Our So call " Kerajaan Malaysia"..................

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after reading so many posts here, all I can say is don't just do your job to vote but also go and play a roll on the ground and get others to vote the same. THe Net community is still a minority. Are you willing to go to the ground, IN PUBLIC, and wave a different flag than your business partners, direct reports, relatives, etc etc?

Because to me, putting on the Net, using a nickname, blaming the govt is just like "throwing the stone and hiding your hand (direct translation of "baling batu sembunyi tangan."

Yes, people are frustrated. But, a single voice, especially an anonymous one, will have little impact to the powers that be. Sign a petition, do a youtube, write to the newspapers, call the tv stations and put the facts right. A lot of hardwork but it can be done. Kudos who have put in their efforts as to me this is a sign of strong love for the country.

At least, statement like "Don't like the gomen, go vote la!" is better than "Don't like the gomen, migrate la!" kind of statement.. :D
Lionel_Koh;291330 said:
Its fall under Ulu Langat state ......Belong to UMNO,BN ........

When the thing happend .......No BN ppl dare to get involve.......Only DAP offer help .......

But now i even angry cos when PM announced to built new Chinese school in Sg Long/Mahkota Cheras, MCA now want to form a committee to handler the project ....Where r they when all Mahkota Cheras residence need them ????????

Lionel ... do you know the history of SG long and where Mahkota cheras is built on...

To brief you exact ..SG long was a small residential area back in 1980's when it was first built...
The land where it is today, belongs to SHL and marubeni ....therefore the stake was 60/40... and cheras Mahkota is under Mukim HULU Langat and just like SG Long too whereby belongs to SHL and marubeni before it was sold to the C.MAH developer ......Infact SG Long was suppose to expand further but i think the deal of sales was good till it was then SOld to the developer of CM..

Now about you inquiry about the TOLL matter ...well this was something that was a hidden agenda from your Developer... Just to promote Cheras mahkota interm of sales and so on ..a road was built before the Plaza toll ... to tell you honestly ..there was no road plans to intercept the initial SG long road too ...upon heavy traffic today there is a Traffic light there to just give way for those living in Cheras Mahkota ... So this is a Bonus to the CM residence...infact you'' should pursue this matter with the DEVELOPER which is hiding or probably having a nice holiday in the

Well to say further i will definately VOTE for BN/ Umno as based on Experience the DAP / PAS did not do any further improvement for the MUKIM HULU LANGAT ...

BACK TO YOUR QUESTION ---When the thing happend .......No BN ppl dare to get involve.......Only DAP offer help .......
Well DAP will offer anything which they themselves know aint worth..what have DAP do for the residence of Cheras BT9 .?? nothing as the entire town is still sleeping just like to older days ...

well i'm proud of them as when PAS was in power mid 90's ..it was disastrous and there was no project around the KAJANG district and everthing is not in order ...from the potholes to the infrastructure of the roads was screwed-up ...

So everyone then saw it and decide that there was much more improvement when it was under BN/ UMNO ...and early 2000 the mukim HULU LANGAT is ruled back by BN ... till then we saw a lot of development .. the SILK HIGHWAY, SG CHUA industrial ZONE and many more....

the noise will always rise when others from else where migrate to this little town as if they came from a much more sophisticated TOWN before ...

well that is what i say to ppl out there ...want to buy properties in KAJANG you need to know the history ... GO back to the District office and find for the lay-out plan there ...you'll know better upcoming plans ...

sometimes it is not because the opposition cannot do their job effectively, they don't get the money allocated and get no cooperation from the local council. This is a difficult situation as people vote from the angle of "development" in expense of other matters such as corruption, leakages, hanky panky, monkey behaviours in Parliament, etc.

I better stop. :D
affan66;291621 said:
sometimes it is not because the opposition cannot do their job effectively, they don't get the money allocated and get no cooperation from the local council. This is a difficult situation as people vote from the angle of "development" in expense of other matters such as corruption, leakages, hanky panky, monkey behaviours in Parliament, etc.

I better stop. :D

Well said:top:

I better stop oso:smokin: :love:
I never vote based on Party... it is the person u r voting to representing your area. Those who are shy, quiet and waiting-4-things-2-happen kind don't deserve my vote.
Some open and intelligent discussions here. Some strong views and heated passion too, which are par for the course in a democracy.

Point to note, there is a difference between the civil service and the ruling political party. The two are often confused here because it has been the same party in power since independence.

