to buy or not to buy

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meetoo, go n read the link i've provided. then u'll appreciate tpms......

haiya, semua org tau waja yg ada renault engine 1800cc lah. non-campro engine yg enjin mitsubishi 1.6........ u want me to tell u in details about waja....hmmm... go ask initialm, his previous car was wajalution........
thanks for the advise, will test the car out throughly. another thing most ppl are fightin over, Japan vs UK specs...i am gettin really confuse. I been getting diff opinion on the choice. As for CKDs, was told to avoid at all cost....

never knew getting a BMW would be so much work..hahahaha
mwtang, test drive the car, have some patience searching around, get a good condition car.

doesn't matter whether uk spec, japan spec, south africa spec, pluto spec, alor star spec, senegal spec, just find a good condition car........
plan to fo just that, TQ very much for the info. Now is to find out how to get the checklist.
mwtang, the best way to get checklist is to read alot about e46 threads. Meaning here to get more knowledge about your target car.
I took myself almost 1 year before started hunting for mine.
Gdluck bro!
trust me mate, i am browsing through the whole forum.....

alot of knowledge to be absorb...I might as well send the car to a known mechnanic to check the car throughly before committing anythin. Is that good advise ?
yeah that is gd move too. I did the same, I sent my car to my fren's mechanic.
I have a copy of buying guide (pdf)..but too bad it is for e36.

Or how about this, come join us to any TT, there's alot of sifoo that can help u. ;)
cool, thanks for the invite. I definately bneed a buyin guide. Heard there is a well known mechanic at batu caves
eddiefiola said:
meetoo, go n read the link i've provided. then u'll appreciate tpms......

Read your link. So? All I can see from it is that it might prevent tire bursting due to low tire pressure which is only one of the cause. Which won't happen anyway if you check tires manually every weekend like I do. I don't need TPMS for that, just a simple tire gauge.

I had a blowout before and it was cause by running into a block of wood left lying on the road which couldn't be seen at night. My tires were perfect new Michellins. So how would your TPMS prevent that? The way you talk is like TPMS is the solution to all tire bursting!
eddiefiola said:
mwtang, test drive the car, have some patience searching around, get a good condition car.

doesn't matter whether uk spec, japan spec, south africa spec, pluto spec, alor star spec, senegal spec, just find a good condition car........

hahahaha:) :) :)
Regarding tyre bursting, if it is not your day means it is not your day. Just like my late colleague driving the imprezza and had a tyre burst at 120km/hr only. It is how you react to the situation that matters the most. Imagine, one side of the steering wheel becomes lighter and it is pulling to one side. Worst than hitting a standing water. The imprezza I believe was an all-wheel-drive version. So, the yawing effect was magnified even at 120km/hr. Make sure all 10 airbags and seatbelts are working. That is all you have.
eddiefiola said:
mwtang, test drive the car, have some patience searching around, get a good condition car.

doesn't matter whether uk spec, japan spec, south africa spec, pluto spec, alor star spec, senegal spec, just find a good condition car........

YellowMellow said:

What's so funny about this nonsense statement? Your only encourage more condescending statements from him that poison the mood of our forum. :mad: :mad: :mad:
guys, i am new...only wish to learn more before i purchase the car. By all means i really do appreciate all the feedback.
mwtang said:
guys, i am new...only wish to learn more before i purchase the car. By all means i really do appreciate all the feedback.

Sure friend, so am I. But choose who you learn from la. But some people only talk through the wrong end of their body and you know what comes out from there. :mad:
FYI almost all import terpakai cars will have their mileage adjusted by the exporter. Don't believe a five year old car was only driven 40k++ km. Bring the car to a mechanic and ask them to show you the LCM mileage reading. That being said a CKD car with full service history would be more ideal.
does any service centre here beside AB has the quipment that can read the LCM Mileage reading ?
eddiefiola said:
nitrogen gas ka, helium gas ka, kentut gas ka, as long as u have tpms, pam tire pakai normal oksigen kat petrol station sudah cukup.
2nd hand tire takde masalah. check dulu sebelum buy. dude, kau kena baca in detail the process of tire bursting. or in medical term, physiology of tire bursting. then u can appreciate tpms....... apa, kau ingat tire 1st hand takleh burst ke.http://

Wei doc apa ko merapu nih? Cuba ko masuk helium gas dlm tyr ko aku nak tgk. Buying new good tyre and putting nitrogen gas are the way of preventives maintenance. Nitrogen is good becoz is colourless, odorless nonflammable and an inert gas. In oil & gas industry they put Nitrogen into pipe before commissioning the Natural Gas to remove the oxygen. Lagi satu ia ringan and no reaction to heat so less loss of pressure. Tapi kalau nak meletup bawak ferrari pun bole meletup. Kita hanya berusaha tapi tuhan yg menentukan.
initialM said:
Wei doc apa ko merapu nih?

Probably drives with a helium-kentut gas mix in his tires and monitors with his TPMS to make sure it don't leak out. Kakakakakak! :D :D :D

Ignore his posts is the best ler. Don't acknowledge nonsense talk.
meetoo said:
. That why I not interested in straightline speeding on highways. It's not exciting, it's only dangerous.

try to maintain ur speed at 240km/h on the highway and tell me whether it can squeeze ur ball into size of a raisin or not... buzz me if u need that experience. i wud love to have "teman bercakap" in my car on my trip kemaman to kl or kl to kemaman....
funfer_fahrer said:
You never go above 140km/hr? Why? You must be joking:D. One of the reasons I bought a bimmer was because I am allergic to speeds below 180km/hr. The highway is a dangerous place, so I drive fast in order to to minimize the risk by spending less time on the road.

agreed... same goes to me...
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