20 Dead in Bus accident

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ah lian;239831 said:
errrr... and wot can you do?

exactly....it would take years and years to bring about any minute change..no strong opposition and it will be the same ole story after elections..
what's the point of expressing it here?
What can the club do? Is this how bmw club malaysia members are seen in the eyes of public?

Why not write a petition? Lawyers? Can we do something a bit more constructive?
affan66;239849 said:
what's the point of expressing it here?
What can the club do? Is this how bmw club malaysia members are seen in the eyes of public?

Why not write a petition? Lawyers? Can we do something a bit more constructive?

Thats where its heading Affan. Patience. Its discussions like this that will eventually turn out to be something very constructive. Everyone is just giving their opinion thats all....
Today's NST basically sums up what I have said in this thread yesterday, LACK OF ENFORCEMENT.

One forumer went into Singapore and got stopped by the customs officer which then asked him to open his luggage bag. When the officer found the ciggies, he told the forumer to pay taxes which amounted to triple of the cigarette price in Singapore.

So he told the officer he will dump the cigarettes at the waste basket since its cheaper to buy it in Singapore. The officer then told him, if he does that then he would be charged for attempting to smuggle cigarettes into Singapore. Needless to say, he paid the taxes.

Do you envision this will happen in Malaysia?

ALBundy;239855 said:
Do you envision this will happen in Malaysia?

Do you think I will ever become the Pope !!!! :thefinger: ... Theres your answer, not unless we all get our head out of our arses and do the right thing...
The point of expressing it here or any where else, is to create awareness, since this is the common malaise we Malaysians suffer from...ignorance and 'tidak apa' attitude. If we all say we can't do nothing...errrr anything, then definitely nothing will ever be done or get done, but if one decides that we want a change and can make a change, its a start...better than a non-starter anytime. In time, and hopefully with more awareness people will realise that they have been given the short end of the stick. The people we elected are there becoz of us and to serve us, not the other way round, which is evidently the case. Worse still we let them get away with delibrate mistakes calculated to spend our tax money for their own purposes...one recent case in point, the PKFZ.... thats my money there too... i'd like my money to make a positive difference to this country, regardless of race or religion.... the way we'll end up if we continue to be indifferent is we'll be a bankrupt nation.
BMW9700;239835 said:
exactly....it would take years and years to bring about any minute change..no strong opposition and it will be the same ole story after elections..

Might end up being another hangat hangat tahi ayam issue, as usual.:smokin: :smokin:
affan66;239849 said:
what's the point of expressing it here?
What can the club do? Is this how bmw club malaysia members are seen in the eyes of public?

And what wrong in expressing our concerns whether in the forum or the mamak place? Forum is after all for the members to communicate. No?

The system failed bacause of the typical atitude of the authorities. Whether they are paid low or not is not the point. You means it justify them speeding n killing just because he is not paid enough? Bus company is to be blame for his salary or the goverment for not checking the minimum wages law.

Its always the same isnt it?
its very noble to want to do something... especially having received bad news about something tragic. everyone feels that they shud do something. everyone says they want to do something.

some weeks later, the buzz dies. eventually it gets forgotten.

its forgotten becos the 'something' that everyone says they must do, and says they will do is not actually defined into an action. everyone waits for someone to decide to tell them wot it is... becos they dunno wot that "something".

hence, my question: what are you intending to do?
will you be kind enough to share your plan?
Just to forewarn those who enter this thread...if you wish to criticize, then crticize the posting NOT the Poster... Opinions of the poster are open to 'attack' not the character of the poster. Pls comply. If we can't move positively here...what chance do we have out there??? :top:
I think what we must ultimately do is a foregone conclusion.... exercise your constituitional rights. How we do it, always ends up in a fuzzy mess... I guess the main thing we need ask ourselves is, do we care enough to make the change and a difference... or do we want to stay in our comfort zone? Better the Devil we know than the Angel we don't....???? Then the result will be the same...
blackrobe;239882 said:
I think what we must ultimately do is a foregone conclusion.... exercise your constituitional rights. How we do it, always ends up in a fuzzy mess... I guess the main thing we need ask ourselves is, do we care enough to make the change and a difference... or do we want to stay in our comfort zone? Better the Devil we know than the Angel we don't....???? Then the result will be the same...

