Our So call " Kerajaan Malaysia"..................

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redbaron;290806 said:
GURU come la tt better can talk face to face more fun bro.

thank you for your invitation.
The reason I joined this forum is so I can have tt in the comfort of my own home and at the same time share in a virtual tt. It's really the same thing! Hanging out at the stalls cannot because of my workload. Whatever spare time, I have to agih properly.
guru;290821 said:
your apology accepted as I offer mine. we are civilized after all aren't we?

I had already taken up the traffic stop issue with Lee Hwa Beng in late december. They are well aware of it and it and hopefully will be rectified soon. I just hope no poor soul should hurt themselves when they come face to face with barrier.

Now the conversation sounds better..cheers guyss!!

p/s: Guru, its yr call to join the TT or not, no worry..but u r alwayz welcome to join our TT..:rock:
Kaiza635CSI;290783 said:
i have the kerinchi link which is 5mins from my house, and penchala link. im not complaining. u think they're gonna put one here, with the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in my area?

bro u chill la.... u got a bad day keep it ur self la, y is that u have to slam it to people here???:thefinger:

btw, wat so great of having "the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in your area", having Anwar Ibrahim out here now, even xPM and 3 CJs also masuk court tau!!!!!:thefinger:

im actually hv no offense on u putting the statement, sumhow i think its to much la...

relax sikit la bang, ok!!:smokin:
rahizwan;290839 said:
bro u chill la.... u got a bad day keep it ur self la, y is that u have to slam it to people here???:thefinger:

btw, wat so great of having "the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in your area", having Anwar Ibrahim out here now, even xPM and 3 CJs also masuk court tau!!!!!:thefinger:

im actually hv no offense on u putting the statement, sumhow i think its to much la...

relax sikit la bang, ok!!:smokin:

Its true bro... if you want to avoid something quickly, just have it happen to those Tuns, Tan Sri's & MP bro... they'll get rid of thost things for you by the next day.

In Kor^H^H^H one east Asian country, they have lots of cameras monitoring the vehicles on the highways. It happens that one fine day, a VIP was caught speeding with his mistress. The camera captured both VIP and mistress and when the photo was brought into court as evidence, it became a very big fuss. What happened then is that...

1. No... they didn't abolish speed limit :)
2. No... they didn't ban camera also...
3. but they did change the rule... pictures of the passengers will be blanked out before being used as evidence.

So, if it happens to me or any ordinary ppl, who gives a sh*t. But if it happened to someone influential, the rule of the game changes.
QD250;290329 said:
election coming..... yes. vote the other party, they may or may not form the new govt. hopefully more opposition in the parliment.....

not sleeping la bro, just waiting for the elections..... Malaysia so beautiful..... BN & Opposition politics, UMNO & PAS politics, MCA & DAP (plus gerakan etc) politics and so on.....

mana boleh tired bro.... my country, your country, our children and future generations punya country....

kenot say FTG oso....... no gomen, no telekom, no work, no money, no bmw.....

so how?
Only tired talking lar bro. I never miss voting since I'm eligible. Gomen or Telekom is just the entity but some of the people inside it need to be changed or at least monitored. Cant expect the opposition win the election but at least got someone as watchdog to create balance. No doubt the existing gomen has done a lot of thing to the country but there r still improvement can be made. I know as my dad is a retired gomen servant. Still remember when I was a kid, somebody given RM1k each for my sibling during Hari Raya. Then my dad took the RM & returned it.
Of course if someone is in power, he will help his family, relatives & fren first. Only that I hope they will take care of the people too. Eg: those feature in TV3 Bersamamu programme. Some time feel sad that there r still people dun hv anything to eat & the country can send somebody to the space. I'm not complaining but still grateful for what I hv now. At least I can drive a 10 yrs old UDM. Eh FTG is my past favourite metal band lar. Bro when r comin down lar??? Cekodok in Hyatt r very delicious wor:love: :love: :love:

To the rest,
Pls be nice to each other:rock: Malaysia is beautiful & unique!! Malaysia Boleh:smokin:
QD250;290331 said:
when you say the word, it refers to two parts: 1. the elected reps, 2. the civil service....

the elected reps get elected unless you vote others in......

the civil service???? none of us good fellas (but complaining) want to join the civil service and make the changes....... so how??? back to chicken and egg story.....

hhhmmmmm sounds familiar, like will join official member after the club has transformed..... but to join and help/make the transformation.....?????


