ron 95 or ron 97

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After using RON95 (i'm on my 4th tankful) i can only say don't use Petronas95 it gives the worse mileage and engine feels rough, Caltex95 is so-so it gave me 410km. My fav so far is Esso95 and BHP95 both gave me around 450-470 km. I put RM100 = 52 liters and it's a mix of 40/60 of highway and city driving. I haven't tried Shell 95 yet. I don't know whether it's coincidence or not but my fuel gauge start to act weirdly ever since i use RON95 lol

Having said that i do miss using RON97 (Caltex) and i'm sure it gives more mileage and more power.
i've fully changed to 95...
have yet to find a good company as all the company gives me about 500 plus a little before the warning comes out from full tank.

i have heard good feedbacks about Esso but let me give it a go after this tank of caltex...
Wow, 500 kms is quite good mileage.

Mine normally maxes out around 400km for a tank. Just pumped another RM130 of 95 an hour ago... Still sticking with Shell it seems.
Wow.. getting around 500km with a full tank is good.. Is that purely city driving or mostly highway? I realised that if I use the full tank on daily drive to work/ city driving, I hardly get anywhere near 500... the most I can get is about 415km. However, if I do go on the highway (long distance) it can reach 500.

Looks like by driving thru the bad city traffic, i lose about 100km from my petrol.. :(
after running on ron 95 for a while and upon changing it back to 97 ..suddenly a ping "ing" sound starts to develop on lower rev ...can be heard if you put your mirror down ..

well back to 97 already after the short stint on 95 ....
mine 500 is both combination of city and highway...
can say about 70% highway la...
stilll sticking with 95 for normal driving... since it is better ALSO... ive read somewhere that the engine was developed for a lower RON grade (remember the red RON90/RON92)?... so i think RON95 (used to be the highest Grade) should be the best since it was based on that... that is why when u pump 97 it gives much pressure to the engine...

Well this is my own theory but like everyone said... its just Octane numbers... what does 2 extra number will give if u are just into leisure driving?
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