Why So Many Diffrent BMW Clubs ?

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aiyo.. now 30 pages oledi... not happy.. F*ck off la...

why bother....

i oso still here after so many things happen....

all the other kuchi rats making so much fuss!!...

aiyo... samy!


lets have fun guys...

but i mus say this.. which i felt was a bit of a turn off during official TT...

April TT... there was a long table setup... all sitting there... jerman, fabian, and a few more people....then the e36ers came.....
there was alot of place on the long setup tables but some of our senior members/advisor/5ers gang/commitee... came and setup a separate table away from the long table... WHY????? you all suppose to join and chit chat la... put all diference aside.... but no... all ego.... satu gang konon.. ptui

We suppose to show tht we all are one club.. having losers like this sure piss new members and some old members.. make them feel they are not welcomed!...

but i dun care la.. for me.. i jus feel they all are one big headed snob as*holes dun dun deserve to be talked bout...... muahahahaha...

life go on!

my 2cents.... pls dun delete my thread... thank you...
Let's start afresh?

mafia;217238 said:
aiyo.. now 30 pages oledi... not happy.. F*ck off la...

why bother....well... lets have fun guys...life go on!

Your few lines basically sum it all up!

Guys, enough said already.
Can we all forget (or at least try) what has happened and let's move forward & start afresh?
yeah... move on... stop asting time toking useless things...this kinda stuff doesnt stop... pple got mouth and they love to talk!...

so forget it....

we got more things in life to worry.. then join car club... mus worry sumore... aiyoyo....
Zoggee;217043 said:
As for thread starter Msport 5Hamsap guy i....I'm gonna get you.Come la...scared ah!!

name time and place... i will come..... wth my body guards.... hahahhaha we challenge who eat most porks or challenge who come down frm genting the fastest???? going up i think no challenge la .... coming down.....hahah

i send my driver la...if you can beat him...then hmmmm.....u CAMPION LOR!!!!!
okow;217215 said:
Woh...30 pages and the bitching has'nt stopped yet...it has even gotten nastier.

Here are the facts:

..looks like some people are not too happy with the way the Club is being run...'a people thing - human factor'


1) Cant stand the shit thats going on here
...I'll stay away, spend more time in the other friendlier forums

2) Dont like the shit going on here, who the hell do they thiink they are!
..hmmm...I'll still hang and bitch the daylights out of them

3) Cant take this anymore, this Club is as mine as it is yours/theirs.
...I'll stand for elections in the next AGM and show them we can do a much better job!

Life is full of choices..........choose yours wisely!

I believe okow's reply to be the best summary on this topic.

There will always be
1) those who are passionate about the club
2) those who abhor the club
3) those who sit on the fence
4) those who are unhappy but yet can't stay away

At the end of the day, the deal clincher should be the "official" accreditation.
u know the farnee thing is most of those talking kok here have not paid up or submitted the Application form but those whose existence in this forum is rare are the ones signing up and paying up without fuss....hmmph I wonder why?
To this people I salute u and wellcome to the club...as for this thread dont bother about it, its just a playground for us with nothing to do and at the same time to practice our typing skills.
Msport-525i;217245 said:
name time and place... i will come..... wth my body guards.... hahahhaha we challenge who eat most porks or challenge who come down frm genting the fastest???? going up i think no challenge la .... coming down.....hahah

i send my driver la...if you can beat him...then hmmmm.....u CAMPION LOR!!!!!

:Dhehe...you know where to find me.:D

Pork for you and me...:D
XXX;217253 said:
u know the farnee thing is most of those talking kok here have not paid up or submitted the Application form but those whose existence in this forum is rare are the ones signing up and paying up without fuss....hmmph I wonder why?
To this people I salute u and wellcome to the club...as for this thread dont bother about it, its just a playground for us with nothing to do and at the same time to practice our typing skills.

XXX, aiyoh..I still haven't pay la
I will pay at BMWCM office with red carpet and lion dance, please.:D
now here's a fight....! you guys are fighting and I browse for it.

wow!!!!! damn exciting la.


beware it's uncensored.
mafia;217238 said:
all the other kuchi rats making so much fuss!!...

I agreed with you Sanjay ...

... tambah sikit lagi ....... fees pun tak mau bayar tapi cerita banyak.

another invitation to you and your Sanjay Puchong BMW Club, come and join my Hamsap BMW Club ....

