e36 328 ownership experience

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Lee36328;849393 said:
Always happy to help a brother if I can.

Do you have your current alignment settings? If you do, PM them to me to take a look.

Secondly, what is the current behaviour of your car in the corners - does it understeer/oversteer/sway to much etc?

And what is the behaviour you are looking for. Cheers.

Sir Lee I alsoooooo one hehe

Thank U

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Lee36328;849393 said:
Always happy to help a brother if I can.

Do you have your current alignment settings? If you do, PM them to me to take a look.

Secondly, what is the current behaviour of your car in the corners - does it understeer/oversteer/sway to much etc?

And what is the behaviour you are looking for. Cheers.

Sir Lee I alsoooooo one hehe

Thank U
lamoo;849403 said:
Sir Lee I alsoooooo one hehe

Thank U

My brothers,

Am no expert by any means, but would be happy to take a look if I can help.

Same questions as I asked above, and likewise, PM me the current set up if you have it.


Next tt can share more information on sound tuning with you. :)

Lee36328;849179 said:
Further notes as I continue to learn and discover...

Crossover as hifi buffs know very well is the way to separate sound frequencies to send to the subwoofer, mid speakers and tweeters.

I used to leave crossovers alone because I did not understand them. Now I just discovered, if I don't set them correctly, the speakers will struggle to deliver frequencies not intended for them. Which is why my system sounded atrocious previously. Yes, I am late for the party, but I am glad I finally arrived.

The player may have a crossover. The speakers also will have a crossover. The amps also may have a crossover, or high pass/low pass filter. So my question was, which crossover do we use?

For the sub, I use the crossover at the player itself. I set the low pass filter of the sub's amplifier to maximum, allowing all frequency to come through. I use the crossover at the player to decide the crossover frequency for the sub and midrange.

But for the tweeter, I struggled to find the right crossover frequency setting at the player. It just didn't sound right, too sharp.

Then it occurred to me that my tweeter and midrange speakers are from the same brand, coming as a set. Which means the crossover within the speakers are already set at optimum. So I set the crossover point at the player for the tweeter/midrange to flat, and let the speakers' crossover sort it out.

The result was much better.

Next, the player has a subsonic filter. I always wondered what it was. Turned out, it was a way to cut off the low frequency sound. Subsonic means we can't hear it. My sub has a low end limit of 25 Hz. Apart from a subsonic filter, the player also allows the slope of the cut off to be set, from Q1 to Q5, Q1 being the most gradual, and Q5 being the most steep slope. The slope is how gradual or steep the sound frequency drops off.

I always thought since it was subsonic, it made no difference because we can't hear it.

Not true. Changing the subsonic cut off with various combinations of frequency (above/below 25 Hz) and slope made an audible difference to the quality of the bass.

The learning continues...
slyder;850068 said:

Next tt can share more information on sound tuning with you. :)


Err... reading it not sure if you want to teach me on sound tuning, or whether you want me to share w you. If the latter, pai seh, pai seh (am flattered, am flattered...) Happy to help if I can.

If the former, why thank you very much in advance.

There is a wealth of information freely available in today's cyberage. Very rewarding when we learn and master something for ourselves.
More of exchanging notes and comparing notes. I always believe there will be things I might not know. so more like sharing of information ;)

Lee36328;850718 said:
Err... reading it not sure if you want to teach me on sound tuning, or whether you want me to share w you. If the latter, pai seh, pai seh (am flattered, am flattered...) Happy to help if I can.

If the former, why thank you very much in advance.

There is a wealth of information freely available in today's cyberage. Very rewarding when we learn and master something for ourselves.

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More of exchanging notes and comparing notes. I always believe there will be things I might not know. so more like sharing of information ;)

Lee36328;850718 said:
Err... reading it not sure if you want to teach me on sound tuning, or whether you want me to share w you. If the latter, pai seh, pai seh (am flattered, am flattered...) Happy to help if I can.

If the former, why thank you very much in advance.

There is a wealth of information freely available in today's cyberage. Very rewarding when we learn and master something for ourselves.
New discovery... after all this time, still possible to discover new things, imagine that.

The rubber lining under the hood was sagging, after all these years. The lining goes all the way up to the aircond vent and around it, in two separate pieces.

I had them changed to new lining which sits a lot taller compared to the old one.

Two immediate benefits.

The hood closes with a nicer sound, and more importantly, sits much better, lining up very straight. My long-time pet peeve is finally solved.

Secondly, and amazingly, aircond is significantly cooler. Seems the lining also serves to isolate the airond intake vent from the hot air from the engine.

Instead of running around with the temperature set at 22 deg or 23 deg, now 25 deg is enough.

Which means better fuel consumption, more torque available, etc.

And maybe its psychological, but the engine sounds quieter as well. It's possible that the new lining also helps in sound proofing, or maybe that's just my imagination.

A simple change, but lots of benefit. I always thought something was wrong the aircond. Now I realise, its fine, just that it was fighting the heat from the engine bay all this while.

Happy driving.
Steel braided brake hose rocks!

I must say I am impressed by the improvement in brake pedal feel and response. Amazed I did not get it done sooner.

Happy driving.
Going along the other day, happily listening and singing to gospel music, when I turned a corner and... roadblock!

As usual, number plate la, what else.