Vote with a pen or with your feet. Democracy is all about choices.
And whoever u vote, "they" know if they really wanted to find out by tracing back on the serial number on the vote paper against the name list. They mark your name with the vote paper number to prevent voter from voting twice for whatever reason.. :D

And the ink they will use to mark your thumb nail, I believe there's agent that can wash them away la! If not, can use sand paper to sand/grind it off ma.. I definitely won't vote twice la.. fun meh? I wonder whom the "tactic" in favor of ??? :rolleyes:
CALON = current PM ma.. :D

PARTY = BN lor.. what is there to see... hahahahaaaaaa.....

Now u know why many see it the other way round.. :D
FYI, there will not be a serial number for this year's vote paper. This has been clarified by EC many many times. For those voting, please insist that the polling agents don't write down your IC number anywhere. They only need to strike out your name when you receive the vote paper.

If you have any queries, find the political parties' counting and polling agents (aka PACA) who can assist you if you have doubts.

For the ink, there are better solutions, but it is costly. This will prevent some but not all. What's important is to have people on the ground to monitor. Make good use of youtube la....
Oh yes... now I remember.. they write ur IC number on the counterfoil of the vote paper or something.. so if they discover a spoil vote, they know exactly who's playing a fool with them. thanks for the tip.. will make sure this round they don't write down my IC number... then I can draw a middle finger on the vote and place a big X next to it.. :D hahahahaaaaa..

So affan66.. bila.. ??

kekekekeeekeee... kidding.. ;)
ICEMAN 13;291599 said:
Lionel ... do you know the history of SG long and where Mahkota cheras is built on...

To brief you exact ..SG long was a small residential area back in 1980's when it was first built...
The land where it is today, belongs to SHL and marubeni ....therefore the stake was 60/40... and cheras Mahkota is under Mukim HULU Langat and just like SG Long too whereby belongs to SHL and marubeni before it was sold to the C.MAH developer ......Infact SG Long was suppose to expand further but i think the deal of sales was good till it was then SOld to the developer of CM..

Now about you inquiry about the TOLL matter ...well this was something that was a hidden agenda from your Developer... Just to promote Cheras mahkota interm of sales and so on ..a road was built before the Plaza toll ... to tell you honestly ..there was no road plans to intercept the initial SG long road too ...upon heavy traffic today there is a Traffic light there to just give way for those living in Cheras Mahkota ... So this is a Bonus to the CM residence...infact you'' should pursue this matter with the DEVELOPER which is hiding or probably having a nice holiday in the

Well to say further i will definately VOTE for BN/ Umno as based on Experience the DAP / PAS did not do any further improvement for the MUKIM HULU LANGAT ...

BACK TO YOUR QUESTION ---When the thing happend .......No BN ppl dare to get involve.......Only DAP offer help .......
Well DAP will offer anything which they themselves know aint worth..what have DAP do for the residence of Cheras BT9 .?? nothing as the entire town is still sleeping just like to older days ...

well i'm proud of them as when PAS was in power mid 90's ..it was disastrous and there was no project around the KAJANG district and everthing is not in order ...from the potholes to the infrastructure of the roads was screwed-up ...

So everyone then saw it and decide that there was much more improvement when it was under BN/ UMNO ...and early 2000 the mukim HULU LANGAT is ruled back by BN ... till then we saw a lot of development .. the SILK HIGHWAY, SG CHUA industrial ZONE and many more....

the noise will always rise when others from else where migrate to this little town as if they came from a much more sophisticated TOWN before ...

well that is what i say to ppl out there ...want to buy properties in KAJANG you need to know the history ... GO back to the District office and find for the lay-out plan there ...you'll know better upcoming plans ...


The committee of Open Access Road already obtained the black and white about the approval of the access road from local gvt, MPKJ b4 the Grand Saga HW contructed .......Tis is the fact and no one can denied it .....

Tat road was approved 1994 when the developer Lion Group summitted the plan to developer BMC ........

The last meeting btw Selangor gvt,LLM,Grand Saga and committe .......LLM said they r not giving any approval to block the access road( u can find the information from lot of new paper ) ..Its Grand Saga blocked the access road by themself ......Pls take note ...Grand Saga is under LLM which mean they cant do anything without LLM consent ......But untill today the road still blocked ...WHY ?

About who to vote ...actually i dont mind to vote BN if they really care about us .....We dont want Kerajaan tat will just deliver something when election is nearby ...We want Kerajaan which care about Rakyat all the time .........

For me .......I still cant see the opposition can rule tis country by tis moment ....But i would like to see some monitoring by the opposition meaning we cant leat Kerajaan to hold >2/3 seat in Parlimen cos they can make any decision and NO balance of Power ........As u can see until today ...The most ideal system still Dwi Party System like USA, UK Japan .....At least the on rule gvts is monitoring by opposition which also capable to take over the country ......

