Compilation of problems of F30 u encountered

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Hey ljsaw

No, i got an "Engine compression low" error. Workshop manager told me its a major issue, not going to be an easy software or parts replacement fix. The whole damn car cannot be driven, so i guess this is really MAJOR and BAD LUCK. Sigh....

Yea, getting a courtesy car next week. Doesn't make up for the problem in the least bit though.
ICEMAN 68;791516 said:
not only AB and BMW malaysia larrr .... the others upcoming marque also the same larrr ...

semua mau cari makan jual kereta sahaja ...sudah rosak semua tak mau layan ..then cari BMWCM larrr ...

hows ya porsche doing ? layan bagus ka ?

Korek korek korek its typical Malaysian attitude. No lar am retired redy.
Maybe it will be nice for someone from OM or managing committee to just help connect the strings with BMW malaysia representative. Just maybe a short half a day talk or seminar which the club members or owners can address their problems or atleast have the official reps tell us what's the situation or what will BMW malaysia do with all the issues raised.

Maybe we can have ppl to come over with organizing part.
Dear TianCi,

I was once booking a 328i CKD but cancel the booking due to the spec.

I understand your feel when i saw the following.

"Why do we read from fanboys how amazing the car is but when the car is seen having tons of problems, all those fanboys just shut up la?"

I am one of the fanboys you mentioned above. Sorry that i had been silent for quite a long period of time. None of us expect these could happen since most of the Review of F30, even till today, still giving F30 a very good mark. I myself don't know what to say when i gone through this topic.

I will be as angry as you if i were in your case. Perhaps, i will be more aggressive than you.
fschen ... My idea is based on 'strength in numbers'. If we can get together, not a lynch mob, but get together and then this may cause BMW to really buck up.

Was at Ingress today with some of the guys. Put my hand under seat of the showroom unit of a F30, rub rub ... Guess what happened la? LOL.

Truth is probably this. The plant assembled the car KNOWING the seats are rusty. I mean don't tell me from plant to dealer takes 3 months and then the car sits in dealer showroom for another 6 months ...
Have to agree with tIANcI on the strength with numbers. Because sadly here sometimes as consumers we just take it with a pinch of salt. I mean who here who have faced this issue has raised this as an issue with the consumer tribunal and file an official complaint there. With numbers and a petition, and even getting media attention, heads will definitely turn (or perhaps roll).
Hence, with the club having a seat in BMW's whatever council, why not hold a dialogue? It's not about getting solutions for OMs or CGs but time that BMW open their bloody eyes to the problem at hand ... Each day we hear complains in this forum. If the club is wise, this is a great effort that will assist in converting CGs into OMs. People join something for something in return. It has to be tangible ...

In my last hobby forum, many join because it was a wealth of data and information for the forumers. Of course it's for TCSS too la but mainly, it was about enhancing the hobbyists skills and knowledge.
Had a message suddenly on my screen problems with my drivetrain when I suddenly lost power and the car was in limp mode can manage about 50-60km/hr n was advised to check with service center which I did this morning,after hours of waiting the diagonosi(felt like a sick patient seeing the doctor for a verdict)and was told the gear box sensor was faulty n my car is only 2 months old with mileage under 5k...brand new car with brand new sensor which turned faulty so quickly??Then I was told that parts have to be ordered from Germany and have to wait 2weeks for parts to arrive(yeah rite with Christmas n New Year around the corner)I'm not holding my breath,another forumer who is my friend his sensor kept telling him to top up his coolant n that too was diagnosed to be faulty n yes it needs to be ordered from Germany also n wait for the standard 2 weeks...mean time my car runs on semi limp mode and can turn limp mode anytime so I was advised to stay in town n not venture far...electrical parts failure no matter how new can fail I still can accept but just wanna to know with the principal BMW Malaysia n all the dealers and even an assembly plant in Malaysia,not a single sensor is kept in the warehouse/factory/where ever they store their parts?mayb a single nut and bolt also must ask from Germany...was with Tianci today and the showroom cars have rusted car seat frames meaning it must be the car are assembled with rusted parts n the cars were not there when I took my car 2months ago...I guess at the end of the day BMW just don't bloody care for its customers..potential buyers for F30 just swipe your hand under the car seats and see whether this rusted seat frame is exaggerated or not..oh yes my replacement car seat frames still not available too many complains n too many back log cases to just simple material failure n they just don't care...Merry Christmas!
Yes, I went to visit the showroom last week. I really check the car there according to our member mentioned. The salesgirl seem surprise. I might not be the potential buyer. Just a fan of BMW. Hope BMW malaysia will solve all your problem. Anyhow, BMW malaysia achieve their sales target. Congrat....

Tianci, agree with your point.
Dear All,

I would support what tIANcI and the rest were saying however wish to add that the current F30 problems are felt the most by the owners more than anyone else. Thus with more than 80 F30 owners registered thus far in this forum, I think it is a big enough no. to represent certain feedbacks to BMW Malaysia. Total cost of purchase, say at average RM250k/car is over RM20.0 million, a huge amount that deserves respect.

How about those owners who don't register in this forum? For sure they do have one complaint or the other.

On the other hand it is hard to get everybody together physically. At best is a "unity" in cause through internet forum. I believe that the guest forumers here find it convenient to join as forumer and am sure are willing to support as necessary.

