Ayoyo, Ops Sikap Champion Speedsters this Hari Raya

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izuaff;669152 said:
most accidents happen not due to high speed lah.....tengok lah statistik dulu .....

Mmg betul bro :) Jalan teruk and then ramai yg bawak kete mcm org gila. There are a few times when I was on the fast lane and these slow poke Proton/Perodua come out of no where and drive slowly. I wonder where is their brains when they drive. I am not saying they cannot drive slow but what's the point jumping into the fast lane and cruise at 90km/h when everyone else is at 120km/h and above. Government makes 3 lanes and the outmost left is always under utilized because everyone wants to drive at the fast lane.

Personally I always give way if I am slower and whether it's a Kancil overtaking or what, I don't mind. If everyone respects traffic rules, we can have lesser traffic jams and accidents :)
Hey aoch88, I have reservation you say driving slow la and kancil overtake you, u sure can tahan? Hehe

but MY law is 110 only and if our club got previlage of "lesen to speed" legally...wah... I am dreaming...
Anthony5785;669205 said:
Hey aoch88, I have reservation you say driving slow la and kancil overtake you, u sure can tahan? Hehe

but MY law is 110 only and if our club got previlage of "lesen to speed" legally...wah... I am dreaming...

Haha, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I drive really slow and cruise on the left lane (especially when I'm puffing a ciggy). If I drive on highway and wife starts to nag also I will drive slower. Sometimes if my balls have titanium mood then I will drive faster and even chase an airplane, haha
aoch88;669209 said:
Haha, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I drive really slow and cruise on the left lane (especially when I'm puffing a ciggy). If I drive on highway and wife starts to nag also I will drive slower. Sometimes if my balls have titanium mood then I will drive faster and even chase an airplane, haha

Titanium ball !! I dun believe it... Must see go believe...

If such, I think I have a diamond rod, when I chase the porcshe near the nilai RR, I was eating McDonald fries with my left hand. I stop because I finish my fries and I have to pick up my burger that why I stop chasing.... Burger more important... Very hungry... Now think back also funny...
Hahaha, nowadays I don't do it so often anymore. I only drive fast on straight roads because I really don't have the balls, I'm old (31 this year). When I was younger, I always go up Genting and there was once there's this Accord 2.0 which I chase all the way from Genting to Gombak toll, speeding 160-180km/h around Karak on my Waja 1.6, lol. When I think back, it's really farking stupid to do that :p
31 u say old? I one yr older then u la... Men age / performance is judge by women!!...young time story no need to say, we leave it for our grandson to hear.

If u like speed, try big cc bike ... I haven't try up to 300++ yet as I was forbid to buy the hayabusa... This is where I start my BMW saga after my wife poison me to buy BMW Kau kau to give up bike
The Myvis are superb on the road..most of them travelling at 160 to 180km/h....hero...i will move aside for them...=P..

Our high vehicle taxes, crappy public transportation, pathetic tolled highway condition, bullshit federal roads, lack of "real" enforcements and of course the malaysia drivers mentality (our education sux as well) all lead to the high number of deaths on the road..
Same complaints, same reports, same statistics shown year in and year out..Nothing new lah!! Too much of Ego behind the wheels this is what you get. Arrogant, ignorant and irresponsible drivers, ofcourse la accident rates will go up, dont forget the little mosquitoes as well, revving their kapchai's on the fast lane!! What can police or the govt do some more? Put camera every kilometer on the highway also no point la, ppl will collect saman and wait for promotion to pay off..lol..

Only one thing to do, drive at your own risk, complain less, try ur best to be safe.
Deep, what u say is true, i wonder if they put the camera, is there anyone so hardworking to look at it or not...haih waste $$ or the good reason to increase toll $$.

Does any see a clip in you tube Myvi vs Subaru ?
Great Power come with great responsibility. I personally witnessed a empty 40' trailer travelling >100km/h encountered front tyres puncture (in front of Rawang Layby Southbound), the lorry flew over the double guard rails and crash landing on to a red Waja at the slow lane (3 lanes apart). Waja's 'A' pillar broken and the roof totally gone. And sadly, the unlucky Waja driver was torned into 2 pieces. The whole right arm all the way till abdomen was gone.

I reckon nowaday, driver does not know their car physical/mechanical capability and simply speed. Very few take precautionary inspection to check tyres condition, brake pad / rotor, brake hose condition when want to speed. These are crucial parts that make the car stop safely.

I also believe many driver do speed occasionally in a safe condition when permitted. Anyway, no one can dispute when drive slow will make the car to stop faster and safety in a emergency condition.
In Malaysia, only 30% of the total workforce is a university graduate and above. This means that most drivers on the road is not a graduate and looking at our Malaysian education system which is so crappy, they are unable to understand the importance of safety, traffic rules and responsibility. That's why you have people zig zagging like a mad man, speeding without safety, hogging the roads driving slowly, double parking and stopping by the road side EVEN there are parking slots available.
Point noted but I doubt thats why. Only 20-30% of the UK adult population have a degree or higher and they are much more civilised in the road than us. Its more to do with 'life's education' i.e life's experience rather than actual education. Its the way of life.
haywire;669406 said:
Point noted but I doubt thats why. Only 20-30% of the UK adult population have a degree or higher and they are much more civilised in the road than us. Its more to do with 'life's education' i.e life's experience rather than actual education. Its the way of life.

