Our So call " Kerajaan Malaysia"..................

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Look think about it we all have to pay toll what not. My family live all over the place around whole of Klang Valley, PJ wherever you name it. I have to go through tolls as well. Yes i got pissed off when they built a toll going to Mutiara damansara yes its a bit much. But hey at the end of the day its worth it, eventhough its a short distance.. If those who dont like to pay tolls which they have to use to go to their home. I'll tell u what i'll give 40 Cents and u can call someone who CARES! At this point stop being a baby and deal with it. most people have to go through shitty things and what not.. Parts and parcels of life. we all have to go through it. YOU'RE not the only one who has to go through tolls to go home!!



P.S You dont like my posting, lets not wait and dont talk here. lets talk outside. if you have problems to what i have said!!
guru;290460 said:
unlce redbaron- i'm doing you and everyone else a favor by bringing this important issue up.

you won't find it so funny when you or someone you care about crashing into it and suffering just because the dumb a$$eS at MBSA are tired of replacing them.

You will thank me one day. This I am sure of.

Mr. Guru. You're so sure of yourself aren't you? Why don't you just shut your gob and stop being a prat.

If this is really bothering you, why dont you come and speak up about it to us at the official TT? Come up with a petition or something. Don't talk too much damnit, just do it.

If your not happy with the Government then goto Putrajaya and make it heard, dont tell us your sob story. Go and have a demonstration for all i care.

You say your doing us a favour? Now I want you to really do us a favour dont talk so much and do more action.

What to do Kaiza some people are just cakap pun tak guna.
Thats what i hate about some people, they can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk.
hehehehehe... teringat plak aku kat cerita orang korea nih... hehe tak habis lagi episod korea beb!!

Motif ceritanya baik, tapi mungkin tak logik sket la... tapi dah dijadikan cerita, ambik aje lah iktibarnya.

Pada suatu hari, ada sekumpulan orang menaiki bas... nak ke mana tu, aku tak tau la. Tiba-tiba aje, bas ni pun rosak. Driver nya pulak mangkuk, tak reti nak diagnose dah repair bas ini. Mana taknya, driver nye memang kaki rempit, ada pulak 15 waran tangkap. Jadi mana ada masa nak belajar jaga bas, cuma merempit bas ajelah kerjanya. Bila melihatkan si driver bas ni melopong sahaja, maka adalah pula seorang mamat hensem bertali leher dan bersuit lengkap dengan laptop Compaqnya (kita panggil dia mamat "A").

Mamat ini memang dah lambat dah, kereta pancit pagi tadi, jadi nak ke meeting memang kena naik bas lah. Bila bas rosak, kecoh la dia. Maka satu bas itulah diseranahnya.

"Woi korang ni takde otak ke?", kata mamat itu. "Apa lagi, keluar la tolak bas ni. Kalau tak, bila lagi nak sampai???"

Melihatkan karisma dan perwatakan kemas tapi poyo mamat itu, maka keluarlah semua penumpang itu dari bas. Tapi semua buat muka blur. Tak tau nak tolak kat mana.

Apabila dilihatnya tidak ada progress, mamat A itu menjadi semakin berang. "Pegi belakang la tolak... takde otak ke??? Ni la dia... semua gomen suap... bila rosak sket, satu hapa pun tak tau buat", tiaw mamat itu lagi sambil menyinga.

Melihat keadaan tersebut, adalah sekumpulan 2-3 orang mamat berpakaian biasa tanpa kaca mata (kita refer sebagai mamat2 "B") lalu mulalah ke belakang bas, seolah-olah macam tau aje apa yang perlu dibuat. Yang lain semua menengok aje, masih blur.

"Haa apa lagi tunggu? Tolaklah... dah lambat dah ni!!!", tanpa memberi peluang mamat A itu terus menunjukkan gigi taringnya yang tinggal sebelah sahaja. Mamat ini memang kecoh dari dulu pun... perangai memang bossy dari kecik, nak-nak lagi bila jadi pengawas kat sekolah. Gigi taringnya yang lagi sebelah itu dah lama patah kena tumbuk dengan samseng sekolah sebab dia cuba memaksa samseng itu menghisap 5 batang rokok sekaligus. Mana boleh beb, cikgu aje yang boleh suruh macam tu dulu. Maka jadi mangsalah sebelah gigi taring mamat itu. Ok, kita kembali ke situasi bas itu semula.

