A review of my 2010 F02 730Li

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Bro, not mammoth project. Haha. It's always nice to see a fellow enthusiast who's really passionate about his rides. :top:
Bro Eggie86, I've been fanatical about cars ever since I got my first one (a second-hand Nissan Langley 1.5L). That was waaaaay back in the 80's, and it was bought by my father, as somewhat of a reward for me, after I did very well for the O level exams. I was very grateful back then, as it made picking up girls so much easier, haha! That's probably how I managed to trick my then-gf into signing the papers, and now the then-gf is the Home Minister, Finance Minister, Domestic Affairs Engineer.... ah well.
Glad you are putting your new found skills (uploading photos lor) to good use...

Now, where's that tissue to wipe the drool off my desk.... :D
Haha good! Ah yes, cars and picking up girls. I remembered wooing my current gf when I was driving my previous Daimiler XJ40... Old skool but it won her heart! :biggrin: Not all girls are after expensive rides after all eh? :)
wobbles;684330 said:
Bro EL118, it sounds unbelievable, but it's true. You see, over here, most of us live in HDB public housing, with public carparks which never have enough spaces. And many of the newer Condominiums have more apartment units than they have carpark spaces as well.

Her exact words, not mine, when I first floated the idea of picking up the new F13 sometime last year: "we don't have space to park 2 cars! You find a porch to park your cars, then you come talk to me!"

Actually what she said made a lot of sense. Where I was living, there simply wasn't enough space to park 2 cars, and it would be painful should the cars be scratched or dinged whilst parked at a public carpark. So, with that in mind, I bought a cluster house with 2 carpark spaces in the basement - so my baby F13 now has an empty space to come home to.

When the car comes in next year, I'll take photos of both my F02 and F13 parked side by side and share it with the bros here. In all humility, it's a dream come true for me - worked really hard for so many years to realize it. But, as I said, the cluster house only has 2 parking spaces - and that's why the F30 and F80 will have to remain as dreams for now...

I know exactly what you mean and I share your pain.....
Eggie86;684688 said:
Haha good! Ah yes, cars and picking up girls. I remembered wooing my current gf when I was driving my previous Daimiler XJ40... Old skool but it won her heart! :biggrin: Not all girls are after expensive rides after all eh? :)

Eggie, I don't think we're talking about cost of buying a nice car to attract girls...

We're talking about the COE cost... only thing is, its the "Home Minister" that is issuing it, not the LTA...

I guess this means its a double whammy for wobbles... ouch!
Eggie86;684688 said:
Haha good! Ah yes, cars and picking up girls. I remembered wooing my current gf when I was driving my previous Daimiler XJ40... Old skool but it won her heart! :biggrin: Not all girls are after expensive rides after all eh? :)

Wow! Bro, DAIMLER bro - that's a posh car, WAAAY posher than the humble Nissan, but I agree. It's not the car that wooed the girl and swept her off her feet - it's the DRIVER! Hahahaha
andrewk;684696 said:
Eggie, I don't think we're talking about cost of buying a nice car to attract girls...

We're talking about the COE cost... only thing is, its the "Home Minister" that is issuing it, not the LTA...

I guess this means its a double whammy for wobbles... ouch!

Woops, my mistake then! Not too familiar with the car-buying scene in SG, although I've read about it occasionally, like the COE and the fact that classic cars are pretty much rare over there.
Heheh. I think Bro andrewk is referring to the "COE" issued by the "Home Minister" - i.e. permission given by wife, not the actual COE itself. I think it would be easier for me to bid for the actual COE, than for me to obtain wife's permission...

So, to illustrate by example, the basic steps a Singaporean goes through, in a car purchase:

Typical Singaporean male (I use males because most car buying petrol-heads are males, hehe) ---> sees car he likes ---> puts deposit down for car ---> Dealer bids for COE on his behalf ---> successful ---> sort out bank loan ---> drives home with car of his dreams

In my case (and I think in the case of some of the other brothers here as well):

Married BMWClubMalaysia Forum brother ---> see car I like ---> speaks to wife --> bid for "COE" from wife ---> wife rejects ---> dream dies there. Don't need to talk about what bank loan etc. End of story. Finish. Kaput.
Eggie86;684688 said:
Haha good! Ah yes, cars and picking up girls. I remembered wooing my current gf when I was driving my previous Daimiler XJ40... Old skool but it won her heart! :biggrin: Not all girls are after expensive rides after all eh? :)

Yes, i was driving a Proton Wira when i courted my wife.
EL118;684772 said:
Yes, i was driving a Proton Wira when i courted my wife.

I didn't own a car then.... thank God she saw potential... bwahahahah!!
I drive a VW passat when courting my wife to be ( 2 weeks!)- Changed to E60 and she told me Passat was better.
Now driving the gangsta F10 and she said, Polo is cute but we can live with just a toyota vios.......
ck318ci;684787 said:
I drive a VW passat when courting my wife to be ( 2 weeks!)- Changed to E60 and she told me Passat was better.
Now driving the gangsta F10 and she said, Polo is cute but we can live with just a toyota vios.......

That's because you have a sensible wife to counterbalance the insatiable petrol-head inside of you mah ... hehehe.
Bro wobbles,

If you have parking problem in SG. I can give you free parking at my place hehe
initialM;684917 said:
Bro wobbles,

If you have parking problem in SG. I can give you free parking at my place hehe

Hahah... thanks for the offer bro :) - where's your place, maybe we can have a meet up and I can come check out your fine rides :) ... who knows, maybe after ck318ci's wedding - we could all arrange an occasion to meet up :)
Nearby downtown only but shy la to meet you. Mine is old junk cuntchill only.
Hahahah... cuntchill. Blarly farney... cracked me up big time. Bro, doesn't what you drive. It's how you drive it *vroom vroom*. Kancil with BIG exzos and triple TURBO can go from 0 - 100km/h in 3 seconds flat, ya? hahahah

But, dun bluff la... I see your collection of cars in your signature, I have to wipe saliva off my face everytime...
initialM;684917 said:
Bro wobbles,

If you have parking problem in SG. I can give you free parking at my place hehe

Wah, u have private parking in SG now? Lain story ni.
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