Why So Many Diffrent BMW Clubs ?

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sithwarrior;217029 said:
bro, I think you have very lil' understanding of what I had to say, anyways its ur call. No sense arguing with you, It will never end. I am cool with all of you. maybe one day we all go cah kuat with of the boat china girls ... how ?? hahahaha... just kiddin.. see you around...


Bro, so how's the TT goinG? Friday at adrian's kopitiam, hows that? I guess it wil be a start ..
venonh;217027 said:
Lolx.. Happening..

it is happening la...glad you dun take my post too serious.

with or without BMWCM I'm still zoggee.:D
Just read the entire thread at one go.....Wow this is indeed the most interesting thread that I've encounter since I came back from Oz land. Got BMW, Got Cheong, Got HH, Got International Cheong, Got Drama, Got SPA.... this is the best cyber sitcom man! Anyways, I'm just happy that everybody is really passionate about their respective BMW belief. Having passion in life is indeed very important! Cheers.
Zoggee;217019 said:
you all really cyber warrior la.

Zog .... not cyber warrior la ..... cyber kids ........
..... invitation for you why dont yr PNDC BMW Club joint my Hamsap BMW Club ....... saya mau jadi president la ... mau bikin duit sikit ....
..... Cip3k ... ada berani ....
Table talk...table talk..!!!!
come la scared ah...

I sponsor rm50...you guys tong tong a bit. We ask Adrian to cater us.
Come PNDC la...we all can joke,fight,cheong, Pork must buy saperately la...donuts.Smoke..anything you like,lick lollipop what ever la.:D cos parking is easy ma...if come Friday night lagi syiok! Got free show sumore, DRIFTING!!!

I wanna see how many BMW owners dares come my place.

pst: just c1p3k 3 udmonwers yesterday at PNDC, almost convert them to Toyota.:D

Long Live Toyta!!!!:D
JYazid;217037 said:
Zog .... not cyber warrior la ..... cyber kids ........
..... invitation for you why dont yr PNDC BMW Club joint my Hamsap BMW Club ....... saya mau jadi president la ... mau bikin duit sikit ....
..... Cip3k ... ada berani ....
haha...you might have more salt i your tummy,more fat in your system,you might fart more. But hamsap..???? I dun think you are hamsap-ier then me dah.

but still....hamsap group open invitation? why not? The more c1p3k the merrier!!!:cool:
Oh yeah...Bang Yazid. There's never a PNDC BMW club la. Never exist la.

Khaki Pukul Puchong Club ada la.I have to pay homage to them sumore.
JYazid;216954 said:
Albuaya ..... can we open another BMW club tak? easies way I can become president la ..... you can become VICE President ....... ada pangkat ma ...
open new forum also I can get money .... masuk my own pocket summore...... then can open accesorries/spart part shop ... boleh untung lagi

....or .... you can join me .. kite partner ma ..... we can name the club as BMW Hamsap Club. ...... cantik jugak tu .....

hahahahahahaha ....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D :D

senior member.............:eek:
As for thread starter Msport 5Hamsap guy i....I'm gonna get you.Come la...scared ah!!
Mont-o;216957 said:
aiyo bro what goal post you talking lar? No sports involved here....trust me:D .

Lionel san (japan style:D )...yes! i am not in your shoes, well yes! i dunno head and tail about your greavances toward club committee. You keep on saying you are happy but from your words seem to be you unhappy with all this. Come on settle all issues as a freandship spirit...not good to keep stink matters bro. Not good for your health.:)


Bailey;216960 said:
u r stil young i guess mr lionel, take care of yr health.......dont pressure yrslf bro

we r here for the fun of it & the passion bro...........be happy yeeeeeeeehhhhaa

thanks ...i'm happy and healthy......
Wats PNDC? Puchong Nite Driving ClasS?

Btw can anyone answer my question? Why not we get it started. Lets TT at adrian's kopitiam this friday.
1+2=3;217001 said:
I've not posted much of anything at all in a long time in this forum and I have my reasons. As a newbie to this community, I believe my comments are as important as the next person who has been here for years.

as for my comments...

The strange thing about all this is, this is not the first time i've seen a discussion like this come to this conclusion.

1) Party "A" bangs the heck our of Party "B". Party "A" then says "dont be so sensitive, lets all meetup and everything will be fine".