I mean the policy makers laa bro... those are the ppl we can swap with others. The executives are all kuli just executing the policy... regardless it's good or bad policy...

Lionel_Koh;290126 said:
im not putting high hope for our Kerajaan to think about their Rakyat but at least do something wit reasons .......

For tis issue ......the access road APPROVED b4 the highway contructed ......Now just bcos of money issue ...Grand Saga blocked the road and Kerajaan untill today still cant solve it ......Already > 2 years ...I think its enuf .....

The govt is still the govt, be it BN or PKR led.... if you have no hope, then how? Hope for the better must always be there.....

The govt has also done many things for the rakyat.... but we complaint about those that they do not..... biasa la geng, life is never fair..... you can help some but you cannot help all....

same like the ex-PM, yes he may have done some bad things...... but can we deny that he has also done good things during the 22 years that he was in power? same thing with the 32 years of the recently deceased ex-President of Indonesia.....

I think all of us have benefitted in some ways from the govt's actions in the past 35 years or so...... but then we are easy to forget and blame and curse and complaint about things that we are not happy with.....

about the "APPROVED" thingy, what has been approved, doesn't mean it can't be dis-approved...... normal what, some times you can't have the cake AND eat it.....

even if a new govt is voted in, they may reverse what was decided by the former govt....... then some will say good, but some will then complaint against the new govt's actions..... normal human nature.....

GOD gave us our soul and body, plus all the senses of seeing, smelling, touching, tasting, hearing, ability to talk, walk etc...... BUT we also complaint why we don't get that, get this, why born into a poor family etc etc etc.....

rahizwan;290839 said:
bro u chill la.... u got a bad day keep it ur self la, y is that u have to slam it to people here???:thefinger:

btw, wat so great of having "the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in your area", having Anwar Ibrahim out here now, even xPM and 3 CJs also masuk court tau!!!!!:thefinger:

im actually hv no offense on u putting the statement, sumhow i think its to much la...

relax sikit la bang, ok!!:smokin:

Your asking why its so great?? The reason is if its not for them everyone will be building here for the hell of it. putting more traffic congestion. no problems here with Mp's going into court what not. anyway. i dont really want to post anymore on the thread. so i shall stop here.
guru;290207 said:
these problems are hard to resolve. vote new leadership? replace with who? all the same!! them leaders only care about their own future and the future of their kids! ALL of them are the same. There are one or two good people out there but one or two people can't run a country.

redbaron- don't tell people to leave the country- it belongs to all of us. only through talking and action can this country improve. you are happy with everything that goes on in this country? maybe you;re getting your cut that's why. Other people don't feel the same way as you. Many people would like to leave if they had the means, this I assure you. Many parents already leave their kids abroad after uni.

good observation, new leadership may not resolve all problems..... but some do! Same thing with current leadership what, some get resolved and some, not!

You and me also the same what..... if we are in power, of course where possible we will take care of our own, our kids, our kins etc..... others? a bit down the pecking orderlah....

YES!!!! IT belongs to all of us! don't la say 'you are happy because you are getting your cut'.... aren't we all getting our cut from this country in the past 50 years of independence and before? Don't forget, the free education was also a 'cut' that we all got, didn't we?

Those that don't feel the same way and would like to leave, should find the means..... and not say that they don't have the means..... Kalau nak seribu daya.....

Those parents who leaves their kid overseas before or after Uni are un-patriotic..... both parents and kids..... I'm sure that they have benefitted in some ways or another from this country, right?

Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya darahku......
redbaron;290808 said:
If you all realize one thing that every one in puchong has to pay tol in order for them to go back. They are not making big fust ma. Some more drive BMW some more spare part taukey aiiyyyyooooo just pay the tol and be happy la just like Bundy say no like pindah from that area la.

That is not correct, there are alternative toll-less routes to go to Puchong... Of course, it's not that cost effective to take a long detour but at least they have a CHOICE...

Buying a house is a lifetime commitment for most average salary-paying folks, so it's will never be easy to just move away. If you do not want to pay toll to stay there, would you be able to sell/rent your house to anyone who would??? Unless of course you sell/rent at a much lower price. So that leaves a lot of ppl stranded. They can't afford to sell the house and have to stay there because they have no CHOICE...

Nothing against anyone here nor so I support anyone as well... I'm just speaking my mind for the matter in hand... While I do not have confidence in this matter being settled in favour of the residents there, I still personally think they should fight for their rights in getting back the 'promised' access road. Can't just lie there and let the shrewd parties walk all over them...

That being said, I do hope Lionel and the rest of the residents there can get the matter resolved.

As for this thread, it has served its purpose to inform. It would be closed in few days' time...
Everyone should be given a choice, as in this case some promises were not kept. There is nothing much the residents can do, perhaps summon the relevant parties to court?

Anyway, here's a joke for everyone to chill :)

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =====

While walking down the street one day a Malaysian Boleh
Minister is
tragically hit by a truck and dies.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the

"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it
there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these
you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."

"No problem, just let me in," says the man.

"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What
we'll do is have
you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can
where to spend eternity."

"Really, I have made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says
the Yang

"I'm sorry, but we have our rules," says St. Peter.

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he
goes down,
down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the
middle of
a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and
standing in front
of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked
with him.

Everyone is very happy and dressed in the finest batik there
is. They run
to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good
times they
had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play
a friendly
game of golf and then indulge themselves on lobsters, caviar
and the most
expensive food there is.

Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy
who has a good
time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good
time that
before he realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the
elevator rises.

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven
where St.
Peter is waiting for him.

"Now it' s time to visit heaven."

So, 24 hours pass with the Yang Berhormat joining a group of
souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing.
They have
a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone
by and St.
Peter returns.

"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven.

Now choose your eternity."

The Yang Berhormat reflects for a minute, then he answers:
"Well, I would
never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful,
but I think Ayam better off in hell."

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,
down, down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the
middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash
and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his

"I don't understand," stammers the Yang Berhormat. "Yesterday I
was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster
and caviar drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now
there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.

What happened?"

The devil looks at him, smiles and says, "Yesterday we were
campaigning just like you during an election.... .. Today you voted."
redbaron;290221 said:
Guru whether i get my cut or not that is my smart ness. All malaysian do is complain. Ask your self are we doing what we are suppose to do for example vote. The goverment cannot please everybody thats for sure. So if you are not happy with them the only thing that you can do is out vote them or leave the country. Why they can do things as they like because we the public are not united.

In every Negara Domokrasi.....Kerajaan is voted by the Rakyat and they represent Rakyat .....The Kerajaan not own the country .....Why i must leave if i not happy wit current Kerajaan ?????? I agreed wit u Kerajaan cant please everybody but in tis case u think its reasonable ???

We all own the country not the Kerajaan ........The negative way is to leave but positive way is to improve the quality of Kerajaan thru election, NGO and opposition party .....
JYazid;290232 said:
Again and again ... why you all never learn .... bodoh ke banggang ....... cuntmitte/moderator what are you doing .... :thefinger:

This is a Car Club Forum and not a Govt condeming forum ...... registered club summore ...... to my friend Lionel, go and post at yr Bimmersclub la and not here ...:thefinger: :thefinger:

Bro ...i posted here and Bimmersclub as well .....

As i said earlier ...if committed not agree wit the post ...pls delete it ...

