20 Dead in Bus accident

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redbaron;240099 said:
If you all want changes vote for me, for sure you will see changes.

Which party u gonna join ar... or you gonna be an independant???? :smokin:
i have never said that the govt is not to blame. everyone should share the blame.

I don't want bmwclub forum to become another anti-govt forum. that's all. Enforcement not only lies in the govt but also companies. What are the bosses doing? Just collect money for profits?

Good corporate citizens SHOULD provide good products and services. If they cannot, they should stay out of business. Where is ethics?

For example, why bus companies cheat Puspakom inspections? Shouldn't bus companies make this compulsory and ensure buses are safe? Or is there something else they are driving at, e.g. maximising profits?

That's all. There are people out there working hard to fix these problems but being an armchair critic is not helping at all. Everyone should do their part.
affan66;240156 said:
That's all. There are people out there working hard to fix these problems but being an armchair critic is not helping at all. Everyone should do their part.

my point exactly. sitting here blaming this person that person, exercising constitutional rights to change parliament members etc etc etc will not help.

what can we do?? let's see! how about??
1. boycott illegal buses (who do not follow those rules)
2. lodge complaints about speeding buses/bad emissions/negligent drivers to authorities
3. form special interest groups to lobby for enforcement
4. sue the hell outta the blardee bus companies that harm those dear to us
5. support those in money/kind to take individual/class actions for (4)
6. lobby for conviction and severe penalties for negligent drivers

just my views. havent had tea today.
I take action by stoping them and call the police. Just like what we did.( during my trucking days).

Tried complaining to related department in gov. Guess what??? Nothing happened.
In all honesty, I agree with you, but lets look at this logically, and Ah Lian no pun intended ya..

1. boycott illegal buses (who do not follow those rules)
Do we know who to boycott ? Not until something tragic happens like of recent. Do we have enough buses ( legal ones especially during the festive periods )

2. lodge complaints about speeding buses/bad emissions/negligent drivers to authorities
This has been an ongoing saga. I personally have made complaints and I have known others who have. These people in particular are senior citizens or people who have old parents that still need the use of public transport.

3. form special interest groups to lobby for enforcement
In an ideal world this would be great

4. sue the hell outta the blardee bus companies that harm those dear to us
You got to be kiddin me, these guys operate like cartels. how far do you think it will get. remember 2 years back when there was a collision between two buses somewhere up north during the Raya period ? What ever happened to that ?

5. support those in money/kind to take individual/class actions for (4)
Once again in an ideal world, this would be great. We even have difficulty trying to get people to donate for charity.

6. lobby for conviction and severe penalties for negligent drivers
Just like they did for rapist and yet rape cases are on the rise... Unless our leaders get serious and kick some ass, these bus companies will have nothing to fear. The people alone wont shake them. they know the people need them more than they need people. It's the harsh reality
Zoggee;240271 said:
I take action by stoping them and call the police. Just like what we did.( during my trucking days).

Tried complaining to related department in gov. Guess what??? Nothing happened.

So would you suggest that we take matter in to our own hands ? Go anarchy perhaps ?

you or anyone else can poo poo at my suggestions (and that would make you an armchair critic)... but never mind, perhaps you have better suggestions? am pretty sure you are not really suggesting anarchy right??

please enlighten us here... wot you think we can do individually?
1. boycott illegal buses (who do not follow those rules)
Like what sith mention, we can't boycott if we don't know to boycott.. But the enforcement agencies has the information on the companies with summons and warrants.

I welcomed what The Star published today on the front page : "Hold Bus Bosses Liable". An idea which should have in place before tragedy struck. Nevertheless, it now put more responsibilities on the CEO. But this can only work if the system do not have a 'side-door' for the CEO's to use...
I have taken bus to travel to and from S'pore.. Touch wood the bus I took was managed professionally and it seem to me the driver did not speed for the few trips I was on the bus. But the same can't be said for the cheaper buses to cater for the more budget conscious crowd.

Another thing may be problem in the brewing is the monopoly of certain routes or area. I think the RapidKL bus is one of the few enjoying this privilege of being the biggest fleet in Klang Valley. So a boycott is not workable as we in this forum can afford to use other mode of transport but not the rest of the population relying on these buses to go to work. Like it or not, they have to accept it.

