Jpj - hid

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Club Guest
Oct 30, 2007
Dear Members,According to JPJ, HID conversions are not allowed in this country since last year. Those cars come with HID stock from the factory are allowed. I was just wondering the logic of JPJ.. If the big Head of JPJ said, it's okie for new cars to be fitted with HID, So why old cars can't be installed ? I was just stopped just now for having HID. I'm running 4.5K bulbs and not those pure white lights. If i'm running on 8k or 12k bulbs... then go ahead saman all you want. So now, they saman me and i have to take my car too puspakom for inspection, they wanna see that i have removed the HIDJust sharing this info...who are running on HID's. See a JPJ roadblock... go the other way ! Or better solution, just drive without HIDs... It's not really worth the hassle.. Cheers
Thanks for sharing. Yeah, there have been numerous warnings given that the authority will crack down on the use of HIDs, illegally that is. I have also heard of stories that owners have to send the cars to Puspakom for certification blah blah blah and get clearance from JPJ again.
To be exact, 4.5k or lower with projector lens, then should be considered ok. To bad too many Ah Bengs out there don't understand what is projector lens.. they thought only the color looks cool, that's why the authority will have problem. U know how difficult for the enforcement officers to pronounce "projector lens" to the Ah Bengs... "Kanta Cembung".. :p

Without the projector lens, then HID illumination will be a nuisance to other road users due to the wide angle HID beam throw angle. Still I don't understand how the 2.0 Civic Gen8 got away with it! OEM HID without projector.. maybe Ah Beng designer targeting Ah Beng customers.. :p irresponsible manufacturer!
One of the JPJ Officers told me, he used to pasang BMW original HID's on re-cond 5 series and 7 series.. That started another arguement between me and him.. Soo, it's legal to have a JPJ officer to pasang HID, but illegal to pasang it on ur own or at the shops.. Where is the sense...? We are moving foward towards the countries vision 2020 but why are goverment personnel still in the 80's.... i could easily bribe the jpj officer, but i didn't want too cause there were 15 of them there... and 5 looking at my car... Give 1, all would want.
mmmm so tiring this JPJ business....wished they spent more time in skool learning stuff form other countries(more justified resoning and actions)(wonder why other countries have monster BMWs??coz engineers can certify them...and not get a canary for being unroadworthy.)
.the JPJ pengarah told us that the reason for tints are so strict coz ppl cat see in front u if ur windows too dat panel van no need to go on the road la.and big lorries coz i cant see in front. for ppls sake we live on the equator!!so hot.precious BMws will melt their rare dashboards.

What is the sound threshold for noise pollution in JPJ terms.At idle?at 3000 RPM?.or would there be other advanced techniques employed by JPJ officers(such as by super hearing).would that include the noise form the cooling fan?

I got stopped coz my car 2 tone,not dat pajero 2 tone change to solid also cannot la?why not just kominis and all drive grey kancil.happy?why not govt spend their energy catching real crooks, care about public safety(potholes,imporved safety barriers,other things countries like s'pore care more about. Hopefully our Govt one day will have more sense in justifying their actions...and god help u if u change ur BMW horn to a honda cub horn..illegal!!!or maybe not..depending on the discrimination and common sense of the officers.
Soundman;411175 said:
One of the JPJ Officers told me, he used to pasang BMW original HID's on re-cond 5 series and 7 series.. That started another arguement between me and him.. Soo, it's legal to have a JPJ officer to pasang HID, but illegal to pasang it on ur own or at the shops.. Where is the sense...? We are moving foward towards the countries vision 2020 but why are goverment personnel still in the 80's.... i could easily bribe the jpj officer, but i didn't want too cause there were 15 of them there... and 5 looking at my car... Give 1, all would want.

Sound like a loop hole to JPJ Officer comment.

If you fit BMW Original HID on BMW car then it is OK.:rolleyes:

but if you fit aftermarket HID on BMW car then it is not OK?:stupid:

Soundman, when you get saman by JPJ, do you have to pay fine or just have to get the car inspected by puspacom that the HID have been removed.
was stopped at a police road block late last year.. i got a ticket because i wasn't 'friendly' enough. no jpj tho, and i wasn't required to go for inspection. paid the rm150 summons via maybank2u.
This incident happen last night....Must Pay fine and must go for inspection b4 the 20th of this month....
Looks like 1 whole day at Puspakom.. Dread going there. Unhelpful staff and takes up alot of patience..........cause of incompetance !

jarance;411184 said:
Sound like a loop hole to JPJ Officer comment.

