Why So Many Diffrent BMW Clubs ?

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what are the other bmw clubs here in malaysia? i know of a malat..is that it?
guru;216363 said:
what are the other bmw clubs here in malaysia? i know of a malat..is that it?

Too many, too lazy to mention.... but let it be known that we're the only one that is official.

yeah u r rite the ONE & ONLY OFFICIAL BMW club .......bravo
sithwarrior;215734 said:
Daan No one is going to shoot you lah, you are free to voice your opnions, but you must understand where we are coming from. I understand that you have much more friends there, but my question is why start something that is already running.

If i not wrong BCM also not the 1st bmwclub in msia ........am i rite?but i know its 1st official club here .....
ALBundy;215739 said:
Daan, as I have said before, lets not dwell too much into past history.

What is deemed as a negative trait to you could be a positive trait to others and vice versa. BMW CLub Malaysia does NOT promote other splinter groups because we are not sure if the objectives and vision of these clubs are similar to ours. And neither do we impose our beliefs on others. That being said, our door is always wide open to all BMW owners who is willing to share and be a part of this community.

Bimmersclub are formed because a small group of you dont agree or believe in paying subscription fees. I never condemned anyone of you because its your right to do so and I respected it. Likewise, this forum has its own guidelines and rules, so to say its very sensitive and jumpy when it comes to certain issues are certainly misleading, in my very humble opinion.:)

Not only fee issue.....
it doesnt matter whether BCM is not the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 54th bmwclub in malaysia ka as long as WE ARE THE 1ST OFFICIAL CLUB maaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
Lionel_Koh;216447 said:
If i not wrong BCM also not the 1st bmwclub in msia ........am i rite?but i know its 1st official club here .....

BCM was never the 1st club in Malaysia, but they were the first to be awarded the official status by BMW's International Club Council in Germany. With this we registered with ROS (registra of Societies )Malaysia. Being the first does not make any one official. As a gentleman I trust you will respectfully make the right assumptions from now on.

Thank You
Lionel_Koh;216452 said:
Not only fee issue.....

Issues will arrise in any group, club, organistaion, office, gathering etc etc etc.... The thing is for one to handle it like a man, dont run away from it... There will people who will hear you out and help you sort it out even.... To start something that was initiated by someone else and call an independant club would be wrong dont you think ? I too have issues here, you dont se me running off to start my own lil' outfit now do you... Talk to us if you have an issue, things can be worked out.
yeah u r rite sir lord sith, eveli poblem & issues can be settled maaaaahhhhh where got poblem cannot settle maaaaahhhh
sithwarrior;216456 said:
BCM was never the 1st club in Malaysia, but they were the first to be awarded the official status by BMW's International Club Council in Germany. With this we registered with the ROS Malaysia. Being the first does not make any one official. As a gentleman I trust you will respectfully make the right assumptions from now on.

Thank You

i know BCM is the 1st official club ..............No more 2nd official club here......:D

others unofficial glad to see tat and happy with it ..........

but stilllllll................
Lionel_Koh;216463 said:
i know BCM is the 1st official club ..............No more 2nd official club here......:D

others unofficial glad to see tat and happy with it ..........

but stilllllll................

lionel, please PM me if you have some issue to discuss.
sithwarrior;216459 said:
Issues will arrise in any group, club, organistaion, office, gathering etc etc etc.... The thing is for one to handle it like a man, dont run away from it... There will people who will hear you out and help you sort it out even.... To start something that was initiated by someone else and call an independant club would be wrong dont you think ? I too have issues here, you dont se me running off to start my own lil' outfit now do you... Talk to us if you have an issue, things can be worked out.

i believe me and xxx work hard to overcome it b4 and seem its going fine but some unforsee thing happend and we here today .......

and i heard some rumous after tat tat really pull me down......

but i happy now as member of BCM....bimmersclub.com,udm.com,malat and bimmerianz......

jarance;216466 said:
lionel, please PM me if you have some issue to discuss.

thanks jarance ......u r nice guy tat i know here and u r the one 1st i know here as well......

but no issues now ....

we all happy ......
well to whomever you r Lionel...... it doesnot matter at all who is first BMW CLub or first forum or first to sign up ....as long as its the official CLub RECOGNIZED....I think thats matter most.....!!!!

Not only fee issue....i suggest no need to pay as long as that makes you happy and I m sure the committee will respect your vice oops wise decision. haha.. Cos that makes you happy...

Most importan, a friendship thats its build, no matter which club you are from, we all still drive bMW and WE ARE ALL HUMAN ----> Makes Friends Not Enemy......

