Puchong TT again...!!!!!

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It is cool .... zoggee always eat donut thats y can do donuts well ... :D .. Nice to meet all of u guys there n another thing sideway also damn cool can do donut with his Auto Accord ... its been a great time there ...

Tks guys for a wonderful time. Been a long time since had this much fun with a 'wild' bunch like this :D . Look forward to meeting up again in 2 weeks (will be JB next week) :(

Still not sure who is who yet, too many too soon, but should get the hang of it soon. :wink:
Originally posted by jarance@Jun 17 2005, 09:02 AM
Nice turn out. Adjourned to donut and drift session after midnight..

Had the taste of my first donut in the kookabura.. It was awesome..

Notice that the passenger door handle was loose so grapped the next most convienent thing. (the seat belt).

zoggee, thousand thanks for the ride.. It was worth the trip to Puchong TT..

Now why my balls? I think I lost it at the PNDC.. can you help me to find it.
i think it somewhere near the third donut... :D :D

please post the pics soon..
Bro Jarance,

You lost ur balls because u did not assume the correct seating position in the kookabura.

Instead of grasping at missing door handles, you should grabs your balls with two hands, and close ur eyes in deep prayer to all that is holy, (and since Zoggee was driving instead of Sideways, suggest u pray to TuaPekKong).

That's why it's called donuts. As in do(-not-forget-to-grab-ur-)nuts!!!

Just sorry i missed it... next time...
I had a great time too tho could only make a late appearance! With so many donuts being made, I'm curious to see how the marks look like now in the day time. Zoggee, can take picture ah? During the convoy back to Bangsar, I realise that FOC can really tiong man!! Time to take her karting!!
Originally posted by Axle@Jun 17 2005, 02:04 AM
Really had fun man...Thanks to Sideways for the ride :eek:k:
Next must do dragg :nyehehe:
Bro, next time let the engine warm up a bit first before redlining it.... ;) Saw u redlining it within 30 sec after starting up... sakit hati leh.. :p
:eek: Walaueh... had a first hand look at Donut King wif his Kookaburra!!! Just awesome man. So much drifting, bet you need new tyres now. Maybe you should start "Kookaburra Tyres Fund" and start collecting from those who wants a ride, heh Zog :p ! BTW, Zoggie, where are the pics? :D
cipek..!! :blink: Skar19 stayed back until 3 am dah!! :(

Jarance....while youre holding ur balls..I torned my pants la.. :(

Three28i...dunno wether ur Vanos performance kit can outrun Lee's car or not.

Lee36328i...cheh..!! :aggressive: NECC was here la... :nyehehe:... Tuapek Kong??? I only ask Magnum 4Ds from him la...

Mtek,Bimmer78..I'm not drifting(and still dunno till now)...you haven't see Fabian's yet..he is the best!! :blush:

Justinbakautasik....Axle bezee with the girl la..some more my carmera can zoom in and zoom out... :hmmph: like our didi...soft and hard.. :hmmph:

Sideways...boy,am I scared when you were redlining the Kookkaburra.please go easy on her...please.. B) No one knows her better then me.. :wink: :getyourfactsright:

OSFlanker..can I use the bird food ah..??

will post pictures soon
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