Ayoyo, Ops Sikap Champion Speedsters this Hari Raya

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What do u expect when some govt marked cars (normally wira/waja) are traveling at 180km/h & also tailgating ppl on highway without putting their seat belt on. Nowadays it is also becoming a common sight to see police escorting those super bikes or cars speeding on the highway. I once followed behind a super bikers convoy & they with the police escort unnecessary took up 2 of the 3 lanes on NSE. That was my record traveling time from Pg to KL arriving below 2.5hrs.
The flyover just after Bangsar LRT toward Mid Valley is a good example. Almost got into a bloody accident couple of years ago one evening when I was driving on the right lane [from Bangsar mosque] then this Viva came out really fast from the slip road and went into a huge puddle of water, all of which superbly fell onto my windscreen, rendering me 'blind' for what felt like an eternity.

Thankfully I didn't jam on the brakes, and knowing that THAT particular stretch has a slight bend, it was rather miraculous that I didn't hit anything during that incident... Imagine la, even Viva can enter a huge puddle of water without worrying about aquaplaning... :stupid:

shiva73;669523 said:
... - water splashed onto the windscreen, and at that point of time we will just go blank - u slam hard n people bang u , you dont slam n u bang people....
That particular location sure would have a BIG puddle everytime it rains la
tweiboon;669479 said:
I am always having 110km/h but the BMW member here shoot me gao gao saying that for what i driving a e39.

So you see the point now ? So you see why i driving 110km/h all the time now ?

Hmm 110 x 2 ??
Member 33;669541 said:
What do u expect when some govt marked cars (normally wira/waja) are traveling at 180km/h & also tailgating ppl on highway without putting their seat belt on. Nowadays it is also becoming a common sight to see police escorting those super bikes or cars speeding on the highway. I once followed behind a super bikers convoy & they with the police escort unnecessary took up 2 of the 3 lanes on NSE. That was my record traveling time from Pg to KL arriving below 2.5hrs.

I hope our club can do that also... Lawfully speed
Eggie86;669569 said:
The flyover just after Bangsar LRT toward Mid Valley is a good example. Almost got into a bloody accident couple of years ago one evening when I was driving on the right lane [from Bangsar mosque] then this Viva came out really fast from the slip road and went into a huge puddle of water, all of which superbly fell onto my windscreen, rendering me 'blind' for what felt like an eternity.

Thankfully I didn't jam on the brakes, and knowing that THAT particular stretch has a slight bend, it was rather miraculous that I didn't hit anything during that incident... Imagine la, even Viva can enter a huge puddle of water without worrying about aquaplaning... :stupid:

Bro Eggie...

Viva , kelisa , kancil and all other small cars are consider as shogun class. They dont care what is ahead. Rim pecah pun no problem , still can find cheap cheap. But if our car rims got dented or crack , imagine the hassel of getting it rectified. Sometime when i drive my kelisa, i dont care about the pot holes as well.
Haha yea. Nice way of putting it. Shogun class. I suppose when we're driving around in those cars, we won't even bat an eyelid as to where we'd be parking it and over what surface imperfections that might be in our way. :biggrin:
But , we got to agree on the vast convinience of these cars . They favour us in most time . Nowadays , kelisa is selling like hot cake ,too much of demand.There are always eveready buyer for its fuel saving , reliability and low maintenance.
shiva73;669679 said:
But , we got to agree on the vast convinience of these cars . They favour us in most time . Nowadays , kelisa is selling like hot cake ,too much of demand.There are always eveready buyer for its fuel saving , reliability and low maintenance.

I'm on the lookout for a kelisa too bro, cant agree more with you.
I bought the kelisa ( year 2002 ) in 2004 . My wife have been travelling from Bangi to Damansara Jaya everyday + regular errand. Man , i must say , i m impressed . I spend little money on that car and get it some Mini cooper look alike bodykit..from Mr Theva and got it new look . Now after 9 years , its still going steady > so decided not to sell it. The only minus point is - no abs , no airbag. Not sure about the later batch.

