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ahhh.... another beautiful day. Session has adjourned and I now have time to.....MERAPU!

Today lets begin with looking at the basic tools one needs to have at the meeting I am at this week.

first up.... the headset.... mucho importante.... proceedings are translated simultaneously into 5 UN languages.... since I dont know my spanish from my french I pick this up first before I enter the hall...

this is where I get it from .... the headset counter... duh

another important tool.... the mike. In this meeting to speak is the 'intervene'.... or an 'intervention. I havent interveneved yet.... shy lah...

back end of hall.... power points are found here so when you need power you head to the back of the hall and power up.... some snooze in the dark.... I'm just passing though of course....
my desk.... I normally sit at the 'business' section.... being a hijacker I sometimes hijack an NGO desk... basically business, NGOs/IGOs etc are 'backbenchers'..... so they line the back of the hall....

this is important too.... keeps me awake.... some proceedings are mind numbingly booooooriiiiing..... zzzzz...

people are beginning to slum it these days.... jeans and Ts.... typical of these NGOs.... hehehehe....

ahhhh.... the freebies.... bag... nice. My Tumi has a friend now... also got free scarf, free pen, etc.....
now on to other kerapus....

weather is still excellent...

breakfast of champions.... thats not orange juice but a 'multivitamin' drink.... go figure...

did I say nice weather? view of terrace lounge just off reception at my hotel....

my very very nice hotel... somelike the hilton better but this is a nice old place.... 70s feel.... small.... by the river (makes it worth while) and near shops and subway..
'side events' are held at different rooms or 'salons'. Also known as free food events its therefore important to know how to get to them.... this sign gives you an idea of how many rooms are used and where they can be.....

side events are very important : (1) for the info they dish out; and (2) for the free food. Some people think its more important for the latter especially if you are from a currency exchange rate challenged country..... always results in a feeding frenzy.....

I have seen some people literally cruise these events and pick up the best food and drinks.... not me of course :rolleyes:

you can also get food and drinks at concessions stands like this.... coke is EUR2 (!!) ... small itsy bitsy bottle summore... coke is same price as a sandwich by the way (tak sedap!)...

like my hotel.... meeting venue has very 70s feel ..... check out them lights... right on!
last bacth of photos....

alphabet soup.....

Malaysia is out there somewhere..... just peeking through....

ironies abound.... who's bright idea was it to place Iraq next to Kuwait?! By the way this whole row is empty, probably because they also placed Israel and Lebanon in it.... must check under your tables and chairs before you sit just in case.....

Oh did I tell you, I finally got to eat some lice yesterday night. It was at a place called.... DING DONG.... yes, seriously..... no kidding... cost me EUR7+ for rice+stir fried fish+mixed veg+coke.... not nice.....

ok thats all for now.... back to work (seriously) :burnout:
I want to see Sabine and/or Hans Stuck PICTURES !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oso - The RING Teksi !
535i;324617 said:
I want to see Sabine and/or Hans Stuck PICTURES !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oso - The RING Teksi !

apa ni? demand demand ni?.....

Patience my friend.... it starts this saturday .... I shall start a new thread just for that.... blow by blow of my attempt.... stay tuned :cool:
Lee36328;324635 said:
Hi Jips,

How does "coch" taste in Germany?

big or small coch?

veli nice I might say.... coch always tastes better abroad... particularly in temperate climate.

Actually, I have been studying this myself and after sampling coch in Peru, Colombia and now Germany this year alone I able to form the following preliminary conclusion - coch tastes better abroad. My study continues of course.
535i;324681 said:
Remember - this is the teksi u must take !!!!

Lu punye teksi bila mau siap? Semua orang mau naik teksi ada dua engine M5 lah. Tak da lesen ka? Tak pa, sapu saja.
Finally broke page 60 - what lah you guys, so slow wan. Now, have to elect the most merapu crackpot in this thread. So let the merapu go on.
pussy;324552 said:
er, my mistake, should be the Hijackers Inc. :rolleyes:

btw, it's true.. i m still the hor*y old cat...

me love you...

yup, you are the only one to address me as Felix..for that i buy you 'sirap limau buih'..:love:

Felix = The Cat = Pussy = PANTAT!

Jipster;324611 said:

Ish ish ish.....

VeePee punya pussy-tion,
Pegi luar negara untuk majlis;
Tak kan tak pernah use "insert text box" function,
Cakar ayam punya tulis....

535i;324617 said:
I want to see Sabine and/or Hans Stuck PICTURES !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oso - The RING Teksi !

Ya la.... pictures of tables, seating arrangements, etc... for what!!!???

Show pics of FISHES.... esp the top heavy ones..... fishes from event la, fishes from streets la, fishes la...... but nadda..... cheh....

Pics from the RING is a given, the video is the priceless item..... park it firmly on the dash, take video of you driving.... then park it at the back seat, take video of the Ring....
Fireblade;324705 said:
Finally broke page 60 - what lah you guys, so slow wan. Now, have to elect the most merapu crackpot in this thread. So let the merapu go on.

3 days is ok ma...... here manyak merapu punya bosses.....

Buat kete 2 M5 engine.... ada....
Buat keje engineering ber million million.... ada....
Buat meeting luar negara.... ada....
Buat gay party kat Utara.... ada....
Buat party kat VN.... ada....
Buat levitation over water magis show.... ada....
Aku pulak sibuk ngan ikang tengah cari "hair"....
5201;324738 said:
Ya la.... pictures of tables, seating arrangements, etc... for what!!!???

Show pics of FISHES.... esp the top heavy ones..... fishes from event la, fishes from streets la, fishes la...... but nadda..... cheh....

Pics from the RING is a given, the video is the priceless item..... park it firmly on the dash, take video of you driving.... then park it at the back seat, take video of the Ring....

Its verboten to film in the track itself lah.....
5201;324741 said:
3 days is ok ma...... here manyak merapu punya bosses.....

Buat kete 2 M5 engine.... ada....
Buat keje engineering ber million million.... ada....
Buat meeting luar negara.... ada....
Buat gay party kat Utara.... ada....
Buat party kat VN.... ada....
Buat levitation over water magis show.... ada....
Aku pulak sibuk ngan ikang tengah cari "hair"....

This posting makes absolutley no sense to other people.... classic hicjacker.... good job stebie carry on the good work.
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