Let's guess who exactly..RocketFella

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Clement, also had his fair share of crap dished out by this guy. I don't know how he has been linked to that blog, but I personally do not think Clement is roketfella. Anyway, we've got something exciting to solve at TT...hahahah.

See you all tonite
hmmm.. seems to be staying /working close to X benz ... u know him aaa?
cant be X-benz. I have met him couple of time and I dont think it him. Drive 5 series and going thru the choice of rims. 16 to 17 to 18 to 17. Ha..ha.. cant seem to made up his mind.

Is the company of I-care product info reliable? Coincidentally X-benz is in this business.. Oh Dear..

x-benz.. die lahh you..
Every year in BMWCM forums, there's always 1 or 2 that starts a fuss. This guy is in the lead for best of 2010. But not for long.....
coincidentally, I am in Hanoi , Vietnam at the moment :) if he/she is here , can ask him/her to come see me at Hotel Metropole Hanoi :) i belanja makan :D
waht are you doing in Hanoi. You should be in wakikiki beach.
came to look for ninhnguyen laaaa .. that's how committed to BMWCM laaaa... heheh :D stop over JJCP ... jalan jalan cari pasal :D leaving hotel in an hour for the states ..just had breakfast.. boring lah here... didnt find rocketfella
jarance;511339 said:
waht are you doing in Hanoi. You should be in wakikiki beach.

Dia hantar orang meeting kat Hanoi laaa ..
i dont get it lah, if its either of the ppl mentioned who is Rocketfella, what is his objective? what does he wanna achieve? It would be an embarrasment at the end of the day right??!!
he's enjoying making fun of others and sucking off the rage/hate energy generated towards him...haha...
king82;511372 said:
he's enjoying making fun of others and sucking off the rage/hate energy generated towards him...haha...

Also, maybe he's practicing this saying - The more you curse me, the longer I live.

Well at the end of the day, what to do. In every forum or office there's always one joker. There was "andypoh" and "joker" and for 2010 - "rocketfella."

People like him will shoot his mouth off and when you take rightful offence, he will:

1) Play the injured party;
2) Say you are not used to the way he talks;
3) Say you are getting angry at him for no reason;
4) Look down on you for getting angry at him, even more so if you insult him.

People like this will provoke you and attack you personally and when you respond in kind, he will say:

1) He's doing it to get a positive reaction out of you;
2) He's trying to teach you or show you the right thing;
3) You have no right to attack him back personally.

In their minds, they are always right. So seriously, do we really really need to waste time and forum bandwidth talking to, responding to, talking about and speculating about people like this?

what kind of a lunatic is this? seriously, so much of time ah?
X Benz;511438 said:

Maybe I m Rockfella...! Remember Dr jeckel and mr hyde? lol...going to TT tonight?

yeah go there tonight.. see ya at Borneo.. after the X1 at K' Avenue.

So are U coming as Dr Jeckel tonight? :burnout:
The login email account for Rocketfella to this forum is ninhnguyen200@yahoo.com, IP no used is Be my guess everyone, please search this email and see where it leads you to.

The alleged birthdate in the system is 20th Oct 1990. Definetly not 14 years old.

This Rocketfella like Joker(2009) has created a lot of unpleasent unncessary postings in this forum, making fun of the other users of this forum. I know he likes E39. This has made a lot of people in this forum pissed off for the last 24 hours going on a wild goose chase and replying to his silly remarks.

Rocketfella, Anh Dung Jio Vo!. Gonna send you back to District 2 in HCMC and make Nuoc Mam out of whatever is left of you after that. No come back to Malai ok?
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