We need time to achieve it for sure ...But we must start to do it after our country Merdeka for 50 yrs .....

Its just my opinions .....No offence here ....
Lee36328;291745 said:
Some open and intelligent discussions here. Some strong views and heated passion too, which are par for the course in a democracy.

Point to note, there is a difference between the civil service and the ruling political party. The two are often confused here because it has been the same party in power since independence.

Vote with a pen or with your feet. Democracy is all about choices.

From what I gathered, we used to have resident-elected rep running the local municipal councils but that was abolished and council reps were appointed but the state government since then.

We all love what we have here in the country, but we shouldn't let unjust goes by and do nothing about it. The country deserved to be run fairly and justly.. If we stay quiet and let it take its own course, it'll go 6 ft under very fast.
fabianyee;292024 said:
From what I gathered, we used to have resident-elected rep running the local municipal councils but that was abolished and council reps were appointed but the state government since then.

We all love what we have here in the country, but we shouldn't let unjust goes by and do nothing about it. The country deserved to be run fairly and justly.. If we stay quiet and let it take its own course, it'll go 6 ft under very fast.

Local Council Elections were abolished then to prevent communist party members from taking over the Local Councils. Of course, its no longer a relevant excuse now and the reason for not holding Local Council Election is pretty obvious. And hence our MPs are now acting like local councillors rather than what they are elected to do (lawmakers!!) because all these councillors are put in place by their political masters to safeguard their own interests.

For Malaysia - Tanah Tumpah Darah KU, to move on to the next level there has to be a total systematic revamp on how things are bring done. At this moment, I just can't see how this will get done in the near future, things will have to get a lot worse, before it gets better. :rock:
Lionel_Koh;292003 said:
The committee of Open Access Road already obtained the black and white about the approval of the access road from local gvt, MPKJ b4 the Grand Saga HW contructed .......Tis is the fact and no one can denied it .....

Tat road was approved 1994 when the developer Lion Group summitted the plan to developer BMC ........

The last meeting btw Selangor gvt,LLM,Grand Saga and committe .......LLM said they r not giving any approval to block the access road( u can find the information from lot of new paper ) ..Its Grand Saga blocked the access road by themself ......Pls take note ...Grand Saga is under LLM which mean they cant do anything without LLM consent ......But untill today the road still blocked ...WHY ?

if this is the case .then Grand SAGA is making money lorrrr .. heard that BKT Dukung rest area stalls rental too was hiked 200%
no wonder lotsa makan stalll there is facing difficulties to maintain their rental

Darm GRAND SAGA...thanks for clearing as i was been told previously that there was no excess road before the TOLL...
Well done Iceman. :)

This is what I called a constructive discussion.
Aiyaaaa.. same story again.... Where is Blackrobe when u really need him. :rock:

Goverment cannot and will not change. Yes we have the right as a rakyat to voice out, but thats as usefull as used toilet paper. I have to agree with RB..we talk more than we act. Elections are coming, what will you do to help save the deploring state of this country's administation.

Guru has got a point too... Kudos. I am glad that everyone understands him now. I for one will look for oppurtunities else where. Weather I have the means or not to do so will depend entirely on my effort tomake it happen... If I chose to stay back then I will have to just put up with the crap this country has to offer and go yummiiieeeeee (like a pretentious moron). Like excepting that our freakin' road signs are gonna have Jawi writting when the chinese and indians have been here for ages, helped develope this country and much much more... do you see signs in tamil or chinese.... but voicing out isnt gonna help... Dont fall for the ' It's My Country, It's My Home Sentiment'. Build your own life and call it yours be it in this country or anywhere else. The democracy in this country is just a blanket for whats really going on.... Silent Socialism....

Kaiza pun make sense lah... So lets not gaduh and organise a TT or HH session for fun ya.

Whats More... I agree most with J Yazid... THIS IS A CAR CLUB FORUM !!!! Lets not get into this again....

p.s. Yazid..Bila nak minum
astroboy;291809 said:
Oh yes... now I remember.. they write ur IC number on the counterfoil of the vote paper or something.. so if they discover a spoil vote, they know exactly who's playing a fool with them. thanks for the tip.. will make sure this round they don't write down my IC number... then I can draw a middle finger on the vote and place a big X next to it.. :D hahahahaaaaa..

So affan66.. bila.. ??

kekekekeeekeee... kidding.. ;)

Hey if this is true then they will know who we vote for!!!:stupid: :stupid:
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