And personnally being new, i think no point arguing cos if we continue to argue, it just shows how low mental we are...cos it just makes people to realize we are childish... so why show our weakness... Instead just support, be more open heart and you get respect....(support desnt mean you need to pay for mmbers fees) and my advice although I might be young...cheh....(Sounds like an apek already), LET IT BE and continue to CHEONG cos we only live once, so make it the best.........>>>>>> When a person argue, i guess he or she cannot accept a fact for a certain reason..so its better to remain silence...

We are all mature and whatever written in forum, ppl can judge the person's moral and character...why? cos we are all mature ppl and can think for ourselves... I hope you knw what i mean....n no offence...Like me, I ve no against any clubs.. DOnt mind telling you, I also joined theBimmers CLub trip to thailand...why? Cos i just wanna have fun... its not easy, for me to get the timing to purposely go for the TT and pay ....(even now not sure ca make it but at least i paid and showed support) You knw what i mean..... if cant go just take it as petrol lor... (100 only ma)

A simple example:
When my staff try to be funny and give me excuses, my only verdict like MR TRUMP's Favaurite Quote " YOU'reeeeeee FIREDDDDDDDDD" HHAHHAHAH
Lets see who is the boss!!!! And i really do it... I rather pay the 1 mth due to them then to have a black sheep in my company....


My 1 cents of thought......

Lionel_Koh;216463 said:
i know BCM is the 1st official club ..............No more 2nd official club here......:D

others unofficial glad to see tat and happy with it ..........

but stilllllll................

Lionel, You obviously have some unresolved issues with the official club, now heres your chance to talk it out and perhaps listen to what we have to say. We are not bad people, we just like to keep things official thats all.... Dont bottle up all the issues you have, you might just go physco :D ... Just kiddin.... But yeah man... talk to us... Remeber there is more than one way to skin a cat...:p
sithwarrior;216470 said:
Lionel, You obviously have some unresolved issues with the official club, now heres your chance to talk it out and perhaps listen to what we have to say. We are not bad people, we just like to keep things official thats all.... Dont bottle up all the issues you have, you might just go physco :D ... Just kiddin.... But yeah man... talk to us... Remeber there is more than one way to skin a cat...:p

Lionel, thats how we should resolved issues,...I respect how thecommittee members here tackle the problem and shows th maturity... You guys the man.......and remember one thing


Well go and think this quote.... will explain later...

Iceman, I m still in office...flight is at 3.55pm.... so no news yet...later i will do a FR in the forum on vietnam ----> can ar?

Msport-525i;216469 said:
well to whomever you r Lionel...... it doesnot matter at all who is first BMW CLub or first forum or first to sign up ....as long as its the official CLub RECOGNIZED....I think thats matter most.....!!!!

Not only fee issue....i suggest no need to pay as long as that makes you happy and I m sure the committee will respect your vice oops wise decision. haha.. Cos that makes you happy...

Most importan, a friendship thats its build, no matter which club you are from, we all still drive bMW and WE ARE ALL HUMAN ----> Makes Friends Not Enemy......

And personnally being new, i think no point arguing cos if we continue to argue, it just shows how low mental we are...cos it just makes people to realize we are childish... so why show our weakness... Instead just support, be more open heart and you get respect....(support desnt mean you need to pay for mmbers fees) and my advice although I might be young...cheh....(Sounds like an apek already), LET IT BE and continue to CHEONG cos we only live once, so make it the best.........>>>>>> When a person argue, i guess he or she cannot accept a fact for a certain reason..so its better to remain silence...

We are all mature and whatever written in forum, ppl can judge the person's moral and character...why? cos we are all mature ppl and can think for ourselves... I hope you knw what i mean....n no offence...Like me, I ve no against any clubs.. DOnt mind telling you, I also joined theBimmers CLub trip to thailand...why? Cos i just wanna have fun... its not easy, for me to get the timing to purposely go for the TT and pay ....(even now not sure ca make it but at least i paid and showed support) You knw what i mean..... if cant go just take it as petrol lor... (100 only ma)

A simple example:
When my staff try to be funny and give me excuses, my only verdict like MR TRUMP's Favaurite Quote " YOU'reeeeeee FIREDDDDDDDDD" HHAHHAHAH
Lets see who is the boss!!!! And i really do it... I rather pay the 1 mth due to them then to have a black sheep in my company....


My 1 cents of thought......


i do agreed wit u ......yes ......we just live once ...tat why now we doing wat tat we feel happy and comfortable ........yes ...i am ....:D

i'm no regrest cos after all effort i put in and wat the return i get .....

but still i'm very happy here ...there ....and anywhere .....

we do hv same passion to bmw ....tat y i still take it open heart and extend my invitation here and others club for the Thailand drive wit one purpose ..Have FUN 2gether ......

aiyoh ...talk too much today liao ....bettter go to chaquat and hv a nice SPA instead.....:D
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