based on your response, you are implying we should vote for someone else rather than who we have now?

i am just wundering wot kinda change that will eventually bring... becos the ones that we are bringing can do wot?

based on my understanding:

politicians drive the direction of the law and pass them thru to become legislation, the civil service enforces the legislation and the judiciary then sanctions breaches. this would follow the rough concept of separation of powers.

how would changing the politicians in parliament affect the outcome in this case or similiar ones.... when the cause of the accident points to driver negligence or recklessness?

i may be a tea lady, but i am thoroughly confused. i need another cuppa tea before i start thinking about this again.
ah lian;239889 said:
based on your response, you are implying we should vote for someone else rather than who we have now?

errr.... thats the foregone conclusion I was refering to... :rolleyes:

i am just wundering wot kinda change that will eventually bring... becos the ones that we are bringing can do wot?

The change that would be ideal in this current climate, as we lack the perfect substitute (apart from the Raja Muda, me thinks), would be to allow more voice to the opposition parties, and not repalce the ruling party per se.

based on my understanding:

politicians drive the direction of the law and pass them thru to become legislation, the civil service enforces the legislation and the judiciary then sanctions breaches. this would follow the rough concept of separation of powers.


how would changing the politicians in parliament affect the outcome in this case or similiar ones.... when the cause of the accident points to driver negligence or recklessness?

My dear Tea Lady, the problem which persists in our political climate is that there is no separation of powers as the executive interferes with both the judiciary and the legislative. Eg, the Judicial crisis and the Constituitional crisis. So by having politicians with the 'proper' cridentials, the separate arms will be able to execute their respective powers judicously.

In the accident matter above, the authorities, which are regarded as indifferent and 'tidak apa' and open to bribes etc, the accident could've been avoided by stringent observance of the laws on road worthiness of vehicles and properly trained drivers for those vehicles. If the above driver was suspended or removed due to his warrant of arrests, the above may have been avoided. But since the Road Transport Dept was obviously negligent ("Res Ipsa Loquitor"...The thing speaks for itself), he was running wild driving when he was not supposed to. The cause of the accident was definitely the driver/bus company. But the responsibility does not just end there. There must be responsibility and accountablity for the lack of enforcement by the relevant department...as they are accountable to the rakyat, at all times... in an ideal world la....

i may be a tea lady, but i am thoroughly confused. i need another cuppa tea before i start thinking about this again.

Have another cuppa on me! :smokin:

Hope the above makes some sort of sense.... :burnout:
any1 noticed that since this incident most of the buses that are traveling south and fo is following the speed limits and infact more slower than the speed limit ...

Today on my way to melaka , saw some busses travelling in convoy with a speed limit below 90 ...is this an indication of a warning thats being imposed to the drivers by ther company ??

how sweet if they can drive in this limit always ...
Affan, I know u don't want us to look like a bunch of anti-Gomen snobs, but the truth is that the G didn't manage to ensure the enforcement is doing their duties as enforcers. So they deserve to share the blame. when there's lack of enforcement, then u will definitely have companies exploiting that. This bus company have obviously exploited that and end up in the news. Bear in mind this is only tip of the iceberg. There is definitely a high possibility that there's more companies out there with a checkered past and drivers with similarly impressive past.

Enforcement is definitely lacking in this part of the world. It's an unwritten fact of malaysian life that most things can be 'kau tim'. I guess there's an unofficial 'corporate package' for the fleets of lorries, buses and taxis.
ICEMAN 13;240006 said:
any1 noticed that since this incident most of the buses that are traveling south and fo is following the speed limits and infact more slower than the speed limit ...

Today on my way to melaka , saw some busses travelling in convoy with a speed limit below 90 ...is this an indication of a warning thats being imposed to the drivers by ther company ??

how sweet if they can drive in this limit always ...

give them a couple more weeks and they'll be back on their old tricks...
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