Yes Bro Haywire, u should get one . Very convinient .
shiva73;669688 said:
I bought the kelisa ( year 2002 ) in 2004 . My wife have been travelling from Bangi to Damansara Jaya everyday + regular errand. Man , i must say , i m impressed . I spend little money on that car and get it some Mini cooper look alike bodykit..from Mr Theva and got it new look . Now after 9 years , its still going steady > so decided not to sell it. The only minus point is - no abs , no airbag. Not sure about the later batch.

Yes Bro Haywire, u should get one . Very convinient .

I used to drive one for a few years when I came back from UK every summer, my sister in law's car. She sold it on, but now my other sister in law has bought another one Special Edition for cheap. Now my wife is also looking for one.
shiva73;669688 said:
I bought the kelisa ( year 2002 ) in 2004 . My wife have been travelling from Bangi to Damansara Jaya everyday + regular errand. Man , i must say , i m impressed . I spend little money on that car and get it some Mini cooper look alike bodykit..from Mr Theva and got it new look . Now after 9 years , its still going steady > so decided not to sell it. The only minus point is - no abs , no airbag. Not sure about the later batch.

Yes Bro Haywire, u should get one . Very convinient .

Do you know any one selling it ? i am thinking to buy one for travelling short distance.....
1) Malaysian drivers are not properly trained. Driving syllabus is way outdated. Not to mention kopi-lesen. Some are even being taught the wrong things.
2) All want to be ahead of the car in front.. 3 sec oso cannot afford to wait.
3) Don't know how to stay left when not overtaking.. - ROADHOGGING.
4) The later ones who grewing up playing Gran turismo are driving without common sense. Like laws of physics don't apply to them.. Or they probably never understood physics.

These go across all walks of life.. whether cheap cars or expensive cars.

There would be less traffic jam if ppl can drive considerately. Malaysian drivers also don't know how to merge from 2 lanes to 1 properly.. If all the cars interlace to merge (1 left, 1 right and then left bla bla bla), the flow would be smooth even if it's slow. but then all want to be ahead of the car beside, so the flow was not smooth.. The stop-go-stop-go traffic pulse it created is what causing a 3km backlog!!!!... This is the cause of the jam on Federal Highway in front of Guiness, everyday without fail.... The mysterious jam disappear after the bus stop and before the LDP-Sunway exit.

So ppl, start driving smartly, be courteous.. I have seen BMW drivers who thinks he's king. Guy with big car living in big city but behaving like a kampung man... Again, it applies to all walks of life regardless of race.
I drive on the left if theres no car in front of me, even when I'm doing 180kmh.

Right lane only for overtaking.
BRo Haywire/Tony...

Scout around in the motor trader , there are plenty . Nothing much to check on the car except the standard thingys. Now the range is 16-22k. Depends on year. I think the best is go full cash and carry and you can realy bargain . Look for 1.1 special edition - after all its a twincam engine-lightweight feeling.
Two words; Kiasu Drivers. Period. It's the person who pushes things over the limit.
Bro .. Jb berlambak bro.. if you buy one , soup it nicely so u can tikam the Myvis kau kau . hehehehe
fabianyee;669732 said:
The stop-go-stop-go traffic pulse it created is what causing a 3km backlog!!!!... This is the cause of the jam on Federal Highway in front of Guiness, everyday without fail.... The mysterious jam disappear after the bus stop and before the LDP-Sunway exit.

+1 to Fabian on that observation. Agreed, the jam almost always seemingly dissipates after that bus stop and the LDP exit...
do you guys notice on three lane highway, these ignorant drivers often drive in the centre lane like 80-90km/h eventhough
the left lane is empty?
as a result the left and right lanes are used for overtaking.
they do not know how to use multilane highways. i think they never read those signboards "ikut kiri kecuali memotong"

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