Unofficial Go Kart Race championship by Team HSP

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tIANcI;809942 said:
Yes, you are most correct. It was reported that some karters got bumped from behind. From the reports gathered by our pit reporter it is suspected that the karter from behind, one Ceylonese F1 hopeful, had a faster kart but the gonads were too small. The kart in front did not fully close the door on the Ceylonese F1 hopeful (wearing open toe sandals), so as to ensure there was no race incident. Alas, it was the opinion of our pit reporter that the Ceylonese F1 hopeful (wearing open toe sandals, I must stress) from behind either has a fetish on rear bumping or that just lacks the skills and/or gonads to execute a proper overtaking maneuver.

yes, its true. i also heard from the grapevine on what happened. although the door was not closed, but the Ceylonese F1 hopeful did not want to risk an accident, as money has to be paid for kart repairs, as what happened at the fast and furious turn 1 at the start of the race. Also the Ceylonese F1 hopeful was trying to see the effects on 'stress on driver' by bumping into the kart of the Kantonese Kawaii H'tai Kamen Driver. According to the second pit reporter squatting at the hill side, when the Ceylonese F1 Driver eventually overtook at the S curve entry on the inside, the Kantonese Kawaii H'tai Kamen Driver couldn't take the pressure and decided to do a spin-around-in-a-circle move to show his frustation.

was a great race la. we had F1 style crash at first corner just after flag off. we had dangerous bumping-from-behind actions. we had spin-outs at corners with emergency braking and avoidance by carts from behind. we had neck-to-neck racing on corners and straights. we had good prizes and lucky draws (A BIG THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO SPONSORED THE GIFTS AND CUPS). most of all, everyone had a good time whether you won or loss. best part was the tips and tricks being shared during the breaks. well done :)
irfan80;809947 said:
Next time CMs Vs OMs Vs HSP....hihi....I can sponsor trophies again....

The trophies were a nice touch la ... was truly fun. Heheheheheee ... TQ TQ TQ!!!
ramsing;809949 said:
yes, its true. i also heard from the grapevine on what happened. although the door was not closed, but the Ceylonese F1 hopeful did not want to risk an accident, as money has to be paid for kart repairs, as what happened at the fast and furious turn 1 at the start of the race. Also the Ceylonese F1 hopeful was trying to see the effects on 'stress on driver' by bumping into the kart of the Kantonese Kawaii H'tai Kamen Driver. According to the second pit reporter squatting at the hill side, when the Ceylonese F1 Driver eventually overtook at the S curve entry on the inside, the Kantonese Kawaii H'tai Kamen Driver couldn't take the pressure and decided to do a spin-around-in-a-circle move to show his frustation.

was a great race la. we had F1 style crash at first corner just after flag off. we had dangerous bumping-from-behind actions. we had spin-outs at corners with emergency braking and avoidance by carts from behind. we had neck-to-neck racing on corners and straights. we had good prizes and lucky draws (A BIG THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO SPONSORED THE GIFTS AND CUPS). most of all, everyone had a good time whether you won or loss. best part was the tips and tricks being shared during the breaks. well done :)

Pitlane insiders confirm what you said about having a race incident between karts. It was a wise move by the Ceylonese F1 hopeful (wearing open toe sandals) as we know that Ceylon is very poor.
irfan80;809947 said:
Next time CMs Vs OMs Vs HSP....hihi....I can sponsor trophies again....

Tqvm sweet of you irfan. And if i am in town at that time i will bring

my home cook food to show my support to all my brothers CMs, OMs, HSP....ya

as one Big Happy Family....!!! :) hehehe

Alby325i :):)
Alby325i;809957 said:
Tqvm sweet of you irfan. And if i am in town at that time i will bring

my home cook food to show my support to all my brothers CMs, OMs, HSP....ya

as one Big Happy Family....!!! :) hehehe

Alby325i :):)

Waaah ... ada private catering jugak!
Eh some correction.. We did not have any endurance planned on Mar 9 or 10. Rather six of us is participating on MY KART Amateur Team Series for FY2013. Their first race on Mar 10 and subsequent 4 more races throughout the year until Dec. We have mentioned on this few times over forum discussion or in person on the last kart outing since Jan.:rock:

As for timing, not sure if you refering to the event timing or the lap timing... if its lap timing, we are still far off the benchmark. So everyone are welcome. We all still learning. We just like to TCSS that make it sound like we are jaguh kampung. As for timing of the event, this event HSP Karting on Mar 2 was posted on Jan 30 while we still negotiating for additional karts allocation from City Kart. We targeted 16, but only manage to get 12 karts by Feb 1 morning hence limited seat. These are special CRG karts not the usual daily beater which they need prep in advance. Any damage on the kart will are to be paid by driver are much higher ie RM600 vs RM150 for daily beater. This is not about lansee factor(in case some will allude to) but rather for us to have an exposure on how this kart perform differently than the usual stuff as these are the spec kart use by MY KART for their team enduro series.

