to buy or not to buy

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hi cden

cden said:
heehehe..let me intoduce my name first..cden.i newbie in this club...

"BMW adalah jentera HEBAT,dicipta oleh pakar yang HEBAT untuk dimilki oleh orang orang HEBAT"..

hi cden..

i'm planning to close down this thread already.. there's a few harsh comment which are not so pleasent to read..

how bout if u start a new one.. start a new question or statement... everybody will give feedback.. everybody here a friendly and really wants to share their knowledge and experience..

Why close..this is an interesting thread,let it go on...anyway,this theread helps me to make my get an E36..
Ya, this thread is very helpful to me also. Now I'm thinking to get an E46 about 3 years old because E90 too expensive. Anyway I don't think the moderator will close threads just because the starter ask them to close it. It's not the starter's decision mah. In fact the moderator should sticky this thread for the benefit of all newcomers to the BMW world!
musashi said:
Why close..this is an interesting thread,let it go on...anyway,this theread helps me to make my get an E36..

Not again..

Be prepared to "get shot".:D
Why do you say that? You mean musashi will get shot for wanting to get an E36? Is there something bad about E36? Earlier someone really shot down the E46. If E36 is bad and E46 is bad, then which 3 series is good?? Someone also said E90 is no good because no dipstick, no spare tire and so on. I thot all the members here love 3 series? Looks like you all have so many complaints instead. Very confused now!
meetoo said:
Why do you say that? You mean musashi will get shot for wanting to get an E36? Is there something bad about E36? Earlier someone really shot down the E46. If E36 is bad and E46 is bad, then which 3 series is good?? Someone also said E90 is no good because no dipstick, no spare tire and so on. I thot all the members here love 3 series? Looks like you all have so many complaints instead. Very confused now!

Every line-up has its own strengths and weaknesses. Bear in mind that this is not going to be a collective decision but rather an individual decision. Do a thorough study of the model that you like so that you are not easily influenced by external forces. I studied my car for about a year before making a purchase. There's nothing like investing in knowledge first. You may take as long as you like and don't let other forummer cloud your mind in making the decision. They however, can always give their suggestion and input.
hahaha, this thread still got some responses. hello meetoo, what u read about e46, is from my personal experience n others also. but who in the hell wants to say that when they bought expensive car like e46, it's not good to drive. malu sehh, bmw kan semuanya bagus. taik lah, to be honest, to me, e46 still a crap car. i didn't do any thorough research before i bought e46. that was my mistake. i was in a hurry buying e46 coz of the brand. that's me.

but after doing some very extensive research, to me, e39 is still n still the best car in the "real" world. when we talk about a car, we talk about the whole package. we just don't talk about the car's design, power, handling, interior n bla bla bla...... it's the whole package that suits your driving style. again, buy a car that suits your driving style. to me, i always drive fast, n to drive fast, i like a car who has heavy steering feel. n e46 doesn't have that. in e46, u just have to farking concentrate on the steering wheel. and i do not like that. what do i mean by that? drive any e46 at 200km/h, u will feel it. in fact, just drive at 150km/h, u can still feel it. the steering feels empty n very light. even waja n wira have heavy steering feel. straight line ok, not cornering. well, most of the time, where else do i go fast, straight line at plus n 2nd link lorrr...... in cornering, any bmw has good steering feel. u want more heavy steering feel at high speed for local car, drive satria neo. u'll be amazed how the steering feels like. i'm not talking about the power or engine noise ok. from satria neo into e46 (drive at 160km/h), u will definitely feel that e46 is really a stupid crap car. in fact, e46 has been labelled as a "high-speed nervousness" car.

but having said all that, it all depends on your driving style. if u always drive slow or in town, e46 is nice to drive. many other expensive cars have wobbly steering at high speed. example, mercedes e-class w210. adik beradik dgn e46 but better a bit lah. also a crap car.

e36, no comment lah. i've never driven fast in e36 n i hope it is much better than e46. e90 n e60??.... good car. the steering has servotronic incorporated inside the active steering.

servotronic= steering becomes heavier at high speed, lighter at low speed.

but, i didn't buy the e90 or e60 coz some of the criteria of those cars do not fit my liking. as what i've mentioned before. i do not like cars without engine oil dipstick, no temperature gauge n no space for spare tire. coz it will cause me a headache in long term........but that is just me. your preference then would be different.