I am not sure about others, but being a new BMW owner, although my car has rusted seat issue, I feel that more seasoned BMW owners should take the lead. If there is ever any attempt to seek audience with BMW in Klang Valley, do count me in as participant.

Since no. is important, perhaps an alternative solution is to write a joint letter - signed by the over 80 owners. Again I am only saying as I am not able to lead this; and at this point at best, I am a willing supporter. I would be very happy and applaud any effort, either to speak up or taking actions by anyone pertaining to F30.

BTW, I had just came back from Singapore yesterday, I can swear that I didn't see much F30s on the roads. Thoughout my driving in Singapore since Saturday, I saw only 2F30s in Singapore.

In Malaysia, from KL to Singapore I saw 2 F30s, one on N-S highway and at Tuas checkpoint.

On my way back from Spore to KL yesterday, I was pleasantly pleased to see a F30 320D on the Tuas cause-way after checkpoint, with a JB plat no., he slowed down to let me passed, I also slowed down and we "convoyed" for short distance. After the toll, I lost him, guess he turned to JB. On the N-S hiway to KL, didn't see any F30 at all. Thus it occurs to me the F30 is still a rare species for now.

kind regards & merry x-mas!
If you want to do something easy for the moment ... go post at BMW Malaysia's FaceBook page. Keep the heat up. Then perhaps if any sort of dialogue is called, who knows? Looks like we need to take care of ourselves if we want to see any change. Like Gandhi said, be the change that you want to see. So the question is this ... how many members here would want to meet with BMW Malaysia? I can try as someone I know seems to know Owen Riley. Letters will not work la ... you get the same reply etc etc. Other way is to get the press to cover a big group going to BMW Malaysia's HQ. Anyone would want to since we do not see anything coming from those who may have persuasive powers. So take care of ourselves only la ... let me know if there is keen interest to do something for once.

Our money is not something we wake up and see a pile beside the bed each morning. Its very hard earned I am sure ...
yeah, ,my 3 months old diesel unit also have these rusty seat frames, somewhat unacceptable wind noise and slight knocking sound from steering rack/ absorbers..
sad but true...
Suggest go on parallel front via consumer tribunal n press. BMW won't want bad press. These days perhaps can use social networking like fb or YouTube to make ur point. When their sales hurt they will pay heed. There's this Korean guy who smashed his in front of BMW office. Not saying we do that.
I mean I support. I do have rusted seats, unacceptable wind noise and some weird sound after 120km/h. I got knocking sound from steering rack but my SA refused it as just a minor compared others. So meaning there is problem but refuse to change.

How about tianci bro get to contact BMW malaysia then set a date and venue that they are free then we start a thread here to list down whose going.
honestly, why the club dont want to take initiative to do something for the F30 owners?

yes, perhaps F30 owners mainly gathered by club guest than official members. but no effort from club, how a CG will want to be a OM?
Many commented to go to the press. But which publication actually publishes negative views? All we see in mags and papers are how "good" a car is. Today I was finally told that my major engine problem is caused by a bent rod connecting the 3rd cylinder. WTF?!!! Clearly a manufacturing defect right???? Its only 6 months old!!!

Still WAITING for BMW M'sia to commit to a solution...whether to repair the rod or replace the engine. What a joke. I'm never buying another BMW although I've been a major fan and customer. I'd rather drive an ugly-looking Benz which doesn't break down, than a beautiful BMW which loses all function suddenly and has a crappy nonchalant management.
jan999;792287 said:
honestly, why the club dont want to take initiative to do something for the F30 owners?

yes, perhaps F30 owners mainly gathered by club guest than official members. but no effort from club, how a CG will want to be a OM?

Noticed nothing from the club committee at all? Still not a peep. Oh well ... let it be la ... see how it goes. But to be fair, the club is under no obligation at all to get involved, nothing wrong not to bother.

Imagine if 30 cars come out and show how bad the prob is then the press may be keen. So do we talk or do we try to get something done so that others in the future need not suffer?

I know one thing ... my money is VERY hard to earn. It's all blood sweat and a lot of tears.
so the OM fee payable for? for the bandwidth? i read in 6 series side, a Sporean member took down his photos coz some complaint ard.

to me, a club should do its part first before talking about membership fee.
jan999;792307 said:
so the OM fee payable for? for the bandwidth? i read in 6 series side, a Sporean member took down his photos coz some complaint ard.

to me, a club should do its part first before talking about membership fee.

I think let's not go there la ... let's focus on the main problem. The car ... a note for those of you who have cars under HP ... TECHNICALLY, the car is not yours till you finish payment and the real owner is financial institution. So if you wanna sue, technically, you sue the bank. Not dealer or BMW only ... always bank first. You will sue under Sec 7 (2) of the Hire Purchase Act ... :)
tIANcI - can you sue before a default happens?

I was under the impression that the hirer is always the registered owner - until a default happens (default doesn't mean only non-payment as I believe there are other events of default where the financier can declare an event of default). Until a default, the financier is a beneficial owner. I thought only when a default happens, does the financier have the right to enforce their rights under the HP act and can repossess the car etc. And that's when the financier can sell the item under hp and they become responsible for the item.

The above is merely my limited understanding - and I am most likely mis-informed so wanted to check the correct position.
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