Website programming - is this true?

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NKTOB;245636 said:
Have you paid?

My analogy is referring to furniture lar....mana ada mentioned furniture maker?

Read the posting properly..... :stupid:

Quite sad.... in the scenario, regardless of what FE claims about monies outstanding (and oddly claiming at one point, none is owed, then says some is owed, then says they took sponsorship monies, then says monies owed then again says no monies owed) it just looks like the company (or the individuals behind the company) are either schitzo or just plain unethical.

All this talk about furniture etc is a moot point. It deviates from bmwcar's original question and deviates from Karate70's question. In essense, FE (using the scenario) has not been truthful, ethical or professionals in their business dealings.

My advice to bmwcar would be to not use companies such as FE (and FE itself it they exist) for the reasons stated above. Its simply disgusting....:smokin:
NKTOB;245641 said:
RedEarth;245634 said:

Halo....mana ada webiste/forum that ada potential to make BIG $$$??? Can you quote me some other sites?

Taking the site up was, yes...voluntarily and it's for all the rest not just for the few

Sudah lupa ke? It supposed to be non-profit..true to the belief of the founderlar.

No need to quote some other site, the site we re talking about is a very good example already ma........:rock:

It supposed to be non-profit, true to the belief of the founder..... nahhh :thefinger:

Don talk C*@k here.
popeadrian;245642 said:
Read the posting properly..... :stupid:


FE books tells a story....Monies was given to a despatch and got lost somehow, but will be forwarded again...


Anyway, it was a small was written off anyway..
NKTOB;245647 said:

FE books tells a story....Monies was given to a despatch and got lost somehow, but will be forwarded again...


Anyway, it was a small was written off anyway..

wow...this is moving fast.....BTW....FE here means what?
RedEarth;245646 said:
NKTOB;245641 said:
No need to quote some other site, the site we re talking about is a very good example already ma........:rock:

It supposed to be non-profit, true to the belief of the founder..... nahhh :thefinger:

Don talk C*@k here.

U meant BMWCM???

Anyway, you win lah...yes, yes very potential here! Commitees pls note :top:
RedEarth;245648 said:
NKTOB;245636 said:
Have you paid?


Good question, where is the receipt for those for who 've paid....???

Everybody ada...except you and a few. FE have to pay you instead lol...

Where's the receipt?
NKTOB;245647 said:

FE books tells a story....Monies was given to a despatch and got lost somehow, but will be forwarded again...


Anyway, it was a small was written off anyway..

Definately schitzo or unethical... dunno which now. :stupid:

Obviously you speak as someone who either runs a company like FE (from teh scenerio above) or merely venting out frustrations in the wrong arena.

Either way, still pretty disgusting behaviour on the part of FE (from the scenario) above....
bmwcar;245649 said:
wow...this is moving fast.....BTW....FE here means what?

Good qquestion.... i used FE as short-form for "Fraudulent Enterprise" in my scenario...but somehow "someone" seems to have hijacked it to mean something else.....

Schitzo..... :stupid:
NKTOB;245641 said:
RedEarth;245634 said:
Halo....mana ada webiste/forum that ada potential to make BIG $$$??? Can you quote me some other sites?

Taking the site up was, yes...voluntarily and it's for all the rest not just for the few

Sudah lupa ke? It supposed to be non-profit..true to the belief of the founderlar.

aiyo realy a talk c%^k king ma, no money to make.........

Why you keeping it like your own baby ? just release back to the client ?

Why the new sponsor coming in.........dont ask for any sponsor then ????

Why put it up under .my , just shut it down then ??????????

NKTOB;245652 said:
RedEarth;245648 said:
Everybody ada...except you and a few. FE have to pay you instead lol...

Where's the receipt?

Is it everyone have their receipt???

Don talk c@@k here, if i don have a receipt from FE, ask yourself do you think you ganna get a receipt from me??? :thefinger:
tkew;245656 said:
NKTOB;245641 said:
aiyo realy a talk c%^k king ma, no money to make.........

U wan see the books or not?....really not worth investing time here lar

Why you keeping it like your own baby ? just release back to the client ?

Sudah released....long ago, tapi client screwed up!

Why the new sponsor coming in.........dont ask for any sponsor then ????

Who has to pay for reconstruction? You? Go ask the new sponsor why are thy running around with the site sponsored t-shirt even before signing in??? Someone else making $$$ here?

Why put it up under .my , just shut it down then ??????????

Shut down liao....:stupid: Boh wah eh su liao...


Ladies and gentlemen,

Would really appreciate if the postings are keep to the topic at hand and refrain from names calling.

Thank you for your cooperation.
jarance;245664 said:
Ladies and gentlemen,

Would really appreciate if the postings are keep to the topic at hand and refrain from names calling.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Thanx mate..good call :top:
jarance;245664 said:
Ladies and gentlemen,

Would really appreciate if the postings are keep to the topic at hand and refrain from names calling.

Thank you for your cooperation.

oopss...sorry....roger that mr committee..... :rock:
NKTOB;245675 said:
:top: well said.....dont we all?

Kalau kau FE, habis you sure ke akan handover semua Client punya hak pada dia? Atau nak kelentong lagi?

Tulah...macam semua kata je, nak move on with life, got beter things to do tapi bila tanya "oi, pulang balik hak aku", tiba tiba cerita lain pulak.

Biasalah tu, kan? Macam main ular je.... putar belit je.
Ratatouille;245618 said:
Your PS3 issue - read previous posting. All depends on my clients's behavious towards my outlet and staff.

Hope this helps. I am going to be like Pyhton signing off this topic. I can offer my opinion and my opinion only.

1) Should an analysis be done on why the client behaviour is such. Its okay if its 1 or 2 clients but per my example if its 8 or 9 out of 10, would it be possible that the issue could not be solely the clients?

2) More importantly, once the site is recovered the next day, wouldn't it be logically to pass it back to these clients as soon as possible to get them out of way - PS3 analysis - b)

3) if the client was rude, would the d) be correct? If so, what would be the objective of doing d).....
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