wan e46;770286 said:
what a different between E46 (a) and E46 (b)..i saw so many dealer/owner type this one..can any sifus or frenz help me?
Add like Mudah use (a) for Auto and (b) for BOTH means manual+automatic. More popular known as tiptronic. Porsche called their auto+manual as PDK (Porsche Doppelkupplung). VW call it DSG (Direct Shift Gearbox or in German: Direkt-Schalt-Getriebe). For MANUAL it should be (m)
Well my friend, Wiki should be your best reference looking for details on engine and model. Google it.
Deciding on cars and model is very much personal preference. Affordability, image, number of years , mileage, look, face lift against pre facelift, options, interior, colour, original factory M Sport package against local upgrade etc. Yes as lot of sifu and mechanic says, M43 engine is more reliable. So does most of SOHC engine out there. Same issue being discussed about E60 comparing M54 engine against newer magnesium based engine. Mechanic will say magnesium engine problem one !. BMW stand is newer engine introduce is more efficient while producing same if not more amount of power. Not to mention about the stick emission rules in Europe now.
As for me that love to spend time at workshop, look at engine bay weekly, pay attention to the meter cluster, I guess owning BMW with N46 engine is fine with me. I have 3 engine choice in the family now (N46 for E87 1 Series, M54B22 for E46 and M54B25 for E39), I should be able to tell the difference.
Love+hate relationship