Fuel Consumption & Range

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Aug 12, 2009
Had a meeting in KL today. Left early from Lumut to try and see what's the best range I can get in the 323 with a full tank of gas. Filled with RON95 Shell. Driving at 80 in 60 km/h zone, 100 at 90 zone and 120 on the PLUS highway. Acceleration bursts to overtake lorries on the trunk road. Route taken is trunk road from Lumut to Teluk Intan to Bidor, then onto PLUS and stopped at the Sungai Buloh R&R to measure the range. Travel condition: Left Lumut at 10:30AM. Day was sunny throughout the journey. Traffic was quite smooth, although quite a number of trucks on the trunk road. Results:Distance traveled 221.9 kmRange with fuel remaining = 623 kmTherefore, total range is 844.9 km. Average FC is 7.9 ltr/100 km.Fuel meter went down exactly by 1/4.Quite good actually!:top: I think if I actually followed the speed limit, could get 900 km range, which is close to what one could get from a diesel. Anyway, on the way back from KL, drove 'normally'!Any of you guys did this sort of experiment before?
That's nearly half of mine. The average km/h should be different too. :D
... at my current 12L/100km, Camry 2.4 still can robek me on the KLIA highway last nite... basket!
Ya, on my KL-Penang runs (NSE), I get around 12.1-12.3km/L (V-Power) depending on whether I mostly travel at a constant speed (lower/better FC) or have to accelerate/decelerate more due to traffic (higher/worse FC).

Driving on trunk roads with 2 major uphill stretches (KL-Bentong-Gua Musang-Tanah Rata), I get around 10.9km/L (RON95). Returning to KL downhill via Simpang Pulai and NSE, I get 14.4km/L (RON95).

City driving gets me 6.8km/L (RON95), 7.0km/L (RON97) and 7.4km/L (V-Power). City range would be around 400-420km for me, while highway range should be just over 750km (all based on 63L fuel tank capacity).
i think something wrong with my car or *my leg* :(
Whether I use ron95, 97 or vpower, my average is 13L/100km to 15.1L/100km
racheltoh;500554 said:
i think something wrong with my car or *my leg* :(
Whether I use ron95, 97 or vpower, my average is 13km/L to 15.1km/L

No worries, I'm very close behind u with a 4-potter! No need to pengsan!

Actually with your driving style, u need to 335i to be economical. 325i for u is underpower! :eek:
You guys are mixing up L/100km and km/L. Traveller is talking chickens, you're talking ducks. :)

And BTW, ahmz is talking about outstation trip consumption. A 4-potter should give about 8 L/100km and 6-potter about 9L/100km for a constant speed drive below 120kmh. Don't compare with your all-cycle consumption figs. :wink:
astroboy;500556 said:
No worries, I'm very close behind u with a 4-potter! No need to pengsan!

Actually with your driving style, u need to 335i to be economical. 325i for u is underpower! :eek:

Mine bi-turbo is at 13.2 l/100km.... 0 to 100 km @ 4.6 secs...
David Yong;500582 said:
Mine bi-turbo is at 13.2 l/100km.... 0 to 100 km @ 4.6 secs...


As I said, this was a trial run for best FC if I follow the speed limit with a bit of tolerance!
On the way back from KL, running at 160 - 180, didn't bother with the FC already! Test already done!
Today just refill.. forget about the OBC FC counter.. this is what I get..

48L for 357km at RM86 which gives me..

24sen/km, 13.4L/100km :)eek: 320i worst than 335i), 7.43km/L.. last refill was 10 days ago.. :p I figure most evaporated.. :p :D
astroboy;502144 said:
Today just refill.. forget about the OBC FC counter.. this is what I get..

48L for 357km at RM86 which gives me..

24sen/km, 13.4L/100km :)eek: 320i worst than 335i), 7.43km/L.. last refill was 10 days ago.. :p I figure most evaporated.. :p :D

Yes most evaporated when you tekan too much after every Stop sign :) I reset the average fuel consumption in OBC and monitored it in city driving... it was really bad to drive around if rev passed 3.xx Krpm too often.
astroboy;502144 said:
Today just refill.. forget about the OBC FC counter.. this is what I get..

48L for 357km at RM86 which gives me..

24sen/km, 13.4L/100km :)eek: 320i worst than 335i), 7.43km/L.. last refill was 10 days ago.. :p I figure most evaporated.. :p :D

walau eh AB.. u seriously heavy footed or yr car got problem ahaha.. hope its e former tho.
i get 6+km/l w vpower on my 325 but town driving mostly, average abt 40km/h type of range.
n i dun think i'm heavy footed at all ahaha 325 FC rockz... :top:
e60FANster;502359 said:
.. get 6+km/l w vpower on my 325 but town driving mostly, average abt 40km/h type of range...

... but my 7.43km/L is better than yours wor. Same one liter of fuel, I go 7.43km while u already stranded 1km behind me.. :D
astroboy;502384 said:
... but my 7.43km/L is better than yours wor. Same one liter of fuel, I go 7.43km while u already stranded 1km behind me.. :D

In the time it took you to get to 7.43km, we have already stopped for more petrol, and zoooooomed off into the distance :D

...cabut-time! :vroam:

Seriously though 7.43km/L is not that big a difference from my 6.8km/L (RON95) or 7.4km/L (V-Power) @30km/h average. You must have a lead foot (or I have a feather-foot)! Hehe.
Even DY's bi-turbo 335 is getting 13.2l/100km which is 7.6km/l, which is similar to my 325 on ULG95. IMO 6+km/l is pretty poor FC for a 325, expecially if it's on VPower. I would get my sensors and settings checked. :wink:
Haha... our friend's office is in the heart of KL and that explains all.. most of his VPower is released into the town center through his tail pipe in 5kph start stop drive.. :D

My RON95 even worst, evaporated under my porch.. :(
Could be. Then why use VPower at 35 sen/km to crawl in traffic jams? :rolleyes:

On VPower I can get 8.2 km/l, but then my lifetime average speed is 48.3kmh. I go into KL city centre maybe once every few months? :D
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