so meetoo, there u go. buy a car that suits your style. don't just follow other people. org semua beli bmw, kita pun nak buy bmw. org beli vw, kita pun nak beli vw n so on........ do your own research. list down what criteria u want in YOUR car. then do some reading on your favorite car from internet, magazine n others. n test drive the car that u want to buy, if possible, from your friends n so on......

for example, if u want:
(my opinion ok)
- good at track... buy lotus elise/exige
- cheap maintenance.....proton wira
- brand tauke image....mb e-class
- mpv.....opel zafira.....hehe...coz i have one
- x5, cayenne
- acceleration.......any evo or wrx
- billionaire image...... bentley, maybach, rr, others....
- exotic..... pagani zonda
- e39.....hehe...again, coz i have one.....
Okay thanks guys. Now clearer! :eek:

Ya this thread is good because got a lot of real experiences in it. :p
The facelifted E46's have a tighter steering rack ratio than the pre facelift. Basically, the prefacelift is a lazier drive and the steering response of the facelift is more responsive, which is not good for high speed drives. The E39 is also similar to the prefacelift E46, which is a lazier driver.. good for high speed lazy feel and doesnt require as much attention on the road due to tight steering response.

Probably Eddiefiola's experience is one of the reasons BMW came up with the concept of Active Steering in the E60 and E90. To satisfy both types of drivers. Longer rack ratios for high speed relax drive, and a tightened ratio down low speed for the responsiveness.
This is new for me. pre facelift and facelifted E46 got different? Anyone else experience this. For me E46 is nice looking car but the problem and high speed nervousness really dissapointing. Aren't the fast lane meant for BMWs:D
Sometimes in life oso like that older one r better than new:p
initialM said:
This is new for me. pre facelift and facelifted E46 got different? Anyone else experience this. For me E46 is nice looking car but the problem and high speed nervousness really dissapointing. Aren't the fast lane meant for BMWs:D
Sometimes in life oso like that older one r better than new:p

Not neccesarily better la. BMW got a lot of heat when they launched the E46, mainly on the steering feel even for the M3 which many enthusiasts claim was the weakness of the M3. Hence BMW listened and gave a more direct rack ratio during the facelift for all lineups of the E46.

More details on facelift changes on the E46 can be found here. If I remember right, rack ratio for E46 facelift is ~2.9 while prefacelift is 3.2 or something like that.
e46 fanatic, thankx for your input. from your nickname, i guess u are really fanatic about e46. n there's nothing wrong about that.

well, i've driven pre-facelift n facelifted e46. both are the same. crap steering feel, high speed nervousness n need full concentration. n mind you, i've driven more than 10 units of e46 (mixture of pre-facelift n facelifted). pinjam member punya kereta lah..... even the m3 e46 also was condemned in regards to the steering weight/feel. funny, harap enjin aje power n well-sorted chassis aje.....steering tak sedap...

my e46 was facelifted. year 2004. no difference from pre-facelift. n i even change my steering rack. change NEW!!! bought new from auto bavaria johor bahru but still the same feeling.

what i did back then was tighten the steering rack but still the steering feel was pure crap. sorry i keep on saying crap coz i didn't expect that proton cars have better feel. i chose proton for comparison coz i think proton is the car that most people hate n look down upon to. come to think of it, why people at bmw so stupid creating a good-looking car that can go fast but creating nervousness to the drivers. funny.......

well, to be fair to e46 owners.....hehehe...... steering weight is a subjective thing. different people have different feelings. some do not bother by the light steering coz it's bmw mahhh........ as long as the weight of the steering is good at cornering, they don't bother. i guess, most of our time we are driving at zig-zag road.......

but the truth is truth, it is lighter than proton cars at high speed....... no wonder tengku mahaleel claimed proton is asia's answer to bmw. i guess, there is some truth to that.....:rolleyes:

jgn marah, this is my opinion. my advice to future e46 owners, please test drive the car first. don't simply membabi buta buy the car n then put all the pseudo-m3 bodykit to it. talk about bodykit, kita selalu kutuk bila org bawak wira letak bodykit evo. kutuk habis-habis, "cakap kalau wira tu, wira lah. jgn berangan nak jadi evo". tapi aku kelakar jugak tgk bebudak yg letak m3 bodykit kat 318i....hahahahaha.........

balik semula ke e46, test drive the car at low speed n high speed. usually low speed no problem. at least when drive high speed, try getting 160 to 200km/h. n to current e46 owners, kalau tak sedap tu, tukar aje kereta lain hehehehe..........

buy the e46 if u like it. at the end of the day, it's your money n u work hard for it...........
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