Setelah dibambu sebegitu, maka mamat2 B tadi mula lah menolak bas itu dengan susah payahnya. Pelbagai bunyi terkeluar sebab berat bas tu beb... ada yang 'oooohhhhh', ada yang 'ahhhhhhhhhh', ada yang "hiyahhhhhhh", ada pulak yang terkentut 'prroootttt', ada pulak yang 'slluuuurrrrpppzzzz'!!! Tu yang tak tahan tu. Tapi semua ni drama swasta je beb. Tiga orang ni bukannya betul pun... takat menunjuk2 aje tu boleh la. Takat 'slluuuuuurrrpppzzzz' sume orang boleh sebut, ye dak? Tapi, memang nampak macam real la mamat2 B ni menolak... cuma tak bergerak je bas tu.

Bila tengok yang lain2 tu masih buat donno, apa lagi, mamat A ni jadi marah tahap cipan la pulak. "Hoi... apa lagi tunggu? 3 orang tu dah nak terberak menolak, yang lain2 ni boleh tengok aje??? Tolak la hoi!!!"

Maka barulah berduyun-duyun yang lain2nya (kita refer sebagai pihak "C") mula ke belakang bas lalu menolak. Bila dah semua menolak, kecuali mamat A yang hanya pandai mengarah dan mamat2 B yang pandai berlakon, baru la bas tu bergerak...

The moral of the story, whether we like it or not, the bus will not be moved without all the 3 types of people - the loudmouth A, the hypocritical B & the rest of them C. Most of the time, we will need all this type of people before something can be done.

Cerita ni mungkin cerita mitos rakyat korea, tapi rasanya boleh apply kat kita juga. Of course, the best is everyone shares the load, but the world isn't a fair place, is it?

So kawan2, let go of the negative feelings and let's TT, socialize, meet each other personally and get to know each other better & collaborate as much as we can.
kaiza-you are so stupid dude.

Kaiza635CSI;290575 said:
Mr. Guru. You're so sure of yourself aren't you? Why don't you just shut your gob and stop being a prat.

If this is really bothering you, why dont you come and speak up about it to us at the official TT? Come up with a petition or something. Don't talk too much damnit, just do it.

If your not happy with the Government then goto Putrajaya and make it heard, dont tell us your sob story. Go and have a demonstration for all i care.

You say your doing us a favour? Now I want you to really do us a favour dont talk so much and do more action.


kaiza- First of all, it is rude to resort to name calling, you don't know me well enough to say that I am a pratt.

If you bothered to read my posts, I have already done something about the traffic stops. Read about it on the Subang Jaya newsweekley.Got pics and all!!

I call you stupid because of this. You failed to try to understand this thread and jumped to conclusions that this is a goman bashing forum.

'If this is really bothering you, why dont you come and speak up about it to us at the official TT?' - that's the forum where no action is taken! TT is just that ..TT..I'd be better off having TT with my buddies. Like I stated, besides contributing to this forum. I have acted on the issues that concern me.

You see, you're making yourself look more stupid by making personal attacks on people you don't even know and don't even try to understand.This is the type of mentality that makes us look like we're in the stone-age.

Can we not have a discussion here without name calling and rude comments that provoke emotions?
guru;290623 said:
Can we not have a discussion here without name calling and rude comments that provoke emotions?

Yes. That would be nice. If it gets out of hand, this thread will get locked and name callers will earn 1 infraction for 10 days for insulting others. Discussions are meaningful if participants can articulate their views appropriately, without getting abusive. The ones that get nasty will lose when they earn sufficient infractions which will result in loss of posting priviledges. Can't have the last word if you can't post anymore, right?
guru;290623 said:
kaiza- First of all, it is rude to resort to name calling, you don't know me well enough to say that I am a pratt.

If you bothered to read my posts, I have already done something about the traffic stops. Read about it on the Subang Jaya newsweekley.Got pics and all!!

I call you stupid because of this. You failed to try to understand this thread and jumped to conclusions that this is a goman bashing forum.

'If this is really bothering you, why dont you come and speak up about it to us at the official TT?' - that's the forum where no action is taken! TT is just that ..TT..I'd be better off having TT with my buddies. Like I stated, besides contributing to this forum. I have acted on the issues that concern me.