After a while, 1) is repeated again. To me, it doesn't look like there is any real sincerity in actually trying to get to the root problem, and solving it once and for all.

My advice to party "B" is, stay away from party "A", and your worries and troubles will end.

I've seen many things said in this forum, and I still see that nothing much has changed. Yes, I will definitely vote, but with my feet and i'm walking out of here.

To everyone and the club, I sincerely wish you all the best. cheers.

gooooooodddddd advice ......
Used BMW but brain like revo92 small kid.MrSith just forget about lionel nothing so great about him .BMWCM can live without people like him. Apa bagus sangat ke mamat nie. In order to ask BMWCM how good are they you must be a member, and if you are not than be silent, and if you think it is not good club than dont joint simple as that .The club is for every body not taylor made for individual. The only person i can see harping over it is lionel. Mr Lionel not to say that you are asking but i am giving you a bit of addvise since you are running the bimmers club just run your club. You got your own ship to take care dont worry about BMWCM wheatherit will stay a float or sink you got your own ship that you should think.

some time back .......i argue with my fren ........i said jesisca Alba is dammm nice .....If given chance to spend one night with here ......i can shorten up my life for a year .......

Then my fren said .......u crazy ah ????? one year shorthen .......u pay me i also dont want .....dammmmm ...i getting angry ...i told him ...fxxxk u ......u cant get it tat why u said so .......

Then he said .....No No NO No .........he said ...if one year shorten .......i prefer Maggie Q ....can ah ??????

Then we both laugh ...dammmmmm ........

wat we can say ........ if ppl given a chance .....they will choose something tat they feel worthy and they like .......

So stop all arguament here ......

Different ppl got diff preference and taste....u may feel offenced when ppl criticm the one u love .....but same to another party ......Just think ....

So cheers ......

live is too short .....Just enjoy it .....

p/s : all BCM members .....sorry if anyone of u feel offenced for wat i posted here ........

p/s : BCM committee .......thanks for ur explaination as well.......
Zoggee;217038 said:
Table talk...table talk..!!!!
come la scared ah...

I sponsor rm50...you guys tong tong a bit. We ask Adrian to cater us.
Come PNDC la...we all can joke,fight,cheong, Pork must buy saperately la...donuts.Smoke..anything you like,lick lollipop what ever la.:D cos parking is easy ma...if come Friday night lagi syiok! Got free show sumore, DRIFTING!!!

I wanna see how many BMW owners dares come my place.

pst: just c1p3k 3 udmonwers yesterday at PNDC, almost convert them to Toyota.:D

Long Live Toyta!!!!:D

This is the best Toyota to buy!! C1pek!:D

i agree with your redbaron ,

u have a point there , but u also have to see the diffrent side of the picture ....

u may be happy here but , im not . yes club cannot tailor made to people, but atleast the some key people can be more.................
Lionel_Koh;217050 said:
wat we can say ........ if ppl given a chance .....they will choose something tat they feel worthy and they like .......

So stop all arguament here ......

Different ppl got diff preference and taste....u may feel offenced when ppl criticm the one u love .....but same to another party ......Just think ....

So cheers ......

live is too short .....Just enjoy it .....

p/s : redbaron...thanks cos u make me feel tat i better then u ....really appreciate it ........

This is what I have been trying to tell everyone!

Phew....20 over pages finally we get somewhere!:D
redbaron;217049 said:
Used BMW but brain like revo92 small kid.MrSith just forget about lionel nothing so great about him .BMWCM can live without people like him. Apa bagus sangat ke mamat nie. In order to ask BMWCM how good are they you must be a member, and if you are not than be silent, and if you think it is not good club than dont joint simple as that .The club is for every body not taylor made for individual. The only person i can see harping over it is lionel. Mr Lionel not to say that you are asking but i am giving you a bit of addvise since you are running the bimmers club just run your club. You got your own ship to take care dont worry about BMWCM wheatherit will stay a float or sink you got your own ship that you should think.


thanks for ur comments ........really appreciated tat .....

i sure u r the better man here .....remember to contribute to this club ....

the club need u .....
Dear MrLionel i am here not to have competition who is better than who . If you think that you are better than me than good for you, but when i see you the next tt if you come i will show you what i am good at. Iam not much cyber warrior anyway till we meet the next tt cheers.:D
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