My purpose here is just to let everyone know about the issue cos i think its related to all Msia citizen .....

Car forum can talk everything .......Not limited just to car ..tat y i the General Discussions section was created .....
JYazid;290469 said:
this is good example of 'tak pergi sekolah punya orang'

'General Discussion' in Car Club Forum ... so it is car related, since some 'tak pergi sekolah' people will say road/hway is car related. That is call 'loyar buruk' . cuntmittee might allow it but the it will becoming Govt condeming thread. This is the issue not road/h'way anymore.

I don't mind to fight, be rude or racist or even kill people if situation make it that way.


Be frank .....tis not the rite words to use here ......
Kaiza635CSI;290783 said:
i have the kerinchi link which is 5mins from my house, and penchala link. im not complaining. u think they're gonna put one here, with the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in my area?

redbaron;290808 said:
The residents HAVE TO pay toll to get home, that was the complaint... In your case, you choose to pay toll for speedier travel but you can still go places without paying.

If you all realize one thing that every one in puchong has to pay tol in order for them to go back. They are not making big fust ma. Some more drive BMW some more spare part taukey aiiyyyyooooo just pay the tol and be happy la just like Bundy say no like pindah from that area la.

Pls read the 1st post .....The access road is APPROVED by Kerajaan b4 the Grand Saga hw was contructed ..........Now they blocked the road without any rasonable reason .....

u still think its reasonable ??

Its not bcos wat car we r driving ...it just the matter either its reasonable or not ...

If u r free ...pls do some Google search .....
QD250;291076 said:
about the "APPROVED" thingy, what has been approved, doesn't mean it can't be dis-approved...... normal what, some times you can't have the cake AND eat it.....

If goverment can turn their words or decision overnite ....U sure u will conficent with tis Kerajaan ??? U think foreign investors willing to invest here ????

Just imaging .......Goverment now APPROVED 10 yrs free tax for foreign investors to set up their company/factory here .......After all investors invest their money here .....at the 3rd year...Kerajaan cancell the dicision and all foreign company need to pay tax ....So how ?????

Gorverment cant simply change their APPROVED decision out of sudden .........Somemore without any STRONG reason ....
fabianyee;291128 said:
That is not correct, there are alternative toll-less routes to go to Puchong... Of course, it's not that cost effective to take a long detour but at least they have a CHOICE...

Buying a house is a lifetime commitment for most average salary-paying folks, so it's will never be easy to just move away. If you do not want to pay toll to stay there, would you be able to sell/rent your house to anyone who would??? Unless of course you sell/rent at a much lower price. So that leaves a lot of ppl stranded. They can't afford to sell the house and have to stay there because they have no CHOICE...

Nothing against anyone here nor so I support anyone as well... I'm just speaking my mind for the matter in hand... While I do not have confidence in this matter being settled in favour of the residents there, I still personally think they should fight for their rights in getting back the 'promised' access road. Can't just lie there and let the shrewd parties walk all over them...

That being said, I do hope Lionel and the rest of the residents there can get the matter resolved.

As for this thread, it has served its purpose to inform. It would be closed in few days' time...

Thanks 4 u point and i do hope the issue will be resolved in very near future ....

i agree with you on the BMC road closure, such a PITA right? i live nearby and having the thought of such thing in my neighbourhood is painful.

there is a toll-less way though if you don't mind the large difference in travelling distance and time compared to just opening up the road,

drive thru tmn connaught / len sen behind Phoenix Plaza there, get to BTHO, then go to the new JJ there, then use the SILK to go home!!! walla... problem solved! but the again, there is a bottle neck at the SL entrance to BMC, so back to square one!!!
hmm the matter has been brought to our pm since last year... and yet nothing happened. it's time for a new pm.
syahruln;291295 said:
hmm the matter has been brought to our pm since last year... and yet nothing happened. it's time for a new pm.

yeah mannn!!! Lets get ready to vote....:rock:
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