You see, you're making yourself look more stupid by making personal attacks on people you don't even know and don't even try to understand.This is the type of mentality that makes us look like we're in the stone-age.

Can we not have a discussion here without name calling and rude comments that provoke emotions?

You can talk... If it seems like no one here is listening to what u have to say, then dont bring up the issue or even talk about it. As u say this is the forum which is taking no ACTION? then fuck off cunt!
Relax la bros..

Don't spoil your holiday weekends by getting emotional on these topics la...
Still pay toll even if we beat the crap out of each other.
Things will not improve or change...
Happy holidays guys..

Kaiza635CSI;290769 said:
Hey i pay my tolls, Im not complaining about the tolls.

U would if it's right outside your house and you have no CHOICE but to pay...

Anyway, please keep ur cool. No one learns anything in a heated discussion...
i have the kerinchi link which is 5mins from my house, and penchala link. im not complaining. u think they're gonna put one here, with the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in my area?
guru;290623 said:
kaiza- First of all, it is rude to resort to name calling, you don't know me well enough to say that I am a pratt.

If you bothered to read my posts, I have already done something about the traffic stops. Read about it on the Subang Jaya newsweekley.Got pics and all!!

I call you stupid because of this. You failed to try to understand this thread and jumped to conclusions that this is a goman bashing forum.

'If this is really bothering you, why dont you come and speak up about it to us at the official TT?' - that's the forum where no action is taken! TT is just that ..TT..I'd be better off having TT with my buddies. Like I stated, besides contributing to this forum. I have acted on the issues that concern me.

You see, you're making yourself look more stupid by making personal attacks on people you don't even know and don't even try to understand.This is the type of mentality that makes us look like we're in the stone-age.

Can we not have a discussion here without name calling and rude comments that provoke emotions?

Ok Guru, I would like to apologise for my behaviour and name calling it was a bit uncalled for.

Had a really bad day. Im sorry if i took it out on you. If u have a petition i'll give you my support and sign it. ok?
Kaiza635CSI;290783 said:
i have the kerinchi link which is 5mins from my house, and penchala link. im not complaining. u think they're gonna put one here, with the amount of Tuns, Tan Sri's, and MP's living in my area?

Please read the first post:

Lionel_Koh;290037 said:
I think the residents of Bandar Mahkota Cheras (Icld me ) feel the pain about the Grand Saga Highway block the main access road our Taman and intend to built a Tol in front of Taman to collect tol money .......So ridiculous

Somemore our work Minister Sammy Vellu ask the developer to bare the cost to built the Tol.....dammmm funny ....Pls read the link below to see wat he answer about the issue .....


Untill now the road still block and resident there still need to pay tol to our home .........

Wat u guys think about it and how to solve it .....

Pls refer link below for more detail .........



Wat i piss of is the access was approved B4 the highway was contruct ....Therefore no reasons the Grand Saga to block the access road ....

The residents HAVE TO pay toll to get home, that was the complaint... In your case, you choose to pay toll for speedier travel but you can still go places without paying.
The residents HAVE TO pay toll to get home, that was the complaint... In your case, you choose to pay toll for speedier travel but you can still go places without paying.

If you all realize one thing that every one in puchong has to pay tol in order for them to go back. They are not making big fust ma. Some more drive BMW some more spare part taukey aiiyyyyooooo just pay the tol and be happy la just like Bundy say no like pindah from that area la.
This reminds me of the time when the PJ side of Old Klang Road was turned into a highway (NPE) with the Toll Plaza near my house. I was totally aghast with the idea of 'converting' an existing road into a tolled one.

Fast forward several years later, it's one of the most essential roads in my travels. Can't complain about the RM1.60 fee as petrol, maintenance and time is noticably reduced.

Now if only we can sort out those boneheaded drivers/riders who are intent on killing themselves along with innocents, things would be just dandy and travelling more enjoyable...
me too

Kaiza635CSI;290789 said:
Ok Guru, I would like to apologise for my behaviour and name calling it was a bit uncalled for.

Had a really bad day. Im sorry if i took it out on you. If u have a petition i'll give you my support and sign it. ok?

your apology accepted as I offer mine. we are civilized after all aren't we?

I had already taken up the traffic stop issue with Lee Hwa Beng in late december. They are well aware of it and it and hopefully will be rectified soon. I just hope no poor soul should hurt themselves when they come face to face with barrier.
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