So what can we really do which can make a difference? Stop giving bribe??!!! Yes, but only works if EVERYONE stops doing that because the enforcers would 'imply' for it. So the cure has to come from both ends.
sithwarrior;240274 said:
So would you suggest that we take matter in to our own hands ? Go anarchy perhaps ?

Are you trying to stir things up?

Not me...I got the balls to do things right. At least the passengers of the bus we stop did thank us.

Do you? Have the balls ah??
ah lian;240294 said:

you or anyone else can poo poo at my suggestions (and that would make you an armchair critic)... but never mind, perhaps you have better suggestions? am pretty sure you are not really suggesting anarchy right??

please enlighten us here... wot you think we can do individually?

Yeah lor... a lot of cyber warriors here la. Yes..Sith I mean YOU!.

Talk is cheap.:smokin:
Zoggee;240312 said:
Yeah lor... a lot of cyber warriors here la. Yes..Sith I mean YOU!.

Talk is cheap.:smokin:

Ok its pretty obvious that you and Ah Lian have taken this very personally... so let me take the first step and be the first one to appologise to both you and Ah Lian... To your question .. Yes I do have the balls, but whats that compared to you right ? :49: :adore: Sorry I dont talk about my heroic achivements, coz you're right talk is cheap...So Ah Lian and Zoggee Please accept my sincere appologies... :104: I shall stop here now... laterz
Zoggee;240310 said:
Are you trying to stir things up?

Not me...I got the balls to do things right. At least the passengers of the bus we stop did thank us.

Do you? Have the balls ah??

Reminds me of that Panjang guy patching the pot holes in JB... ;) It caused embarrasment to the council forcing them to buck up... If we can actually do it and start a blog to document it, it may lead to something... :)
sithwarrior;240318 said:
Ok its pretty obvious that you and Ah Lian have taken this very personally... so let me take the first step and be the first one to appologise to both you and Ah Lian... To your question .. Yes I do have the balls, but whats that compared to you right ? :49: :adore: Sorry I dont talk about my heroic achivements, coz you're right talk is cheap...So Ah Lian and Zoggee Please accept my sincere appologies... :104: I shall stop here now... laterz

terasa pedas??
unfortunately, i wasnt the one serving the chilli... :smokin:

i was asking general questions on what can we (you and me do) that would have some impact on the situation... other than changing members of parliament (becos that would lead to a big discussion in national politics) and i think that that itself may or may not bring about the result that we want or would not bring about changes on a timely basis... how long more do we have to wait... while ppl are dying on the roads everyday waiting for someone to do something...

i may not have the perfect solutions.... i was just trying to think of the things we can consider doing. perhaps someone here has better ideas and can share... without being thrown stones at for even suggesting?
ah lian;240340 said:
terasa pedas??
unfortunately, i wasnt the one serving the chilli... :smokin:

i was asking general questions on what can we (you and me do) that would have some impact on the situation... other than changing members of parliament (becos that would lead to a big discussion in national politics) and i think that that itself may or may not bring about the result that we want or would not bring about changes on a timely basis... how long more do we have to wait... while ppl are dying on the roads everyday waiting for someone to do something...

i may not have the perfect solutions.... i was just trying to think of the things we can consider doing. perhaps someone here has better ideas and can share... without being thrown stones at for even suggesting?

Like I said my sincere appologies.. I dont like turning my good friends into foe's, so there you go I said it... so chill guys... can I make u some tea ? :)
If i may. I strongly agree with the fact that everyone has to be blamed. But ultimately only the top governing organisation can actually turn things around fast. I must say that Sith's statements here are factual, and NO i'm not an anti-gov but a citizen who's making use of his rights to voice out when instability and doubts arises.

But yes! If "you" want to see improvement for the better and best of your future/current offsprings, I think its time to sit-down with a cup of tea and analyze the whole situation thoroughly and make your vote in the upcoming election.

i wish this forum goes back to the old days of talking about beemers and beemers. *sigh*
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