335i coupe

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meinauto;355378 said:
that is right, 335 is a 3.0l twin turbo so to distinguish it from the normal 3.0l it was given the 35 moniker

:listen::listen:.. went to Ingress yesterday to order some upgrades...Got one 335i with Brembo breaks upstair!! very familiar car...They said the owner trade the 335i with new M3....And also booked a X6 to go a long with it...damn....
Ermm... I was at Ingress yesterday too and they told me the white X6 we all saw during the EGM has already been sold when I asked why it wasn't in the showroom.
080711jk;356757 said:
太奇MBA培训中心是中国MBA联考领域最大培训机构,占有MBA联考辅导的最大市场份额,招生人数和上线人数都遥遥领先于第二梯队。1999年12月太奇首次举办了MBA联考辅导串讲班,2000年全面进入联考辅导领域,2001年迅速发展,成为北京地区乃至全国最大的MBA联考辅导班;连续八年招生规模、录取率、名校考取率等方面都保持绝对领先优势,并在全国各地开设有分校 40多家。 2007年MBA联考太奇命中10月在职及1月mba考试英语作文,但根据学员反馈,大多数学员均达到了理想的目标。 2006年MBA联考,太奇70%的学员成绩在200分以上,囊括了50%全国高校的联考状元,最高分266分,其中清华前十名太奇学员占六位,北大前第2名,第5名,第7-10名均为太奇学员,人大,复旦,上交,财大,厦大,哈工大,川大等校状元皆出自太奇。 2005年MBA联考,太奇成绩在200分以上的多达1000余人,清华第一名(251分),复旦第一名(248分),人大前三名,南京大学第一名(241分),南开第一名(237分),东大、北理工、西财、川大等20多所高校的第一名被太奇学员夺得。 2004年联考中包括清华、复旦、人大等有20多所高校的第一名也都出自太奇辅导班。10月在职MBA考试太奇学员100%上线,秋季考试创造了89%的升学奇迹,太奇学员230分以上占80%。
wtf? is this
2006 325i is valued only at RM185K by AB. i would have signed the paper for a 335i if not for such depreciation...damn! not really worth it coz the 335i will have to go through the depreciation, maybe even worse since its 2 door.

our hard earn money just goes to the Gov'ment pocket to fund their 'activities'....
Spaceman;370894 said:
2006 325i is valued only at RM185K by AB. i would have signed the paper for a 335i if not for such depreciation...damn! not really worth it coz the 335i will have to go through the depreciation, maybe even worse since its 2 door.

our hard earn money just goes to the Gov'ment pocket to fund their 'activities'....

Hell!? Depreciate RM100K?! WoW!!! Madness!!!
btw, there are 335i's both coupe and sedan available thru much cheaper channels, which im sure most people are aware of right?

somewhere around low RM300+ will get you one now from Japan or UK.
parallel importer u mean? i wouldnt risk of spending 300K for a non-warrantied car...unless the car history is very good and low on mileage
Wait a couple more years and th 335i's in the used car market will be spec'ed with DCT tranny. That would be really nice for ~300k. I think there are always inherent risks when going for parallel imports, but you are already saving quite a bit which could off set the repair/jap spec conversion bills.

Also wonder how cheap E92 M3's with DCT will be in a few years time. Generally M cars hold their value better tho. Hmm..
The 335i is a very different animal from the 325i. For one, you can easily ta-pau Golf GTis with the 335i, heh!
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