I truly agree. Sometimes it's the upbringing and mentality of the people. Many Malaysians have this "tidak apa" attitude and very selfish on the road. Personally I hate road hoggers (or middle lane drivers in the UK) more than someone that tailgates and wants to overtake me, lol
Even we knew the problem, to be blunt, who cares ? Looking at the statistic only indicate the qty of accident and the only solution is to set up more road block and etc. They had been doing it for so many years and it is not working but yet to be continue.

The problem rooted on the culture and mind set of the people which require to be educate sternly.

When appeal to increase the speed limit, everyone bring up the accident statistic and that very moment everyone become so lawful and passionate on the safety, once get from the room, they them self also cannot follow it as some location label at 20 or 30km/h....not logical at all.
I am always having 110km/h but the BMW member here shoot me gao gao saying that for what i driving a e39.

So you see the point now ? So you see why i driving 110km/h all the time now ?
deep3102;669300 said:
Same complaints, same reports, same statistics shown year in and year out..Nothing new lah!! Too much of Ego behind the wheels this is what you get. Arrogant, ignorant and irresponsible drivers, ofcourse la accident rates will go up, dont forget the little mosquitoes as well, revving their kapchai's on the fast lane!! What can police or the govt do some more? Put camera every kilometer on the highway also no point la, ppl will collect saman and wait for promotion to pay off..lol..

Only one thing to do, drive at your own risk, complain less, try ur best to be safe.

yehh deep totally agree with you on this about the same complaints , report and statistics .... yehh usually about the statistic at times it's only a mere difference of 10 ~20 cases only ...wonder who takes down this statistics OR they are just being made up ...I wonder leyyy

not to mentioned our roads condition " as one of the best in the world " -- well i wish to take the transport and road minister for a ride in my little old junk and i want to see him popping his eyes each time when i hit the 110 km/h mark on my car that would be bouncing up and down with our so called bouncy roads and unmanaged roads ... and also driving on a straight stretch of road with an 80~90 KM/h and heart pumping hard and eyes on look out for hide and seek GHOST with a gun radar ...

not to mentioned about our highway ..even the local roads also is a scare with all those Syabas potholes , drainage holes , bridges plates popping out and what not ...sometimes even those tyre's spacer plates too

maybe i'm just simply blind ....

it's been 3 weeks already i've made a complain for those road condition on PJ jalan 222 especially before you head to KL just on the bridge before the light ...first i made calls to JKR and after a week of making the call i too need to follow up and what an excuse given ..ENCIK ini luar kawasan liputan JKR ( just like telco signals ) ..then ask me to try MPPJ .. called MPPJ and make a complain on this ..will review it as told ...then called again after a few days ..EHH encik when you called ?? tak ada complain pun ..number complain ada ?? ayoooo then need to re- sing the song all over again ....then called again and was told that their so called GERAK KHAS TEAM had acknowledge the claim and memang the road is BAD and will do the patch up work soon ...day's passed by and up till now the road is still the same ....ayoo maybe they aren't driving cars watchin on the road , but instead watching those pretty leng-lui's on the BILLBOARDS ....
to add on .. our super greasy and super water poddle roads when driving on wet rainy day ...

damm have anyone experience a gashing stream of water from the opposite direction of road heading on ya front windscreen and you just don't know what's happening ahead of you for a while and thinking of hitting hard on the brake ?? luckily i went through it and thanks for the double layer protection glass and GOD for it .... will try to stay away and be on the slow left side rather than tagging on the fast lane when it rains and a double layer glass is a must these days ...

yehh maybe those highways operator should look into this matter as most of the time when it rains our roads become like sunway LAGOON beach ....
Ice, worse come to worse, escalate the matter to the Malay Mail's Hotline. Might get a more quicker response from the parties involved.
I think it's normal in Malaysia and the government is not responsible at all. Our roads is one of the worse in this region and even if you go to Thailand, theirs are somewhat better. Our road tax costs a bomb, cars are taxed like crazy, petrol subsidies are cut, tolls everywhere but all the money disappears. They can't even provide us with better condition, flat and good roads. This is what we call Rakyat diperbodohkan, Kroni diutamakan
Most of the time the kronis will swindel half of the contract price and even spend it before start work and end up on second grade or third grade quality . Paved road doesnt even folow minimum engineering requirement . Road that suppose to be sloppy outward to drain away rain water is now either concave of flat. Infact i has been a road paving supevisor long time ago and i know that a good even and quality road can be produced if everything is taken into right consideration. I have experienced the same situation like other may have - water splashed onto the windscreen, and at that point of time we will just go blank - u slam hard n people bang u , you dont slam n u bang people. I have even read one of the forumer posted about whacking the drainage cover and lost his rims . Wonder how he felt . The drainage cover should be flushed to the road level and not macam bonggol or sometimes at lower level due to newer pavement.. aiyoo..if wana complaint .. one whole day can cry about it...got to accept it lah until one of the drainage cover fly and hit any minister's head.Sometimes just cant avoid using bad words while driving ..
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