WakeBoarding/ Waterskiing

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y'know ... sometimes ... emphasis needed .... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by OSFlanker@Jan 28 2005, 11:35 AM
I am only interested if a min of 6 people are in. Too few people not syok. KrazyPete, can I try to rope in guys from outdoor activity forums?
agree with this. :)
For those who's interested in seeing me in action in my yellow colored swimming trunk..and tattoo!!! can come join me for some fun at Subang 3K sports complex.....swimming pool!!! after 6pm. almost every weekend..I'm there. B)

usually I take my son a few Khaki Phukul Puchong friends just to play play oni...after that can go for the Jawa Mee/ Penang Laksa at pasar malam behind the building.. B)

this time..I'm in... for the waterskiing but...oni with family. B)

what's next...???? PARACHUTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!! B)
Originally posted by dimples@Jan 28 2005, 11:40 AM

y'know ... sometimes ... emphasis needed .... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok, ok, ok, we hear ya... no need to SHOUT... :lol:
Originally posted by dimples@Jan 27 2005, 02:39 PM
How come a lot of talk but no names yet leh? Okay la ... let the GURL put down her name first. :p


1. Dimples (before anyone asks; will NOT be in a bikini :D )
Aiyoh... woman with the most courage...

come on guys!
it will be fun
Originally posted by Zoggee@Jan 28 2005, 11:14 AM
1. Dimples (before anyone asks; will NOT be in a bikini )
2. OS Flanker (pending?)
3. Bmwky (have to be prepared in case of tsunami )

sorry....I'm interested but this time without the BMW club guys.


I'll pm you my no:....I'm interested.!!!! B)

you were one of the first respondents... can bring your family along if you want...

do reconsider :D
Originally posted by ALBundy@Jan 28 2005, 11:49 AM
Ooiii, I need swimming lessons...HOW??
No need to know how to swim lah... i can hardly float 3 mins myself :D

lifejackets will be provided. many people do this without knowing how to swim

Come lah Bundy
Anyways, forgot to put myself and me wifey on the list

1. Dimples (before anyone asks; will NOT be in a bikini )
2. OS Flanker (pending?)
3. Bmwky (have to be prepared in case of tsunami )
4. KrazeePete + Wife (she drives a bimmer too but not in club yet :D)

so we have 5 people already... at most 2 - 3 more people and we'll be overloaded in the boat!

ALBundy can I put you in?
1. Dimples (before anyone asks; will NOT be in a bikini )
2. OS Flanker (pending?)
3. Bmwky (have to be prepared in case of tsunami )
4. KrazeePete
5. Mrs KrazeePete
6. OSFlanker's referral (Glowingnitehawk from http://groups.msn.com/TomsJalanjalan)

KrazeePete, so confirmation by 11th Feb?
Originally posted by OSFlanker@Jan 31 2005, 10:04 AM
1. Dimples (before anyone asks; will NOT be in a bikini )
2. OS Flanker (pending?)
3. Bmwky (have to be prepared in case of tsunami )
4. KrazeePete
5. Mrs KrazeePete
6. OSFlanker's referral (Glowingnitehawk from http://groups.msn.com/TomsJalanjalan)

KrazeePete, so confirmation by 11th Feb?
Good to Hear OSFlanker!!! So you and friend confirmed :D

Earlier the confirmation the better so that I can make sure we get the slot.


Er KrazeePete, no. 6 will have to pull out. Not able to confirm his spot. Do you have anyone else in mind? If not enough quorum, can we do it some other date coz 19 Feb is still within CNY period!
You guys wanna do it on the 26th instead? it is past the chap goh meh Feb 23rd (cho 15) so most people would be back from hols or hometowns by then...

that way we may have more takers.

I'm flexible...

I bumped into KrazeePete at the kart track, he was on his way to Mines to do barefoot water skiing!

Anyway, let's start again for the wakeboarding session :

Date : Saturday 26 Feb 2005
Time : 2-5pm
Costs : RM600 to be shared out by all participants

1. KrazeePete
2. Mrs KrazeePete
3. OSFlanker
4. OSFlanker's GF
5. bmwky?
6. Dimples?

bmwky & dimples, please re-confirm by deleting the question mark from the post. I suggest we should pay KrazeePete a deposit of RM50 by 19 Feb 2005 to confirm our spots.
Originally posted by OSFlanker@Feb 6 2005, 11:41 PM
I bumped into KrazeePete at the kart track, he was on his way to Mines to do barefoot water skiing!

Anyway, let's start again for the wakeboarding session :

Date : Saturday 26 Feb 2005
Time : 2-5pm
Costs : RM600 to be shared out by all participants

1. KrazeePete
2. Mrs KrazeePete
3. OSFlanker
4. OSFlanker's GF
5. bmwky?
6. Dimples?

bmwky & dimples, please re-confirm by deleting the question mark from the post. I suggest we should pay KrazeePete a deposit of RM50 by 19 Feb 2005 to confirm our spots.
Anyway, let's start again for the wakeboarding session :

Date : Saturday 26 Feb 2005
Time : 2-5pm
Costs : RM600 to be shared out by all participants

1. KrazeePete
2. Mrs KrazeePete
3. OSFlanker
4. OSFlanker's GF
5. bmwky (i m a ok)
6. Dimples?
Anyway, let's start again for the wakeboarding session :

Date : Saturday 26 Feb 2005
Time : 2-5pm
Costs : RM600 to be shared out by all participants

1. KrazeePete
2. Mrs KrazeePete
3. OSFlanker
4. OSFlanker's GF
5. bmwky (i m a ok)
6. Dimples (will confirm by end of this week or beginning of next week at the latest)
Wah, you guys ....quite happening ar........all these when I was away.

Anyway, dont wanna be a party pooper Pete (wah, rhymes also) but the 19th and 20th Feb is the MAS Travel Fair held at the Mines Exibition Center....so you can expect some massive traffic there on that day... you may want to consider another date.
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