Now that gotten out of the way.. coming back to the official event...

While we wanted to join the official event on Mar 9, I doubt we have the strength and stamina for it just before our debut on Mar 10. BTW, we are not that speed capable rather we do it for fun and to enjoy motorsport at its purest form with the lowest cost possible. When I say stamina... we meant it...

On a serious note, you do not need to book the full course/track for exclusive use. Its too expensive. Anytime you have 10 person, they will arrange an event sequence for you. If this is first time, go for the 80cc. At RM150, you get 3 round... Practicing, Qualifying and Final rolling start. The 100cc is fun but its a lot more faster and can be risky if no prior experience. This arrangement will get you easily 2hrs due to other customer as well. Each round last about 10-12 mins... so driving time plus resting will come up to 2hrs easily.

The 100cc will give you great workout and for those that not very fit, the 100cc can be punishing the next day... the CRG Enduro 100cc kart is even worst.... kart will understeer due to front hard compound and and when its oversteer, you need to have a lot more correction input. So it give your upper body a great workout and this is where stamina comes in...Now I have great respect and salute those pro karters and formula driver after bitten by karting bug...

Drinks lot of water and 100 plus to replace lost fluid...

Godspeed and have fun.

dzuljazz2001;809904 said:
Dont be so harsh la bro :4:... Same like some of us here, including this group, the timing was just not condusive for them to participate yet. Now we know you guys also have your endurance planned that clashes with the Club's date, rite :4:
... Nevertheless, I do hope one day all of us can meet in one session for one nice fun race :top:...

As for the registration, yes its closed but all can still come and we will try to accommodate everyone as much as we can ..

Cheers :top: ...
tIANcI;809961 said:
Waaah ... ada private catering jugak!

Yes....tIANcI, small contributions home-cooked food for all my amazing brothers be happy together...ya !!!


Alby325i :):)
Thanks in advance Alby... make sure we have enough portion... semua kuat makan especially Ramsing and B33mer...

Alby325i;809990 said:
Yes....tIANcI, small contributions home-cooked food for all my amazing brothers be happy together...ya !!!


Alby325i :):)
Tqvm, ...gamenoob for all the info that you shared with us and very happy to know too :):)
gamenoob;809992 said:
Thanks in advance Alby... make sure we have enough portion... semua kuat makan especially Ramsing and B33mer...

Emmmm , okay what ever the date is i will try and make it Regarding the portion no prolem as need to know the

berapa yang datang??? Ataupun ada yang nak tolong di dapur!!! Hahaha

Regarding Ramsing and B33m....special tag!!! Hehehe

Talking about food i am feeling hungry already....:):)
tIANcI;810006 said:
Daniel can cook too. He makes a great potato salad!

Okay that is good ...i will remember to ask him to bring potato salad but now it sounds like good to have

barbeque pulak guys...!!! Hehehe :):):rock:
Daniel E30;810091 said:
Boleh. Cooking is in my blood....

Okay ...than i will remember you as someone baik hati dan boleh masak !! :)

Alamak!! Friends boleh ke cerita pasal .makanan dan barbeque kat sini!!!

Opsss mohon maaf ya...Nanti bila ada masa i will survey a KL place

plus open a talk to have a barbeque together as one big happy family...ya:)

Practice 100cc for Enduro Challenge tomorrow at city karts. Alamak, event is this Sunday and now only wana practice. Hope it turns out well.....
Daniel E30;810253 said:
Practice 100cc for Enduro Challenge tomorrow at city karts. Alamak, event is this Sunday and now only wana practice. Hope it turns out well.....

You are DEAD MEAT! Lucky not my team mate ... Heheheheehehee ...
Daniel E30;810253 said:
Practice 100cc for Enduro Challenge tomorrow at city karts. Alamak, event is this Sunday and now only wana practice. Hope it turns out well.....

Good Luck to you all my brothers for this coming event :top::eek:
It was a long hard race. 30 mins each in a 100cc kart is no joke! A separate thread to come ...
tIANcI;811392 said:
It was a long hard race. 30 mins each in a 100cc kart is no joke! A separate thread to come ...

Yes indeed it was ... luckily the weather this morning was not that hot ....It was a good 1st session but unlucky for HSPI to drop from the top 10 to 13th spot ..... :frown: ..

Managed to take a few shots but had to switch position after a spin-off was too close for comfort. ... thank you to the tyre barriers :top: ...
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