But, guess what? Chat, chat, chat a bit, and I was let go without any summons. This is absolutely unprecedented for me.

I know my Creator is looking out for me. I will be listening to gospel music a lot more in the future while driving. :-D PTL!
To put spoiler, or not to put spoiler.... That is the question.

Pros and Cons.

1. looks cool
2. adds in safety and road handling thru aerodynamics


1. adds weight
2. increases drag
3. increases fuel consumption
4. increases wear and tear on suspension

Car was understeering a bit after the recent wheel alignment. I know that air was added during the alignment, causing the balance to go out of whack a bit, compared to how I liked it.

Lived with it for a while, until I decided to do something about it.

To increase grip, increase tire pressure. To reduce grip, reduce tire pressure.

So, to dial out the understeer, I increased grip in the front and reduced grip at the back, by adding/reducing pressure just a touch.

And hey presto, car balance during a corner was instantly changed, and the car turns more readily instead of fighting the steering input. Front feels sharper and more responsive too.

A simple, free way to tune the ride.

Happy driving.
Lee36328 said:
To put spoiler, or not to put spoiler.... That is the question.

Pros and Cons.

1. looks cool
2. adds in safety and road handling thru aerodynamics


1. adds weight
2. increases drag
3. increases fuel consumption
4. increases wear and tear on suspension

Hahaha... I'd say go for it Lee only because it'll look good. Doubt if it'll add safety or road handling through aerodynamics but weight definitely yes. The big ones with the integrated third brake light or ///M3 or BMW Motorsport written in the centre are rather heavy. If you want to go bigger then there's the huge M3 GT wing. Or something rarer like AC Schnitzer's duck tail. Or the smallest and lightest, a lip spoiler.

I'd say go for the smaller "M Tech" ones. Nahhh here got a few in mudah.my Not sure if they're sold or not.
This is the smaller "M Tech" spoiler

I'd say it's easier to buy it together with the boot as drilling new holes can get a bit messy. Fit and finish won't be perfect as well. This is because you'll have to drill through 2 sheets of metal. 1 is the outside surface and if you open the boot, there's another piece to be drilled through. Kinda hard to explain it here but just pop the boot and study the inside part of it and you'll get what i'm trying to say. Good luck in your hunt!
Tom328 said:
Hahaha... I'd say go for it Lee only because it'll look good. Doubt if it'll add safety or road handling through aerodynamics but weight definitely yes. The big ones with the integrated third brake light or ///M3 or BMW Motorsport written in the centre are rather heavy. If you want to go bigger then there's the huge M3 GT wing. Or something rarer like AC Schnitzer's duck tail. Or the smallest and lightest, a lip spoiler.

I'd say go for the smaller "M Tech" ones. Nahhh here got a few in mudah.my Not sure if they're sold or not.

Tom328 said:
This is the smaller "M Tech" spoiler

I'd say it's easier to buy it together with the boot as drilling new holes can get a bit messy. Fit and finish won't be perfect as well. This is because you'll have to drill through 2 sheets of metal. 1 is the outside surface and if you open the boot, there's another piece to be drilled through. Kinda hard to explain it here but just pop the boot and study the inside part of it and you'll get what i'm trying to say. Good luck in your hunt!
Wow, thanks for the useful info, Tom. Very helpful and kind of you, tq.

On safety, yes, if one is obeying the speed limit at all times, then you are right, it probably does not make much difference.

But beyond a certain speed, the car becomes more like an aircraft in the wind, struggling to keep grip on the road. That's when a spoiler would help with roadholding, and thus, safety. I am strictly speaking based on theory of course, because I am always a careful driver. All the time... Mostly... Well, I do the best I can...

A kind friend has given me a spoiler. Something that looks like this...


All that issue about drilling through two layers of steel is giving me pause though...
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  • 2014-01-21_074640.jpg
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Looks good Lee! What brand is it?? Looks like AC or RD to me.

Drilling the holes really depends on the person drilling it. Quite fool proof if you're using the plastic T-strips (refer to the images below). It's just that it doesn't look and feel correct drilling through 2 sheets of metal. Got to take a look at factory fitted spoilers to see how it's secured inside.

1) The plastic T strips are first put through the holes of the spoiler.

2) After positioning the spoiler on the boot, the plastic T-strips will then be secured to the boot and the spoiler will be removed. And you'll just have to drill through the T-strips!
Thanks for the very helpful pics and info bro.

I feel very sayang to drill holes into my newly repainted boot.... adoi....

But, am keeping this in KIV for consideration....
Came down Genting w 2 passengers recently. Was rushing to a meeting in Bukit Bintang. Made it with time to spare. Interesting ride.

The character of the refurbished car revealed itself. Was pushing the car as hard as I safely could, without taking undue risks. At one of the downhill corners, the car drifted nicely and predictably in a short 4-wheel drift as the tires went past the limits of traction. The chassis was so communicative and predictable I could push it just up to the limit with confidence.

The balance now is juust nice, making it fun to push a bit if I want to.

Now I know it can clamber up and down genting with passengers and luggage without much trouble..

Drive safe everyone. Happy CNY.
Lee36328 said:
Steel braided brake hose rocks!

I must say I am impressed by the improvement in brake pedal feel and response. Amazed I did not get it done sooner.

Happy driving.
mind to share what brand and how much it cost bro?
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