Ahemm.... if I may allowed to speak.. (I raise my hand..

) No intention to stir further..
There are 2 extreme views that I noticed from the "discussion" and both is of different business models. It's very difficult to converge the views or opinion as both think their model is better.. jia lat... no end le, if continue like that and not good for both the club or forum.
The Club's view is obvious towards a "brick and mortar" business model, family business model and collecting subscription is their primary concern to keep the club running and the so called KPI is pointing at subscription collection. The more subscription they collect, the more "successful" the club is. This is a classical view or should I say a traditional business model. Just like golf club membership, health or fitness club membership, or even AAM subscription. No subscription, no business, tutup kedai! I do not know the history of the club/forum but it seems, the club started before the forum and forum is an avenue for attracting more subscription... that explains the "behavior" of certain official members..
Another group is talking about a contemporary internet economy model and this group obviously talking about using the forum traffic to attract advertisers as a source of income for the club. Its a 20th century business model and some has done well by providing content to gain advertisement income.
Company like Astro is worst.. subscriber pay money, yet still plenty of advertisement in the broadcast.. so they make money both side. Damn smart..
Cost for running a forum is very minimal, if not wrong only RM50 per year for domain hosting. The software and storage is provided by the service provider, I think free, if not minimal and that's why so many Google generated ads in the forum.
Running an R.O.S. registered club is a totally different story which I have no experience at all. I know V-Sixer club is a paid club. Every member need to pay RM10 (dunno one time or annual) before u even get a log in ID, fill in form, photocopy IC and with this list, the committee is running around seeking sponsors for club event, freebies, and so forth. When they do drives, all expense subsidies from petrol, tyres, food and accommodation. The member list is their most valuable asset when looking for sponsors. There's no free member in their club, obviously I didn't join because never have time to do drives with them and its troublesome to meet up with them for the actual signup. And that's a sincerity gesture of RM10, not RM300..

Still, they get a goody bag well worth above RM10 la..
XXX, I beg to differ. Public listed companies do announce their P&L and B/S to the public so before buying their share, u do know whether the company is making money of not. Of course, voting rights are only given to share holders la..

All Sdn Bhd accounts also available at the ROC. They only charge on printing if I not mistaken.. Anyway, I am not interested in your a/c because didn't pay and no intention to pay in the near future..
Meanwhile I enjoy reading and sharing information using your forum facility. For that, I give you guys a big Thank You! If the club decided to impose paid only member for the forum like the V-Sixers, you are welcome to block my ID.. no hard feelings.
I will then have to Google around for the next free forum to join.. and I'm pretty sure, plenty around. As at now, I prefer BMWCM :rock:
Just to let u know my position... if Yahoo start to impose fee for their email a/c so we get voting rights and can voice out in their meetings and influence their future direction of Yahoo.. I will not pay but switch to use GMAIL, if GMAIL decided to do the same, I will switch to Hotmail, if Hotmail decieded to do the same, I have no choice but use the company mail..
I actually wanted to buy the BMWCM car sticker so I can stick to my E90 to attract more new members to the club but.... nevermind la.. scared they ask me for RM300 for the sticker.. different business model la. No right no wrong.
Oh... if anybody were to ask me... I will tell them I am still a proud forumer of BMWCM, from my heart! :top: