EasyDIS 44 and INPA working

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DME error report

Date: 07.11.2012 19:53:44
JobStatus: OKAY
Variant: ME9K42
RESULT: 3 error in error memory !
2778 CDKKUPPL - Switch clutch
Error counter: 5
Logistic counter: 40
1. Umweltsatz
Mileage 159830 km
Engine speed (nmot) 2480.00 /min
Engine temperature (tmot) 108.75 degrees C
Vehicle speed (vfzg_u) 77.00 km/h
Supply voltage (ub) 13.94 V
2. Umweltsatz
Mileage 160680 km
Engine speed (nmot) 1920.00 /min
Engine temperature (tmot) 107.25 degrees C
Vehicle speed (vfzg_u) 52.00 km/h
Supply voltage (ub) 14.04 V
3. Umweltsatz
Mileage 163320 km
Engine speed (nmot) 2440.00 /min
Engine temperature (tmot) 107.25 degrees C
Vehicle speed (vfzg_u) 48.00 km/h
Supply voltage (ub) 14.13 V
Signal inaktiv
Test conditions fulfilled
Error present now and already stored
Error would not cause a warning lamp to light up
Error code: 03 27 78 64 01 05 28 3E 6F 3E D1 4D 94 3E C4 30
CF 34 95 3F CC 3D CF 30
2865 CDKDVPMN - Power supply limit VVT-emergency
Error counter: 1
Logistic counter: 27
Mileage 163800 km
Engine speed (nmot) 880.00 /min
Supply voltage (ub) 13.85 V
Engine temperature (tmot) 110.25 degrees C
VVT-value in according of control(vvt_iw_u) 39.06 %
Exzenterwinkel faehrt nicht auf Vollhubposition
Test conditions fulfilled
Error not occurred yet
Error would cause a warning lamp to light up
Error code: 03 28 65 82 05 01 1B 3F FC 16 93 D3 64 FF FF FF
285A CDKDVSTE - VVT-Actuator monitoring
Error counter: 2
Logistic counter: 38
1. Umweltsatz
Mileage 163800 km
Engine speed (nmot) 1120.00 /min
Supply voltage (ub) 14.13 V
Engine temperature (tmot) 110.25 degrees C
VVT-value in according of control(vvt_iw_u) 39.06 %
2. Umweltsatz
Mileage 164070 km
Engine speed (nmot) 2960.00 /min
Supply voltage (ub) 13.94 V
Engine temperature (tmot) 107.25 degrees C
VVT-value in according of control(vvt_iw_u) 99.60 %
Test conditions fulfilled
Error not occurred yet
Error would cause a warning lamp to light up
Error code: 03 28 5A 84 01 02 26 3F FC 1C 96 D3 64 40 17 4A
ok..done reading 21 pages.. it s time for me to venture in! haha....
now downloading the files needed
azeL_Inc;790860 said:
ok..done reading 21 pages.. it s time for me to venture in! haha....
now downloading the files needed

Go slow at first. If not sure, dont try to recode the program.
Just to update that INPA can work in Windows 8.

Tested on Windows 8 Pro upgraded from Windows 7 x64, I don't see why it wouldn't work on a clean Windows 8 installation.
I read the thread with great interest. You guys are great. Passionate. Need you help to point me to the link whether eBay or China/HK site that sell the working INPA/DIS. One of the treat mention cable with the switch. Not sure what is that for.

Currently in the family are E39 M54B25, E46 M54B22 and E87 N46 2.0.

As for the notebook, I guess I need to use my daughter Windows 7 64 bits. Mine is Macbook Air. Don't want to use bootcamp. I have another Macbook running bootcamp and PA Soft 1.4 on Windows XP.

Appreciate your help.
zidee;816400 said:
I read the thread with great interest. You guys are great. Passionate. Need you help to point me to the link whether eBay or China/HK site that sell the working INPA/DIS. One of the treat mention cable with the switch. Not sure what is that for.

Currently in the family are E39 M54B25, E46 M54B22 and E87 N46 2.0.

As for the notebook, I guess I need to use my daughter Windows 7 64 bits. Mine is Macbook Air. Don't want to use bootcamp. I have another Macbook running bootcamp and PA Soft 1.4 on Windows XP.

Appreciate your help.

Update to above quote. Managed to get PA Soft and INPA working on my daughter Windows 7 64 bits with the final touch by sifu aidilj.

Further to that I've installed INPA and PA Soft 1.4 on Windows XP SP2 32 bits on my Macbook Air OS X 10.8.7 using Vmware Fusion as virtual drive. Both running :)
Thanks for the update bro. Indeed will work on virtualized environment, since my machine is a 64bit Win 8 and NCS Expert is a 16bit application. I have to run it on VM Win XP 32bit
aidilj;823573 said:
Thanks for the update bro. Indeed will work on virtualized environment, since my machine is a 64bit Win 8 and NCS Expert is a 16bit application. I have to run it on VM Win XP 32bit

NCS Expert looks cluttered. I would like to try out GT1 one day. I'm rather disappointed INPA does not recognise E87 with N46 engine although the option is there. Perhaps i need to test on someone E87 or E90 with N46
I saw in earlier thread where you guys facing mouse movement lag problem..not sure whether it is resolved..Anyway, allow me to share some little humble information here...
I'm not sure how these system work together....but i see vmware is one of the mandatory installation module... so i presume the system run in the vmware virtual machine....
If that's the case....when you are in the vmware virtual machine..set the "Hardware Accelerate Level" to FULL..that will resolve the problem..

The procedure to set hardware accelerate level is varies from different OS....but basically....Right click on the Desktop> Display Setting> Advanced Setting> Troubleshoot> Set the "Hardware Accelerate Level" to FULL...
You may google Set the vmware "Hardware Accelerate Level" to FULL....you should get some guidelines from internet.
Example: page 166 of http://www.vmware.com/pdf/ws65_manual.pdf

By the way, to all sifu...i'm keen to invest a set of EasyDIS 44 and INPA....my ride is M43B19..so the connector is BMW 20 pins connector.

In this case the total hardware + software i need are as per following?
Appreciate your enlightern if i need some other thing(s)....or if any sifu upgraded from M43B19 to more powerful UDM have a set to let go after ...many thanks in advance ;)

1. Ediabas/INPA 4 BMW compatible OBD11 interface : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ediabas-INP...rts&vxp=mtr&hash=item27d22007c7#ht_3352wt_904
2. EasyDIS and GT1 v44
3. EDIABAS 6.4.7 and INPA 5.0.2
3. VMware workstation 6.5.2
Bro aidilj, have you tried installing CIP for easyDIS ? I am looking for the installer.
rwd;824572 said:
I saw in earlier thread where you guys facing mouse movement lag problem..not sure whether it is resolved..Anyway, allow me to share some little humble information here...
I'm not sure how these system work together....but i see vmware is one of the mandatory installation module... so i presume the system run in the vmware virtual machine....
If that's the case....when you are in the vmware virtual machine..set the "Hardware Accelerate Level" to FULL..that will resolve the problem..

The procedure to set hardware accelerate level is varies from different OS....but basically....Right click on the Desktop> Display Setting> Advanced Setting> Troubleshoot> Set the "Hardware Accelerate Level" to FULL...
You may google Set the vmware "Hardware Accelerate Level" to FULL....you should get some guidelines from internet.
Example: page 166 of http://www.vmware.com/pdf/ws65_manual.pdf

By the way, to all sifu...i'm keen to invest a set of EasyDIS 44 and INPA....my ride is M43B19..so the connector is BMW 20 pins connector.

In this case the total hardware + software i need are as per following?
Appreciate your enlightern if i need some other thing(s)....or if any sifu upgraded from M43B19 to more powerful UDM have a set to let go after ...many thanks in advance ;)

1. Ediabas/INPA 4 BMW compatible OBD11 interface : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ediabas-INP...rts&vxp=mtr&hash=item27d22007c7#ht_3352wt_904
2. EasyDIS and GT1 v44
3. EDIABAS 6.4.7 and INPA 5.0.2
3. VMware workstation 6.5.2

Thanks bro for the info, can try once DIS is up again. for item number 1, this requires you to have a usb to serial adapter. you can just buy USB EDIABAS DCAN interface instead, find one that includes the round adapter. Getting the correct hardware is important, software can just be downloaded and installed.

Nowadays I'm mostly using INPA for diagnose and NCSexpert for coding. My DIS refused to work and didn't spend time to get it working again

IanDaddy;841234 said:
Bro aidilj, have you tried installing CIP for easyDIS ? I am looking for the installer.

Bro IanDaddy, no I haven't install it and not aware of it. What is CIP.
aidilj;841235 said:
Bro IanDaddy, no I haven't install it and not aware of it. What is CIP.

CIP = Customization, Individualization and Programming. contain the updates for coding and programming. I understand the update can be installed to DIS, for the updated version of programs and codes.
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