Website programming - is this true?

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I read every page! ...from Fraudulent Enterprise to Furnitures to Tenant A and B.
I hope all parties sort this sh*t out and get along.
I suddenly see 'old' familiar forumers back here again and just hope that your 'resurrection' is not just to use this platform as your battleground!
popeadrian;246127 said:
:top: Hmm......sounds like a plan:wink: ...YOU GOT PM!!! :listen:

Wah wonderful plan man ????????????one bullet 50 cents only :top:
Why so complicated one....Any problem can be solve one if got both parties commitment and agreement. Can somebody pull the handbrake and park this bimmer aside. Cheers !!
acidburn;246216 said:
Why so complicated one....Any problem can be solve one if got both parties commitment and agreement. Can somebody pull the handbrake and park this bimmer aside. Cheers !!

Easier said than can be seen by the PS3 and Tenant examples, the shopkeeper and Landlord in both examples are not keen to meet up.
I think talk of ordinance and the cost of it is not laying a path to solving the problems outlined amicably... play nice boys...
okow;246179 said:
I suddenly see 'old' familiar forumers back here again and just hope that your 'resurrection' is not just to use this platform as your battleground!

In malay this called 'Merempat' ..... (not 'merempit') :rock: :thefinger: :top:
Wah Lau eh!!! This is like grandmother story la..................

Ok from what I "observered" this is like a tug of war where the rope is actually the website. Being pull by one side of 9 ppl and the other side 1 ppl with the rope end tie to his partner who is a big unbudging rock!!!!

This is a game where no one wins accept at the end of the day the rope ( website ) suffer or break because either side won't budge!!

The history of whether you shut down the server or you didn't download is useless as this is basically pointing finger session and time delaying games!!!

Simple as it may sound but due to human egos and winning habit this will not bring results! It is mere story telling and lobbying for supports.

I don't understand IT stuff at all but what I understand is that when I buy something in return I get that thing..........simple! Now why is it that when you buy something you dun get that thing?
Is either you did not make full payment or you got conned!

If it is money matter then can be easily resolve but if it is a con case then you can kiss it bye bye.

And if I got conned then I will take action to demand back my "thing" and no one can help me accept myself.

BMWCar in your case if it is not about money then the "supplier" have intended to con you of your "thing" I don't believe that if you purchase any items and if you dun collect it within certain time, that item is confiscated! Where got such thing one!!!! This is like trying to cheat a 3 yrs old boy!!!

Waaa if this is true ah! Then I will be a very rich man liao, sell to you and if you dont collect within 1 days then you pay again............hahahahaha!!

Or another reason is that when I sell you something that I dun know the "possible" value then I might be jealous and want the thing back for my own keeping so the best way is to find fault with you i.e. for not collecting on time and then say sorry, now that thing is mine!!! Muahahahahaha!!! This is call GREED

If that is not the case then I must say your supplier is angry with you personally for personal reason and wanted you to apologise for whatever you have done and kiss his legs and beg for mercy then he might decide whether to give you back or not...........this is what I call REVENGE!!!!

And in your case we wont know the actual reason for not getting your "thing" the only way is for you to confront the seller ( if he's still around ) and demand it back.........face to face.

And if he don't wanna meet up then you already know why? It is definitely not about money( if money i come quickly to collect lor), then it is about personal vendetta that only you 2 would know. There are no other reason why he wont give back to you liao......................

All the best to you..................:rock:
I fully agree with you Okow and Yazid, and this people thought it was easy to run a forum.Just to bad all of you have to learn the hard way.The best thing all you guys should learn from this misstake. Cheers guys.:top:
Was waiting for a statement like this from the first day i posted....but agree with was never expected to be easy and i think there were steps taken to ensure that a democracy would fact, back to the example of the 9 tenants and 1 landlord, it could also be that some of the 9 tenants have changed over the period of the tenancy agreement to no impact to the overall agreement - the issue could be with the landlord.......

the lessons that could be learnt are
a) ensure that none of the tenants and the landlord are related via blood or marriage.
b) business and pleasure never mix......

On the plus side, the 9 tenants could have had the groundwork for a strong friendship and would also have learnt from the 2 points above.
bmwcar;246366 said:
the lessons that could be learnt are
a) ensure that none of the tenants and the landlord are related via blood or marriage.
b) business and pleasure never mix......

On the plus side, the 9 tenants could have had the groundwork for a strong friendship and would also have learnt from the 2 points above.

Yes, what you said are fully agree here... the best thing that came out from this was;
• the 9 ppl identify that 2 $$$ hungry, rotten and smelly apples,
• this company called Fraudulent Enterprise (FE) that best at robbing,
• .... and at last, great frienship from these 9 ppls during tested times....

:thefinger:.. to Fraudulent Enterprise
:thefinger:.. to that 2 miserable (*****) hhahahaha
be careful with the words said here..

So far, I can see some slander and libel comment posted here.. I would appreciate to all concerned that you do not use this platform to implicate or involve bmwcm. Our stand is neutral.

So the final scenario is this.

1. Continue the name calling, finger pointing and the blame game.

2. Want to resolve the issue and recover the furniture.

If anyone of you want the go for option 1, then I humbly sugguest that you do it somewhere. Thank you for your co-operation.
Bro Lumkye46,

A nice person like you can give a :thefinger: to others .... whaaa ... this is serious man .......

I agreed with what XXX has said ...... 'bygones are bygones ...., just lepak here loh all are very wellcome' ........ just respect the committee/rules (even if they are XXXX)

jarance;246481 said:
be careful with the words said here..

So far, I can see some slander and libel comment posted here.. I would appreciate to all concerned that you do not use this platform to implicate or involve bmwcm. Our stand is neutral.

So the final scenario is this.

1. Continue the name calling, finger pointing and the blame game.

2. Want to resolve the issue and recover the furniture.

If anyone of you want the go for option 1, then I humbly sugguest that you do it somewhere. Thank you for your co-operation.

well said!
Its sad enough to see the site gone and it is even sadder to see ppl using this site as a means of venging their frustration and anger against each other.

If u have an issue, use a tissue...
Wonder what happen to my early posthing which i did on last sunday. Some one care to explain.Thank you.
XXX;246478 said:
Bro need worry abt apple, pear, mangosteen, etc. in the future...just lepak here loh all are very wellcome....bygones are bygones...the Burgertime thread is still around ....go and make it alive again..

AhPiau XXX... tears running down my cheek looking at yr reply... ya da man :top:
1 - Friend
0 - Smelly apples

Jyazid... you another top brass here I respect... ya da man :top:
2 - Friend
0 - Smelly apples

Jarance... sorry Chief if my posting doesn't augurs well here, those old furniture has no meaning to me liao... just cannot tahan the tenants corned (hahaha) by the crocks.... hahahaha

peace... :63: :biggrin: :63:
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