If you fit BMW Original HID on BMW car then it is OK.:rolleyes:

but if you fit aftermarket HID on BMW car then it is not OK?:stupid:

Soundman, when you get saman by JPJ, do you have to pay fine or just have to get the car inspected by puspacom that the HID have been removed.
It doesn't, matter if u use 4.5k 0r 8k...cos the thing that make it illegal is the hid projection which can cause other road user a blind effect.

I am not sure if the law is implemented here, but in europe, HID equipped car must also have the auto self leveling headlight, which automatic align the projection of the HID so that it will not cause the effect of blindness to on coming traffic or the car infront of it.

So even if u use the 4.5k HID, your car still can make other road user "blind" if it doesn't level automatically.
glock_8;411200 said:
It doesn't, matter if u use 4.5k 0r 8k...cos the thing that make it illegal is the hid projection which can cause other road user a blind effect.

I am not sure if the law is implemented here, but in europe, HID equipped car must also have the auto self leveling headlight, which automatic align the projection of the HID so that it will not cause the effect of blindness to on coming traffic or the car infront of it.

So even if u use the 4.5k HID, your car still can make other road user "blind" if it doesn't level automatically.

If projector lense type, there's no blinding effect unlike the reflector type ie E46 headlight.. Which I also wonder why BMW fitted reflector-type headlamp on the E46 while the E30 and E36 had the projector lense headlamp.. Then they reverted to projector lense on the E90...
In Singapore, I saw a few E90 and E60 with normal headlights. Heard from a friend that projector headlights from manufacturer also not approved.
I am told that the JPJ Officers cant tell the difference between HID and CCFL angel eyes.

When a friend who was stopped, argued that the CCFL angel eyes on his E46 are not HIDs, they summoned for illegal mods. He has a month to remove them and have the car inspected by JPJ.
Well, I care about other drivers.. I don't shoot my lights into thier rear view mirrors...
CCFL angle eye also not aproved ???? The jpj officers who stopped me last night, didn't mention about the CCFL angle eyes... Just HID..
fabianyee;411206 said:
If projector lense type, there's no blinding effect unlike the reflector type ie E46 headlight.. Which I also wonder why BMW fitted reflector-type headlamp on the E46 while the E30 and E36 had the projector lense headlamp.. Then they reverted to projector lense on the E90...
bro fabian... does that means that if u install hid kit 4.5K and below in the standard e36 headlamps is ok by jpj because they are projector types?
Soundman;411218 said:
Well, I care about other drivers.. I don't shoot my lights into thier rear view mirrors...
CCFL angle eye also not aproved ???? The jpj officers who stopped me last night, didn't mention about the CCFL angle eyes... Just HID..

If they want to pick a fight with you, they will pick on anything.
zamrulesz;411225 said:
bro fabian... does that means that if u install hid kit 4.5K and below in the standard e36 headlamps is ok by jpj because they are projector types?

i guess the JPJ doesn't have the resources to man experts on each and every roadblock they set up to verify which modification is approved and which is not approved. So the best and safe solution is, they stick to manufacturer's standard.

If the car comes equipped with HID from factory then its ok, if its an aftermarket modification then they'll fine you. simple as that.

Maybe you can tell that your beemer is safe and doesn blind other road user, but the jpj don;t only inspect you car...there are thousands other cars with different brands and different modifications they have to verify if they allow aftermarket installation.

It will take hours to clear a roadblock that way!!!
saat;411231 said:
If they want to pick a fight with you, they will pick on anything.

That's the problem with the enforcement agencies here in Malaysia. Even if there's nothing wrong they'll try to find something to pick on. I hate that really.
these JPJ o other kopi lover officer indeed should really go study about lightnings
n come out a new law like
1, HID conversion need to go testing, over certain K of temperatur colour not approve etc
2, headlights(except high lights) should not exceed certain angle that would blind ppl from the opposite
3, projectors headlamps should b emphasis either on satefy o distance issue, as projectors help to focus the beams instead of simply shooting the beams n blind others
at least juz send those lightning for some puspakom test for approval better than ppl breaking the law around unreasonably

also i do understand white o blue lights r danger especially in raining days, it may look cool but not really safe for driving
n i hope more ah bengs know how to use HID properly not blinding others -.-
saat;411209 said:
I am told that the JPJ Officers cant tell the difference between HID and CCFL angel eyes.

When a friend who was stopped, argued that the CCFL angel eyes on his E46 are not HIDs, they summoned for illegal mods. He has a month to remove them and have the car inspected by JPJ.

It was me.
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