325i jerky gearbox 2nd to 1st

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alxy;742326 said:
Just curious, what has the quality of fuel got to do with the gearbox? Fuel would affect engine, but gearbox? Should be independent no? Any sifus can clarify this?

Even there is no explanation about the theory, I have that believe too. My gear change has become smoother with shell compared to primax. Both are RON 95.
Yup, strange enough...Thats why I believe its not the gearbox that gives problem. Might be due to camshaft positioning or easier one is spark plug. Anyways, send to workshop and check these few things

alxy;742326 said:
Just curious, what has the quality of fuel got to do with the gearbox? Fuel would affect engine, but gearbox? Should be independent no? Any sifus can clarify this?
Did my ATF change last Wed. As per standard norms, tranny program was reset as well. So far so good. No more jerks from 2nd to 1st and gear changes are smoother than before. Hope this lasts though! :)
Hi guys, just to share, I have similar issue with my 325i e92.

When stuck in jam, when the car starts to move and changing gear from M2 to M3, it jerks a bit. But notice that, if I push the paddle gently, it will change smoothly.

Do not think its the gearbox, coz, on highway, it move up smoohtly (the shifting of gears), in fact, didn't feel a thing.

Any advise? By theway, another trick that I learn, is to get into manual mode during the jam (show M2) and it won't jerk.

yoko9798;749997 said:
Hi guys, just to share, I have similar issue with my 325i e92.

When stuck in jam, when the car starts to move and changing gear from M2 to M3, it jerks a bit. But notice that, if I push the paddle gently, it will change smoothly.

Do not think its the gearbox, coz, on highway, it move up smoohtly (the shifting of gears), in fact, didn't feel a thing.

Any advise? By theway, another trick that I learn, is to get into manual mode during the jam (show M2) and it won't jerk.


Hi yoko9798,
I think we have the common issue here. Mine is a knocking feeling to be exact. So have you get it diagnosed or tried using Ron97?
Darren Chew;767025 said:
Hi yoko9798,
I think we have the common issue here. Mine is a knocking feeling to be exact. So have you get it diagnosed or tried using Ron97?

Check the ignition coil too. It also can cause the problem of jerking/ shudder effect between shift
yoko9798;749997 said:
Hi guys, just to share, I have similar issue with my 325i e92.

When stuck in jam, when the car starts to move and changing gear from M2 to M3, it jerks a bit. But notice that, if I push the paddle gently, it will change smoothly.

Do not think its the gearbox, coz, on highway, it move up smoohtly (the shifting of gears), in fact, didn't feel a thing.

Any advise? By theway, another trick that I learn, is to get into manual mode during the jam (show M2) and it won't jerk.


Guys, if you are new to the car, it could be due to the way we drive i.e. press the accelerator or paddle slightly harder than usual during low gears as compared to other cars as our UDM engines are tuned differently. Hope this helps.
If you need a GB specialist, Mscope is the place. For a reasonable cost and sufficient knowledge to solve the problem K&S would highly recommended.

Please check your PM
FIRZ67;768202 said:
If you need a GB specialist, Mscope is the place. For a reasonable cost and sufficient knowledge to solve the problem K&S would highly recommended.

Please check your PM

PM me too...Thanks!
Hi guys,

Just wanna update all of you on this issue.

FYI, I may have the solution for this prb. Search the internet and have tried below steps and surprisingly, so far so good!!!!

It maybe an interim solution but in my view, its worth the try. I have been to a couple of workshops and both has basically asked me to let them to service the solenoid and even then, they said that it may not be 100% the solution since code wise etc, they cannot find any error to my e92.

Anyway, while surfing the net last week, I found out that, it may just be the Adaptive Driver Memory that needs to be resetted. I have resetted it and the jerks is now gone........(so far).

Steps as below (quote from Bimmerfest site):

" Resetting the Adaptive Driver Memory for the Automatic Transmission


Over time the ECU in the trans learns your driving style and that is what it keeps in memory. The throttle is "Drive By Wire" and adapts and personalizes to your particular driving style. However, there is a way to set the ECU back to factory default. I have done this with my 07 328 and it works fine. I've done this with several Mercedes. The only difference with a push button to start/stop engine system is that you must use the start button instead of turning the key to it's first position and again to simulate the off position.
Here it is; How to do a TBA: Throttle Body Adaptation reset.
Resetting the Adaptive Driver Memory for the transmission.

Works with any car that has Driver Adaptive Electronic Controlled Transmission.

1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.
2. Turn the key to the on (not start) position, the position just before the starter turns over. BMW: press start button – foot off brake - all idiot lights on.
3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position. BMW: All idiot lights on.
4. Hold the pedal to the floor for five seconds, then turn the key back to the "off position". BMW: foot off brake press start button - all idiot lights now off (don't remove the key), then release the gas pedal.
5. Wait a full 2 minutes for a full electronic alignment. Don't remove the key.
6. Start engine, drive the car, notice the difference."

Cheers guys.
I'm on E46 and had the same jerky issue when downshifting from 2nd to 1st, especially during traffic light stops.

What I did was reset the gearbox adaption via INPA and ta da no more jerks. Like what posted above, the gearbox ECU basically learns your driving style and try to adapt to it. All these are stored in a memory. The reset basicaly delete all these memory and the GB shall relearn again.

Am not sure if the above method posted by yoko applies to all models but INPA definitely can be used on E90 and E46.
It works on my 320d for days only...then coming back...even on manual change!
It is the upshift form 2nd to 3rd gear in low speed that causing the jerk (2-3-2)

Works with any car that has Driver Adaptive Electronic Controlled Transmission. (edit for E90 cars)

1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.
2. Insert the key, foot off brake, press start button - all idle lights on.
3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position. BMW: All idle lights on.
4. Hold the pedal to the floor for five seconds, foot off brake, press start button - all idle lights now off (don't remove the key), then release the gas pedal.
5. Wait a full 2 minutes for a full electronic alignment. Don't remove the key.
6. Start engine, drive the car, notice the difference."
Might be need to clean the EGR Valve (Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve)

he EGR valve on the E92 N47 engine is on the front of the engine. Pull the engine cover straight up at the front (it is on 2 poppers) and then slide out. Once this is out of the way you can see the EGR valve around level with the front of the inlet manifold.

The picture below shows the EGR valve (#2) from the engine side.
After several weeks and testing on the reset method. I confirm it doesn't work!
jwah;784203 said:
After several weeks and testing on the reset method. I confirm it doesn't work!

That is my findings too. The reset method will not last long. But when I did ' reset adaptive value' using autologic programming tools, it works. The problem never come back.

May I know where did you do 'reset adaptive valve' and how much did it cost?

FYI, the reset method did not last long. I have to do it like 2 - 3 weeks once.

Simply want a resolution.
Hi yoko, did it for FOC with one workshop in USJ. My thought that is part of the workshop value added services.
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