Puchong TT again...!!!!!

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Originally posted by vincent@Jun 16 2005, 03:22 AM
dude,call me and meet me at projet station in batu 3
i'll wait for u there
bmwky....can i meet u at projet batu 3 instead?
Is PNDC open for business tonite? After I feed the Kookaburra with Projet Enertec 97, who wants to drag???? E34 535i v little yellow Toyota 1.6, come lah Naza2 / 535i, scared ah???? hehehe :p
Originally posted by vincent@Jun 16 2005, 08:22 AM
I thot I've been around the forum a long time but I wanna join Puchong TT oso I dunno where. I've been to Zoggee's place. From there how to go ah??
Tonight will be another great TT ever....can't wait......3 hour tp go....Nothing to do now....go to swim 1st :D
Today will be TT of the century ... me a bit sick but still will come coz MAFIA sudah gimme a warning ... :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by BiMmEr78@Jun 16 2005, 06:14 PM
Today will be TT of the century ... me a bit sick but still will come coz MAFIA sudah gimme a warning ... :rofl: :rofl:
Yah bro...
u better come! :rofl: :rofl:
jpb,if u want,u can meet up with me,vincent,axle & bmwky at projet bt 3 and we will th adjourn to panasonic shah alam where we will gather with the klang guys and head off to puchong via hicom way!
i'm meeting thm at around 8.15pm.
do join us if u like.
if u wanna call me,get my number off sideways!

alvin,come join us at projet bt 3 too if u can!
Date: 16th June
Time: 9.00pm onwards

guys...put down ur name la..

1. Lionel
2. Musang ajaib
3. me
4. zackertashia
5. KiNaka (FFK)
6. Rezzy3181(this coming Thurs ahh not 6th as Lionel write will try)
7. Marco
8. jarance (klang chapter - 99%)
9. MTek1318
10. Mafia
11. BiMmEr78 (Will be there a bit late as work finish at 11pm (ponteng)
12. Tyke
13. Axle
14. Fireblade
15. RBL
16. XTR-1ND
17. Wolverine
18. mctnesh
19. WAFS328
20. bmwky
21. wpyin

Sorry too all dudes who i promise to come..... something just turn up & need to be settle down tonight.... See ya again.....
:cry: sorry guys I am dead tired gone to many places after Projet even drive back while sleeping lucky did'nt hit any cars along the highway really sleep while driving as did'nt sleep last night. Mis the Puchong kaki pukul sorry Zoggee see you another time.
Really had fun man...Thanks to Sideways for the ride :eek:k:
Next must do dragg :nyehehe:
Nice turn out. Adjourned to donut and drift session after midnight..

Had the taste of my first donut in the kookabura.. It was awesome..

Notice that the passenger door handle was loose so grapped the next most convienent thing. (the seat belt).

zoggee, thousand thanks for the ride.. It was worth the trip to Puchong TT..

Now why my balls? I think I lost it at the PNDC.. can you help me to find it.
i think it somewhere near the third donut... :D :D

please post the pics soon..
Originally posted by jarance@Jun 17 2005, 09:02 AM
Notice that the passenger door handle was loose so grapped the next most convienent thing. (the seat belt).
aiyah, forgot about the door handle. I broke it at one of the drfit event when fabian was drifting the car. He went sideways very suddenly, and off came the handle! G-force or what!
Zoggee- this is one TT I'll never forget - fun & furious in your kookabura. Many thanks for the thrill. Now I know why they call you the doughnut king. So, when is the next Puchong TT? Need to have some more doughnuts for supper! Yum-yummy.
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