In BCM cannot become President cos fees cannot afford to pay ma ...... so open new club la ... can become President and boleh untung banyak. ...... then that time I can show my balls is bigger that other ... come la joint me.
l put stock in humbleness, by the word 'humble' i've seen the greatness of every denomination be called the will of togetherness.

Sorry mates, my enthusiasm sometimes does the best of me.
You all still go on like that then bettar form
political party and take over MoT!

Semua boleh cakap, semua boleh selesai
Betul tak?
All talk will lead to nothing but anger and hatred.

We all have more in common than differences, just to remind all friends and members. The solution is available, but is anyone willing to listen and give it a chance? Everyone is talking, but no one is listening. Thats why the thread is more than 30 pages long.:)

To me, the best way to make a change is to do it from within the organisation. Work with the system and implement the changes you deem fit and appropriate.

Like I said, voice out your frusfrations / grievances and perhaps we could find some common ground. Whining and procrastinating like aunties in the background will not solve anything but aggravate the situation further.

And hence (repeating myself again), Say your piece or forever hold your peace.

The main point of contention is the registration fees.

Very simple, if this is hindering you from participating in this club / forum, then be a committee member and amend the constitution and change the membership fees to a lower amount. Isn't this a better solution?

Not happy with the committee, be a committee yourself! Isn't this a better solution? The irony is this, when AGM comes, not many will show up. The last AGM we only have like 50+ members showed up. The AGM is the proper forum for members to question the committee's performance and also elect members that we think will elevate the club to a higher platform.

Everyone speaks of unity and etc, ask yourself what has you done to promote unity?:)

The problem here now lies with each individual.
From what I see 1 person dont like that fella or never layan him then the club is hopeless...but does one ask oneself why that person never layan me, is it bcos he is shy or is he just plain stuck up, but anyway this club doesnt just consist of that one person so why the big deal...from this thread alone you can see that eventually you will meet some one with the same wavelenght.
The problem now here is once that person gets to be with the people of the same wavelenght they form a group amongst themselves and bad mouth that one person and blame it on the club saying the club is hopeless...is that how a club is judged because of an individual? This is the reality of the whole situation...like I said the Club did nothing wrong why blame it....if its XXX to blame then blame XXX instead why blame the club overall and go start something else, so how will we ever get to say this..

“…this is a wonderful club. a crazy one but they're also receptive and very brave. they've allowed us to be part of some fantastic experience over d'years. and our relationship with them has been growing stronger and stronger.”
ALBundy;217322 said:
.......... Not happy with the committee, be a committee yourself! Isn't this a better solution? The irony is this, when AGM comes, no many will show up. The last AGM we only have like 50+ members showed up. The AGM is the proper forum for members to question the committee's performance and also elect members that we think will elevate the club to a higher platform......


........ Wise man word ......
kata pepatah melayu ' anjing menyalak bukit takkan runtuh bukit tu' tapi kalu bulldozer tolak .... '

I was there during the last AGM, I voted DD for President even I know that he doesn't stay here even I voted for Suther even I don't like him.
Should I don't like the way they run the Club, I straight shoot them ( I done it so many times without jepoardising the unity)

Problem here is the kids/people whom didn't attend (dont even born/joint the club) the AGM or Club events, worst not paying the fees is making the noise.
......Kelakar sungguh .....

But now I want to become president and make money, so I form my own Hamsap BMW Club since I cannot wait for the AGM.

Now this what I call unity heading somewhere positively,
likewise, please make time for the next AGM, come together brotherz, sit around and collectively share thoughts and suggestion for the betterment off all of us [i for one love to see this happen,in presence] , I’m sure we have a wide wide group of brainy individualz in this club - all young and wise , talented and passionate with ideas - Passion is important. if no passion, complacency steps in. So mates, next AGM bimmerboyz, like john lennon said ‘COME TOGETHER’,
JYazid;217265 said:
I agreed with you Sanjay ...

... tambah sikit lagi ....... fees pun tak mau bayar tapi cerita banyak.

another invitation to you and your Sanjay Puchong BMW Club, come and join my Hamsap BMW Club ....

In BCM cannot become President cos fees cannot afford to pay ma ...... so open new club la ... can become President and boleh untung banyak. ...... then that time I can show my balls is bigger that other ... come la joint me.

Aiks, means you are trying to say BCM's president is earning loads out of the club? :confused: :confused: sorry i'm confused..
alamak not done yet ka mr venonh & the gang, i tot yr boss said he is happy now even thou not....................yeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hi guys, can i fax the filled up form over and pay online? upon which i can email the transaction detail. Pls advise
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