted now on trucks. High torque helps in the city traffic; it allows moving on minimal engine turnover in traffic jams.
The basic disadvantage of diesel engine is that it is expensive. It expensive both in manufacturing (due to high work load) and also in maintenance. It is expensive due to ecological incompatibility of its exhaust and due to necessity to adjust its exhaust according to strict requirements of international agreements.
The fuel in diesel engine is ignited by the heat of the compressed air. It results in that fact that fuel had no time to fully mix with the air and it produces CH, NOX and carbon black during the combustion process. The carbon black is particularly visible then it colors the exhaust in black. And if in the case of hydrocarbons it can be removed by catalyst, the quantity of carbon black in the exhaust is adjusted by the special exhaust filter, which is mounted between the exhaust collector and the catalyst. The exhaust filter is warming up in the flow of exhaust gas that results in carbon black afterburning. Periodically the residual carbon black should be burned up and on the command block instruction the gas temperature is raised at the end of the combustion stroke due to burning of an additional quantity of fuel.
The catalyst have more complex design due to irregular chemistry of the exhaust gases.
Now let look at the problems concerning diesel fuel. As it’s known, the diesel fuel occurs to be of 2 kinds – summer fuel and winter fuel. They differ in the temperature of solidification. When the fuel freezes the fuel pump is unable to flush it and that’s the end... You are standing idle on the road shoulder unable to start the engine. This can be avoided by warming up the fuel piping (also fuel tank for trucks). Contrary to diesel fuel the petrol is non-freezing.
HPFP of diesel engine is extremely unreliable unit. Due to its operation on high pressures the ingress of water into the fuel is a mortal danger. Therefore water separator is required. The small particles of dirt also can damage the pump, therefore the filter after filler is necessary. In Russian environment 2 filters are required due to very dirty diesel fuel in Russia and not all resellers provide autos equipped with such engines to Russia. Such complexity of engine systems results in high prices on diesel engines – sometimes the price difference compared to petrol-powered engines is up to 4000 Euro.
Noise and vibration till the latest times could not be separated from the words “Diesel engine”. Attempts to neutralize them are in wrapping up the engine compartment by acoustic insulation, balancing the engine moments and calibrating the control units.
Why Diesel engines are still popular?
The first, the ecological regulations are kept in foreign countries and the owners of ecology-friendly autos have discounts on assurance and other taxes.
Secondly, on condition of quality oil fueling and maintenance on the regular base diesel engine can operate up to half-million kilometers without capital repair. And that is the sure gain.
The third, the turbo-supercharging diesel engine can surely play the role of “fire-starter”. Many car manufacturers follow that way.
So if you think whether to buy diesel-powered car or not, you have to drive at least couple dozens of kilometers and you will appreciate whether you like it or not.